Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Review: The Darkest Night - Gena Showalter +guestblogging

Series: Lords of the Underworld #1
Genre: Paranormal romance
Pages: 374
Published: 2008
Publisher: HQN
Source: Bought

All her life, Ashlyn Darrow has been tormented by voices from the past. To end the nightmare, she has come to Budapest seeking help from men rumored to have supernatural abilities, not knowing she'll be swept into the arms of Maddox, their most dangerous member -- a man trapped in a hell of his own.

Neither can resist the instant hunger than calms their torments . . . and ignites an irresistible passion. But every heated touch and burning kiss will edge them closer to destruction -- and a soul-shattering test of love . 

My thoughts:
Poor little, D at Paperback DayDreamer forced me to read this book, aye she said she would kick my ass if I did not do it before the end of October. And I being a scared little rabbit did as she told me.

Ok in reality it was more that she read the series and every time I commented how I meant to start it..again and again. Then finally she asked me and I confessed to needing that kick in the butt to get started ;)

And I am happy to finally have started this series because Maddox was a hottie. He is the kind of man that in reality I would knee him in the groin and tell him that he is not the boss of me. But in the books, all the mine mine mine, just makes me melt. He is truly alpha, a bit of a cave man, tormented by the demon inside him, and come on what more can a girl ask for?!

The heroine, oh whatever, who cares about the heroine when I have a alpha caveman, demoninfested hottie to read about ;) A guy who dies every night and is tormented in hell. But yeah yeah, good heroine, they sparked.

The concept of the series was good too. Pandora's box was open and now they house the demons inside and it is pure hell. They are also people after them and have been for a long time. But of course all these men will find their sweethearts and live happily ever after.

I should say something about what happened, Maddox meets Ashlyn, it does not take long for him to want her, trouble with his brothers, trouble with bad guys, the Gods are up to no good, and Ashlyn and Maddox has some hot passion before them. There you go, and I must say that the last 100 pages were thrilling.

I hope the rest are as alpha, cos you know I love that. I would read more.




And I am over at Cookies, books and bikes today and talking about the best romance books I have read since I started blogging 
Come say hi :D


  1. I'm glad you finally started this series. I have to say, I love it, though I am ashamed to say I'm waaaay behind on the latest books (blame it on my towering TBR pile). However, I do have one, Darkest Pleasure I believe, in my pile right now. Might have to pick it up this week; I'm itching for a hot and yummy alpha male. :D

    Have you read any of Showalter's other books? If not, may I highly suggest that you put them on your list as well. Her books are always hot, sexy, funny and interesting. :D Where can a girl go wrong?


  2. Glad you liked those, but I think you will love Christine Feehan even more ;)

  3. People do seem to love this series. It just doesn't grab me though, I'm not sure why.

  4. I've read the first 3 books in the story and each one was a struggle. I just couldn't connect with the heroes and the stories seemed a bit abrupt and melodramatic. I just didn't feel like I had closure with this story, I felt like there were a lot of unanswered questions. There was enough in the books that it made me curious about the next book and the next hero, but I've put the series aside for now.

  5. This is a series I keep saying I'm going start at some point as well! So glad you liked it as it means I might get round to reading it at some point! :)

  6. He manages to pull off the butterfly tattoo. I could not.

  7. I am glad she didn't kiss your ass in the end, lol.

  8. Glad you liked it enough to keep going with the series. I've heard a lot about this author but not sure this would be something I'd like.

  9. Haha, I often need a kick in the rear to get me to read a book that someone has recommended, too.

  10. Book Queen
    Not as behind as I was ;) But I had that problem too, but pile grew and grew and this one was left behind even though I really wanted to have a look at it.

    Nope this is the only book I have read by her. But the library has one of her YA books, but book 2! So silly

    But she has written so manY!!!

    Sometimes the magic is just not there and you gotta listen to your gut

    Sorry to hear that :/ I think I was in the mood for someone uber alpha. Cos even though I want to read more, I do not want to buy more. There are others I want more at the time

  11. Mel
    There are just those one mean to start (most books I do not own) but this one I got 2 years ago! SO I am glad I started it

    Lol, aye he does manage that somehow

    Kiss? Oh no, did I write it wrong, eeek

    You gotta trust your gut :) It is not the books for everyone

  12. Aarti
    It is the best thing that can happen ;) I really thrive on deadlines

  13. Aaaaaah! I like your cover for the book more than our US cover. And yes, you can never go wrong with reading about a hottie!

