Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Review: The Life O'Reilly - Brian Cohen

Genre: Fiction
Pages: 276
Published: 2009

On the outside, Nick O’Reilly has it all: a high-flying legal career, as a partner of an elite Wall Street law firm, and financial security, with an apartment overlooking Central Park. Having grown up in a working-class family, as far back as Nick can remember this was his dream. But at the age of thirty-six, after several years of sacrificing his personal life for professional gain, Nick has started to ponder his future and consider the mark he wants to leave on society both professionally and personally—his legacy.

After being chastised in the press for turning a cold shoulder to the community, the firm calls upon Nick to help rehabilitate its image by handling its first pro bono case. Nick is asked to represent Dawn Nelson, a domestic violence victim who is fighting for custody of her young son, Jordan. A far cry from Nick’s speciality of defending the misdeeds of Corporate America, it is up to Nick to set Dawn and Jordan on a path to a better life. But Nick gets much more than he signed on for, as Dawn forces him to reassess his life choices and, ultimately, be true to himself. Only when Nick finally realizes what is truly important in life does he face his toughest—and possibly final—challenge: a battle for his own survival.

This was a wonderful book about a man finding himself, and love. Nick is a hot-shot lawyer, he works long hours, he doesn't always get that much respect from his superior, and he has no time for a personal life. The firm is everything. But then he gets a pro bono case, and realizes that he does want more.

I liked Nick, he seemed like a really decent guy who was starting to have second thoughts about doing what he was, making rich people richer. He deserved more, and there was this longing in him. The he meet Dawn, the woman he was representing. She was nice and wanted more too, after being in a abusive relationship. Of course the whole client-lawyer thing is a big fat no, so it's easy to figure out that it will have an impact.

It was a great tale about a man making some big changes in his life, and how he dared to take that chance when loved showed up. They did seem meant to be. The story was compelling, and I even peaked ahead a bit.

What the story also made me feel was sadness, yes there were tears near the end. Happiness, sadness, curiosity about where the story went, and a nice sweet romance.

The story made me think too, about making what you want out of life, taking that chance on love, life, a new job, anything.
A good story, with characters that felt real.

Blodeuedd's Cover Corner: Simple yet so beautiful
Reason for reading: From the author.
Final thoughts: Good


  1. I really enjoyed this book and I also needed my tissues at the end. I'm glad you liked it!

  2. This sounds so good, and I love when books actually make you feel something...this sounds brilliant. Great review! :)

  3. This looks great! You don't often see this kind of thing with a guy protagonist. Nice!
    Teens Read and Write

  4. A very interesting book - thanks for the review, it was great too! I must also add that I simply love the cover photo - this park bench and autumn leaves...

  5. Blod!

    This sounds like a good story...but JO-JO said I'd need a tissues at the end! It sounds like a very touching I'm going to have to buy this one! girls! I'm buying books I shouldn' you have to give such great reviews?

    Enjoyed it sweetie!

  6. Sounds like a lovely read! Clever title, too.

  7. Sounds like a sweet enjoyable read, even if tissues were required. Thanks B!

  8. Never heard of this book or this author before and being a non-fantasy book I would never have known this nice read existed! Thanks for the heads up and the wonderful review!

  9. Before I read your review, I was looking at the cover and I kept imagining that that is how Central Park must look. Only as I read your review did I realise that is actually was Central Park!

  10. JoJo
    I am glad too, but yes those tissues were needed.

    I know, that it was a good book should do, make you feel, or well just sweep you off your feet

    Nope, it was nice, I knew that if I would have met him I would have liked him.

  11. Ana
    So simple, and so beautiful. I just love images like this, and fall can sure be so beautiful.

    It is because we are pure evil ;) You know it mouwhaahaha.
    Tissues could be needed, but I am silent.

    Very cool :) I like clever titles

    They would be good to have near, not that I needed one, but still sad.

  12. Cherry
    That is what I am here for :) We can't having you read only fantasy, lol. Though it is the best genre ever.

    It was :D

    Lol, well done! Ok I do not know if it truly is Central P, but considering it is set near Central P it surely must be

  13. Boo to tears. Otherwise this sounds like a wonderful book.

  14. What a lovely review. Sounds like the character makes some major changes :)

  15. I thought this was lovely story too - glad you enjoyed it.

  16. Carol
    Boo to tears indeed, but sometimes they just come

    He sure did, and kudos for that. Not everyone would give up that kind of money

    I did get really interested after your review :)

  17. Glad you liked this one! I read it awhile ago and liked it but didn't love it.

  18. Amused,
    I guess it was the same for me, since I rarely love

  19. Wonderful review, B. This sounds both good and inspiring.

  20. Thanks Ladybug :)
    And that it was

  21. Inked
    Lol, I sure did, I was bad

  22. I liked this one alot, great review.
    I needed tissues at the end too.

  23. I thought it was a good book too!!

  24. Naida
    Those evil tissues, but so needed

    It sure was :)
