Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Her Highness and the Highlander - Tracy Anne Warren

While journeying home from Scotland, Princess Mercedes of Alden's coach is set upon and her personal guard is killed. Barely escaping with her life, Mercedes seeks help at a nearby inn. But since she has no money and looks little better than a beggar, her claim that she is a princess is dismissed by the townsfolk as a far-fetched tale. Utterly forsaken, Mercedes wonders what is to become of her.

After years of soldiering, dispossessed Laird Daniel MacKinnon is finally coming home. While at an inn, he is confronted by a bedraggled young woman claiming to be of royal blood. Daniel doesn't believe her wild tale, but when she asks for his protection, he agrees to serve as her bodyguard; in turn she promises to reward him handsomely once they reach London.

But Mercedes is still being pursued by ruthless hunters whose motives remain unclear. The danger increases, as does the desire that she and Daniel feel for each other, until the two of them must face the greatest danger of all: falling in love.

My thoughts:
Cute, fluffy, passionate. The end.

But ok I will say more. A princess who escapes those who want to ransom her? Kill her? Rob her? She does not know. And no one she meets believes she is a princess. But then well who would? She looks like crap after a night in the woods. Still why she just didn't go back to school beats me. Instead she heads for London, I would think that would be farther away.

Anyway, in comes a hunky Highlander to the rescue! He may not believe her, but he is a kind man who sees a woman in trouble.

Onward! Kind strangers. Kisses in the dark. And what will happen when he does realize that she IS a princess...*music of doom*

It was cute. I also liked that they sort of waited for the smexy times. A quick historical romance.


Mass Market Paperback, 340 pages
Published November 6th 2012 by Signet
The Princess Brides #2
Historical romance


  1. Replies
    1. I thought it was Wednesday, and then F! it's only Tuesday :/

  2. Oh this sounds like a great read for a Saturday afternoon :) I love quick reads then!

  3. I'll be sure to turn to this the next time I'm in the mood for some smexy and cute fun. ;)

  4. Sounds cute. I'm only reading cute books from now til the end of the year!

  5. Aww, cute. Sounds like a fairy tale.

  6. Is it just me or is there a trend in the romance genre with the obsession with highlanders? :P

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  7. Hmm sounds too orchestrated. Yeah why head to London instead of school?

    1. I know! Fine, maybe her school was in the Faroe Islands (doubt it)

  8. Oh Highlander plus princess story, that's so nice! I want to discover this one!

  9. This sounds very nice, adding it to my wishlist B!

  10. Sounds cute. What could be better than a sexy Highlander?

  11. A princess and a highlander? SOLD! I'm on an Outlander kick at the moment, so anything with highlanders is an automatic win for me:)

    1. Hehe, I hear ya ;) I have the last ep to watch

  12. hahaha, I almost got mad bc I didn't see my comment, but I think I commented on Goodreads...not here...
    Anyways..I really need a cute, fluffy romance. :)

  13. Cute, fluffy, passionate? Sold. I want!

  14. I will never get tired hunky Highlanders - yes please!