  14. He is the kind of man that in reality I would knee him in the groin and tell him that he is not the boss of me.

    LOL I wish I saw the face of your bf, reading this; btw do you think you can you knee a book in the groin? I am not sure this one is something for me but I might try it when I am bored.

  15. I need to start this series. I forget which number I did read... LOL Yes, I do have this series on my wishlist!

  16. LOL I don't mind Gena Showalter's writing but havent read this series, right now I could do with some "hottie" alpha reading :)

  17. I love it that she finally made you read it and that you liked it so much! I like that he's a hottie and a bit of a cave man...sounds good!

  18. "...who cares about the heroine when I have a alpha caveman..." Hee, hee. Maddox was a yummy caveman.

  19. Oh, Gena Showalter. She truly is a genius ;)

    Great review!

  20. Demons and Budapest - I think I've just been hooked. And the cover's quite pretty as well :)

  21. I agree alphas are great in books but if my man was an alpha he would have some serious work cut out for him with me :D

    Showalter is one of the authors I've said I'd like to try, I haven't yet.

  22. I've wanted to try her books but then I always end up buying something else. But one of these days!

  23. Yay! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the book. :-D Each Lord has his own personality but they all have the Mine, Mine, Mine in common when it comes to their women...just so sexy! Tehehe. I can't wait to see what you think about the rest of the guys and I'm so happy that I gave you the kick in the ass that you needed to try this series out. :-D Heading over to check out your other review for the day. :-)

  24. i really need to read something by this author!

  25. I liked this series for the first couple books, but I got pissed about something that happened and stopped reading.

  26. I really enjoy the earlier book in this series. It got a little hit or miss for me later but it's still a fun series.

  27. Missie
    Oh..there is another cover?

    Well he knows he is not the boss of me ;) He calls me a 4 year old sometimes. Yes yes, I am spoiled and have authority issues ;)

    Do try to knee a book, and if it works tell me.

    melissa Books
    *shakes head* I would not expect anything else from you. Bad bad you!

    It was very nice indeed. Sometimes I just need an over the top alpha male that does not back down.

    A caveman now and again is not bad, it is very good for you, lol, well that I tell myself at least.
    And yay for D

  28. Diana
    He was wasn't he? ;=D I like my cavemen

    I did like Budapest cos honestly, how often to I read something set there? make that never.

    Same here, I just do not like people telling me what to do, though I would not mind the mine mine mine

    Aye, that happens. there is alwways something shiny around the corner

  29. Paper
    Omg, YAY! I am very bad, but come one the whole mine thing just makes me melt, which is totally wrong, but it does ;)

    Thank you for kicking my ass. You are most kind

    I am sure she has something to your liking :)

    Oh no...which book pissed you off?

    Another miss for later, hm, that makes me nervous.....I am not happy when it is all downhill

  30. I don't even remember which one - I just remember getting pissed off about how things were turning out for Paris, so I simply stopped reading the series.

  31. I'm a fan of this series, and I loved this one when I read it! I like the Pandoras box idea also, as well as all the different lords living in that remote castle.
    Maddox *sigh*
    Glad you enjoyed this one too. If I remember right, the Tylenol bit had me laughing out loud.
    I've read up to book three in this series, I've been meaning to pick up the next one.

  32. Yay you liked it! And Yay you finally read it! You are so right about Maddox. In real-life, knee to the groin. But in a book...*swoon*. ;)

  33. Welcome to the world of the Lords of the Underworld..girl! Love this series. I'm behind two books but yeah they're pretty much alphas all the way.

    And totally with you all the mine, mine, mine makes me melt every time! ;)

  34. Chis
    Aha, bad I take, I have to see where he shows up more

    A castle (love those!), and it being filled with hot looking guys, that is what I call heaven....even if their touch could kill you, so ok not great.

    I liked that bit too, even though it was sad, it was so still so funny when he wanted Tylenol when she was really bad at the end.

    True, knee -> groin at once, in books <3 Lol

    It's good :D

    Possessiveness is not that good in the end but here, yes I want someone who says mine mine mine,. Lol

  35. blod, when he was trying to console her and telling her he was going to get her some Tylenol, I was lol so much I was in tears :P

  36. Naida
    I lol_ed there too :D it was so funny, sad, but funny :D
