Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Author Interview and Giveaway: Juliana Stone

Today I interview Juliana Stone :)


1. Could you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Sure! I’m a Canadian with a love of music, books, hockey and baseball. I’m married with two kids.  Our house is also home to the most gentle dog you’d ever meet and the cat who drives her crazy!

2. Can you tell me about your book, The Day he kissed her?
The Day He Kissed Her is book 3 in the Bad Boys of Crystal Lake series and it is Mac’s book. He’s my tortured hero who thinks he doesn’t deserve anything good in his life, but all that changes when he hooks up with his one night stand from New Year’s Eve, Lily St. Clare.

3. Can you give me 3 reasons why Mac is the man to read about?
Mackenzie come’s from an abusive past so he’s got a lot of demons to deal with.  BUT, he’s loyal as hell, he likes to have a good time and man does the guy know how to make a woman purr. 

4. Sometimes it’s fun to imagine who would play certain characters in a movie. Who would you see play Mac and Lily?

I based my character Mac on the very hot Charlie Hunnam from Sons of Anarchy fame, and Lily I’d pictured like the blond prosecutor on Law and Order, SVU. Cool as a cucumber. 

5. You have also written PNR and Sci-fi. Is there any other genre you would also love to try?  
Right now I’m also writing young adult contemporary fiction. My debut BOYS LIKE YOU releases in May.  I’ve got a middle grade book but it’s still kind of hush hush, but yes, I’m kind of dipping my toes all over the place and loving it.

6. What is coming next from you?  
BOYS LIKE YOU, the contemporary young adult releases in May. After that I have JACK which is book 2 in my Family Simon series and that release this summer. We’re also chatting about more Crystal Lake books and I should have more information about that in a few weeks.


1 copy of The day he kissed her

1. US and Canada
2. Ends  May 10th
3. Just enter


  1. It must be fun to get a chance to mix things up with different genres.

    The Day He Kissed Her sounds really good too.

  2. Cool, I like her picks for the casting :)


  3. I've seen this book around a lot, because of the cover I thought it was a historical romance.

  4. Not entering giveaway but great to read such a diverse author talking about their books

  5. Ooh, a Canadian author to add to my wishlist. Nice! Thanks, :)

  6. Adding the series to my TBR list. Nice review!

  7. it must be so interesting to write so many different genres like that. I really read one book by the author mainly as I have one.

  8. This interview is very lovely! I've never heard of this author before and The Day He Kissed Her seems like something I'd enjoy, so I'll definitely check it out. Thanks for making me discover a new author! :)

  9. "he’s loyal as hell, he likes to have a good time and man does the guy know how to make a woman purr. " Ooh it sounds like I need to meet this Mac. Like immediately! :-)

  10. Awesome interview! I haven't read any of Juliana Stone's book before, but after reading her interview, she'll be add to my list of authors. I love the cover on the book "The Day he Kissed Her"! I loved to read this book, any man that can make a woman purr, is my kind of man to meet. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.
    Donna Harris

  11. I always love a good tortured hero =)

  12. Great interview. I'd like to win the book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. How do u enter the give away for the book?

  14. thank you for the interview :)

  15. This book sounds so good. I love stories about a tortured hero, and I'd love to read it. Thanks for having the giveaway.

