Saturday, 30 August 2014

DNFs and #Bookblogwalkers Weekly Check-in Aug. 29, 2014

This challenge is organized by Felicia over at the Geeky Blogger's Book Blog, but this week Jen is hosting

Saturday 1 hour walk
Sunday - 1 hour walk
Monday - 1 hour workout class + 10 km bike
Tuesday - 5 km bike and 30 min walk
Wednesday - 1 hour walk and 5 km bike
Thursday - 10 km bike and 30 min walk
Friday  6 km bike

Sat and Sun

Toad. A "nice" swamp. No explanation needed. And a statue with a  mailbox on, you do not wanna see it in the dark.


DNF time

A girl finds herself in another world. All alone, there are weird animals, buildings, she  meets an advanced race and tries to fit in. Longer blurb

My thoughts:
Ugh I could not go on. Why is this girl still alive? Why is she not sad, depressed, angry or anything? So I gave up quickly. It was the wool thing that did it.

Kindle Edition, 273 pages, Published March 20th 2011 by Andrea K. Hösth. Touchstone #1. YA / Sci-fi. Own

Tries goes to explore the world outside the city and hears new truths. For a longer blurb see

My thoughts:
Do you know what I remember from this book...NOTHING. Well that they talked. I think I listened for 1 minute and then zoned out for an hour each time. I have no freaking idea what this book is about other than it was boring as, ugh, so boring!

SO I gave up like 60% through or something. Then I tried to find the end, gods, more boring talk!! And then more.

But then I found the thing people were upset about but by this time I could not give a f##k. Who cares! But ok I will admit for fans, that endings sucks ass. I would have been mad if I had not been forced to call it quits.

Audiobook, 12 pages. Published October 22nd 2013 by Harper Audio. Divergent #3. YA, Dystopia. Libary

A woman with no ties wanders the world and has great adventures cos she is so awesome. For a longer blurb see.

My thoughts:
Omg, just no. I think I was bored by page 2, suffered through a bit and just no.

World building? What world? There is some epic war going..ok, AND? Nothing.

The main character was stupid. The dialogue did not flow and there was this one thing that was really silly. She has just been kicked out and then she starts to think why the town is called that and I was all? What? And I gave up.

No, I would not recommend it and this book would have needed an editor.

Kindle Edition, 323 pages. Published January 28th 2010. The Book of Deacon #1. Fantasy. Own

The Chathrand is the last of her kind. Built 600 years ago she dwarves all the ships around her. Now, having survived countless battles and centuries of typhoons, it has gone missing. This is her story.

My thoughts:
When it comes to library books I give up quickly, and I knew from page one that this was not for me. Was I supposed to be amused by random silliness. It felt like that I could not wrap my head around what I read.

So I was bored and gave up.

Hardcover, 560 pages. Published February 1st 2008 by Gollancz .The Chathrand Voyage #1. Fantasy. Library

Two people meet, do not like each other but fall in love anyway. For a longer blurb see

My thoughts:
It started of fairly ok (though I saw nothing of PP), but then just in a few pages she manages to throw in religious stuff, and I was all, oh no. Christian fic?

I can do being religious, but I do not like preachy. Do not throw it in my face, I do not roll like that. So DNF.

Kindle Edition, 316 pages. Published 2013. Jane Austen Takes The South #1. Pride and Prejudice variation. Own

A detective needs to solve a big case, and the witness is a former one night stand. Plus politics. For a longer blurb

My thoughts:
I was so bored by page 70 that I had to DNF, I just could not bother caring for anyone or anything. I tried to read the end to find out who killed them but snooze.

Though for once I did see why others might like this one. It was just not my style.
ebook, 294 pages. Published June 21st 2010 by Carina Press. Fatal #1. Romantic suspense. Own

Girl  from Sense and Sensibility carves out a life full of adventure and artistic endeavor. For more see

My thoughts;
No, this was a no from page one. The way it was written was not for me, Eliza who cares. I gave up pretty fast, I do not have time for books that do not hook me at once.

Not for me then. Very dry.

ebook, 255 pages. Published November 1st 2008 by Sourcebooks Landmark (first published 1994). Jane Austen variation. Own


  1. The dreaded DNF's! It happens to all of us.
    And lol about that bear mailbox, I'd have a fit if I saw that in the dark.

    1. First it looks like a man standing there, and then you see the bear, and creepy

  2. Oh booooo so many DNF's. Hate that! Yeah - Allegiant was just boring not even taking into account the ending which I didn't care about either by that point.

    I love your summary for The Book of Deacon - "cos she's so awesome" *snort*

    1. The ending was baaaad! But I c ould not even get to the ending cos it was so freaking boring.

      Hehe, well it felt like that way with that deacon book

  3. We get a lot of toads around here too, once night falls they come out and I have to be careful not to step on them when I go out in the evenings.

    And the whole Divergent series was a mess, I totally understand why you would DNF. Ironically I still thought Allegiant was the best out of the three, but that's really not saying much.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. The toad was bad, but it was the first one I have seen. We got these tiny frogs and they are everywhere, I stepped on once and freaked out.

      LOL. You did? well I can see your point

  4. Wow, what a pace with your DNFs. If you carry on like that you'll soon run out of books to read. I admire some of your short blurbs - really funny!

    And great job with so much walking and riding!

    1. To be fair, it's a summer's share.
      Well thank you ;) I tried my best

  5. Great job on walking. That bear would be crazy to see at night. I hope all these DNFs don't discourage you to keep reading (it might for me lol). Hopefully you'll find something you like. Have a great week =)

    1. At winter, when it's always dark, it's not something you wanne see.

      Nah, at least I can dnf now, I could not always do that

  6. Looks like a great week of exercise and thanks for the laugh I got from the statue on the letter box.

  7. The only one I have is the Marie Force but haven't been all that motivated to get it read. Ah well.

    1. I will try another one by her and see if it's a better fit

  8. That bear things would certainly scare me! Sometimes, no matter how much others people seem to like a book, it is just not a good fit. No big deal, more time to read the other millions of books!

    1. True! And many of these were freebies, hey, still got over 1000 of those ;)

      The bear is scary, especially in the dark. First it looks like a man standing there, still, and then bear!

  9. AW sorry to hear you couldnt make it through Allegiant, I can see where you could feel like that

  10. Hhahahaha, you DNFed so much ahahaha. I'm surprised how some people can make up their mind after 2 pages. XD

    Thursday I missed the school bus so did 10km of bike!! ;)

    1. Some I do read a bit more but some, ugh, I just know

  11. I thought that bear was a warped, giant toad at first!

  12. From those the only one I know is Allegiant, I read first book, it was ok, but didn't continue with the series... and after hearing how the series ended... thanks but no... I pass.

  13. I've struggled with some books lately that were meh or DNFs. I'm hoping to pick up a winner soon.

    Cute toad. =)

  14. Oh no! I devoured Stray and want to re-read the whole series I loved it so much :) I think you and me have very polar taste in sci-fi. We had the same with Jean Johnson if I remember. I loved her sci-fi and you didn't. But your dnf posts make me laugh, they are awesome!

    1. Strange, but true!
      Stray was just omg, no, hated it. I did like Johnson better for I saw the goodness, but it was totally not for me
