Saturday 25 January 2014

Novella review: Forsworn - Brian McClellan

Erika ja Leora is a powder mage in northern Kez, a place where that particular sorcery is punishable by death. She is only protected by her family name and her position as heir to a duchy.

When she decides to help a young commoner—a powder mage marked for death, fugitive from the law—she puts her life and family reputation at risk and sets off to deliver her new ward to the safety of Adro while playing cat and mouse with the king’s own mage hunters and their captain, Duke Nikslaus.

Occurs 35 years before the events in Promise of Blood.

My thoughts:
Some novellas and short stories are just that, short. Then there are those that are just perfect like they are, and this one was :)

I think there is a fine line when writing novellas. Most often I get that feeling I want more, and not in a good way, they are just too short. I can't say how McClellan managed to make it so good but he did. This was an episode in Erika's life and yes of course I want more. But this story was perfect like it was. I just want more by the author instead.

Ok yes yes I should stop talking about novellas, but you guys know me ;)

Erika is a powdermage in a country where that is bad, but she is also a grand daughter of a Duke so that saved her. As lucky is not the person on the run she finds and decides to help. There is danger before them.

And I liked meeting Erika as I knew from the book who she was. The little I knew also seemed interesting so this was fun to read. Now I kind of also want to see what she said when she meets a certain person for the first time.

As it does take place before Promise of Blood you can read it before, or read it after. Just read it. The end.

Cover Snark
It kind of looks like some old painting. I can't say it's truly fitting, but it's ok 

Kindle Edition, 64 pages
Published January 21st 2014 by Brian McClellan
For review


  1. But what about the cover?! ;)

  2. Chris is right! THE COVER DARNIT!
    Buut I do like the cover and it sounds really good. I like short stories and novellas a lot.

    1. LOL. calm down, here here HERE!!! *hides*

  3. I feel the same way about novellas, good ones leave me wanting more.

  4. I'm glad you found a novella that worked for you.

    I was never a fan of them or anthologies but they have gotten SO much better in the past year.

    1. That they have, I used to like none to actually coming across good ones now

  5. I love novellas when they're done right. Instant gratification and a quick fix when you don't have much time but want a story. Looks like this one ticked all the boxes for you. Great review! :)

    1. it did, a perfect dip into another world for a few pages. And when it was done it was done. left me good and the character moved on to other things

  6. I love the cover of this one and the fact that it's a novella - a GOOD one - says a lot about it. Novellas are usually hit-or-miss for me so I'm glad to see this one worked for you. I'll definitely have to check it out myself! :)

    1. I did enjoy it :D I needed no more, I mean of course I need more cos it was good. But I do not need more cos it left me wanting

  7. It's hard with novellas. I've read some that I really didn't like because they didn't have enough time to delve into it (I think time travels are very hard to do in novella form). OTOH, there have been some novellas leaving me wanting more but in a good way.

    1. Time travel would be hard, I mean how need to be asked and then to have time to be there too

  8. Doesn't look like one for me but glad you enjoyed it! I've read a few really good shorts/novellas lately. Always nice when that happens.

    1. Fantasy is not for everyone but I sure love it :)

  9. Nice review Linda, glad you enjoyed it.

  10. I usually don't have any problems with novella when they're from series I love, it's more difficult when it's apart. But I'l glad you liked this one!

    1. I even have issues then so it was harder before but they have gotten better

  11. I wanted to go back to Promise of Blood to look up Erika and even Norrine. I couldn't remember them for sure, but Erika's name sounded familiar.

    It was good!

    1. I get the feeling, I read so many books so every name in my brain is all in one big book

  12. So glad to hear it was good. I truly love when I find a novella that has the same strong impact of a novel!

  13. I'm glad to hear this didn't leave you feeling like it was too short, that always happens to me with novellas, it's really rare to get one that has a good story!

    1. it sure is rare, but good things come along now and then

  14. Now that's a good novella, doesn't happen often so I'm keeping an eye out for it.
