Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Review: The Ex-Boyfriend's handbook - Matt Dunn

Genre: Kind of chick-lit for men...lad-lit (not gonna use that other word, spam alert ;)
Pages: 368
Published: November 2010 Sourcebooks

"It's not me-it's you."
When Edward Middleton hears those words from Jane, his girlfriend of ten years, he knows he's in serious trouble. Determined to get her back, Edward realizes he must learn how to make women want him again. But one thing is certain: if he's to be Jane's Mr. Right, he needs to turn himself around. From Atkins to waxing, Edward works his way through the makeover alphabet. But can he rise from the ranks of discarded exes, or will his journey take him in another direction entirely?

Ok for, my chick-lit for men thing, well, I mean it has the way of chick-lit, but it's from a male POV, and instead of all that romance there is more humour. Something for women to enjoy and also a book that men will like.

One day Edward comes home and his girlfriend has left for Tibet. She has left a note telling him that he has left himself go so he starts this journey to improve his looks, his job, his life, in hope to get her back when she comes home from Tibet.

My thoughts:
I do chick-lit and this is the male equivalent I guess. It was funny and I enjoyed it. Edward, or cuddly Teddy is such a sweet guy and I feel for him at once. Sure he could have worked on his relationship but still just because he has changed is not an excuse to dump him. Of course after this ordeal he is even more of a keeper. He does see that his job is going nowhere, that he really should loose a few pounds, and that he could learn how to dress better.

His accomplish in all this is his friend Dan, a playboy and he thinks he is a gift to women. But it is fun to see him try to get Edward to get on with his life, and Edward does learn how not to deal with women. Aww, I liked that he saw that Dan's way is not his way. Other big players are his nymphomaniac boss, the waitress at the pub who gives him advice, and his personal trainer. A good little cast that all sees things from different perspectives.

The book was funny and I could see it was written by a male because sometimes when they explained things to Edward they did it in this storylike fashion, I mean like explaining the art of the first date in football terms and how the games goes. That was not used but you get the idea. I found it very amusing.

Recommendation and final thoughts:
It was a fun book, I do like humour, and kept wondering what Edward would do in the end, get his ex back or find another, better woman. A woman who loved him for himself. I think I am gonna give this one 3,50 because it was fun and easy to read, but the best part that both and women could really enjoy this one.

Reason for reading:
Lol, there was a quote from Sophie Kinsella on the cover

Cover: Nice

From the publisher


  1. Sounds interesting. Nice Review! :)

  2. This does sound like an amusing book. Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. It sounds like a fun book. For some reason I don't usually read non-genre books told from the male POV. I guess it's harder for me to relate to male protagonists. But this sounds like a book I might enjoy.

  4. So what should we call male chick lit then? I can think of a rhyming word but that would be so unprofessional and crude.LOL

  5. Glad you liked it. I'm not sure chick lit written by a guy is for me though. lol.

  6. A nice read; if it is full of humour I might be tempted although I am not a fan of chick lit...allergic to some shades of pink I suppose...;)

  7. LOL - lad-lit, that's a first for me to hear. i think i want to try this one for a quickie ;-D

  8. Great review! This one sounds really entertaining, and while I'd normally look right over it based on the cover, I'll give it a go now! Thank you :)

  9. Sounds cute, but I'm not sure it's the book for me. Thanks for the review.

  10. Sounds cute. I might enjoy it, but I definitely can't picture my husband reading it.

  11. Sounds cute. I'll keep an eye out for it.

  12. Sounds like a book I might have fun with as long as the male characters aren't too annoying. ;) I mean a guy who thinks he's god's gift can be annoying or funny.

  13. Sounds fun! Could be nice change from the books I usually read.

  14. Thanks Julie

    I needed something more upbeat with a HEA that is not too HEA

    I am the same, mostly, lit fic, yes there and of course fantasy but that is the only genres for some reason

    Lol, it is actually called that but I chose not to use it cos yes..

  15. Dar
    It is just less romance in it, that is the only difference :)

    Ah but there is the difference, no romance here, it mostly about his journey to be a new man

    Hihi, I think I have read lad-lit before, Gayle something, liked it too

    It does look more like something a guy could pick up too so I like it cos of that. Men should read *eyes bf*

  16. Bermuda
    They can't all be :)

    Too bad, but hey you read it and see what I mean about how males explain things, so funny

    Do that :)

    He was an ass I will give you that, but he he got what was coming to him..can't say more

    We can't live only in history lol

  17. I've never read a male chick-lit before... so this should be interesting...

  18. I also have a copy of this one and can't wait to read it!

  19. You know I would be rooting for Edward and his friend to get together instead. ;)

  20. Cherry
    It was certainly different, I will give you that

    I hope you enjoy it :)

    Lol, you are so bad ;)

    I really needed something a bit more fun. And something happy in the end too

  21. This sounds like a fun book.

  22. Oh I want to read this one -- wonderful review!

  23. Huh, I love chick lit so I'd be intrigued by the reverse. May just have to check this one out.

  24. DC
    It was nice, cool with a man's perspective on a breakup

    Aww love it too :)

  25. This looks like a cute one. I'll have to check it out.

  26. karen
    Good ahead and see what a man thinks :)

  27. I just thought of the funniest male version phrase for chick-lit but from a male's POV. I won't say it here but I just got the giggles.

    Sounds like an interesting read. It's nice to get a story told from a man's POV from time to time.

  28. Vixen
    I am pretty sure that you are thinking about the word that is actually used ;) Lol

  29. LMAO!! Glad I'm not the only one with a naughty brain :)

  30. Lol, I get spammed enough as it is so not gonna mention it but yes it's not only you ;)
