Monday 30 October 2017

The Highlander's Princess Bride - Vanessa Kelly

The illegitimate daughter of the Prince Regent might be expected to pursue various dubious professions. Actress, perhaps, or artist’s model. Even courtesan. Victoria Knight, however, has become a governess—a respectable choice, until she travels to Scotland to meet her new charges. The younger brothers of Nicholas Kendrick, Earl of Arnprior, aren’t children at all. They’re brawny, wild Highland men. As for the Earl, he’s handsome, guarded, and far too compelling . . . especially for a woman hiding a dark secret.

Nick needs a proper teacher to transform his unmarriageable brothers—and a sensible, 
straight-laced wife for himself. Miss Knight seems to fit the bill on both counts. But he soon discovers there is more to Victoria than he thought. It’s not just her notorious origins, or the danger that’s followed her all the way to Scotland. It’s the fiery loyalty beneath that sedate façade. This, the real Victoria, is the woman Nick is starting to desire so desperately. And what an earl wants, he’ll use every seductive means to get . . .

Kindle Edition, 352 pages
Expected publication: October 31st 2017 by Zebra
The Improper Princesses #3
Historical romance

My thoughts:
Highlander, princess, yes the title pulled me in. Obviously. 

Not that Victoria is a real princess, nope. She is a bastard who has never met her father. Her mother a glorified barmaid and she herself a right proper governess. Until...yes that thing that made her leave and take a new position.

Nick has lots of brothers and they run wild. The tortured one who needs his own book. The Doc. The Sick one (oh he was lovely, so sweet!), the X. And the rapscallion twins.  They have forgotten their manners and do need a few lessons. Oh and do not forget grumpy old grandad. Haha, this castle was a a hoot. As for Nick, well he is your normal laird with a few secrets of his own.

She is sent to care for one but gets the whole clan and the hijinks that ensures. 

It was amusing at times but it also dealt with some more serious things that I can not mention, spoilers and all. And then there are these two getting closer and living happily ever after.

It did make me want to read those other two books in the same series. Seems England is filled with royal bastards.


Cover Thoughts


  1. this looks super cute, I love my highlander books :D

  2. I do love the royal bastards in England...they are fun to read.

  3. Royal bastards! LOL Why does that make me want to read it? LOL

    1. Bastards are always fun...the royal kind anyway

  4. I love the cover, and bastards so this appeals!

  5. This does sound good. I am really curious about what kind of serious things it dealt with. Glad you enjoyed it!

  6. Laughing at England being filled with royal bastards. Like the sound of those boys = I think I'd enjoy them.

    1. i wonder how many people are related to the royals cos of all real bastards
