Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The Duke and Miss Christmas - Amelia Grey

Crispin, the Duke of Hurst, has never met a woman he couldn't handle--until he's hit over the head with a basketful of mistletoe by a young lady who mistakes his intentions. When he gets into a tussle with her--and she can hold her own--Crispin knows he has finally met his match.

Miss Gwen Prim is mortified that she attacked a duke, but even more concerning is the way her resolve melts when she's near him. She's never felt this way about a gentleman in her life. And with the magic of Christmas in the air, she may end up with a proposal she didn't expect...

My thoughts:
I did want more, this should so have been a full length novel. I like her writing and the characters were fun.

Crispin, our Duke, has some woman issues in his past (he was an ass it seems). But since I have not read the previous books I could not be that mad. He seemed nice and reformed.

Gwen, she was nice, she loved her sisters, and she had an incident in her past. Men can be such fools!

They meet, with a BANG! Since it is a novella things does progress fast. But I could see the attraction, even if they acted upon it very fast.

A nice holiday novella with a HEA.

Kindle Edition, 100ish?
Publication: October 13th 2015 by St. Martin's Paperbacks
The Heirs' Club of Scoundrels Trilogy #2.5
Historical romance


  1. And how do you like the cover? ;p

  2. Ohh I'm looking for good Christmas-y novels. I'll add this one to my pile. :)

    1. I was doing the same when I came across it

  3. I can't get beyond the name Crispin... sounds like something you pop in the oven.

  4. gah i have a love and hate relationships with novellas, but i been trying more of them recently since my life kinda makes it hard for everything else

    1. I thought this was a novel, oops, I just saw the name and requested it and then was all, dang novella

  5. Oh you are enjoying these. :) And a novella. Sounds good and quick. ;)

  6. Sometimes novellas can be a quick enjoyable read and this one sounds like that.

  7. Sounds fun for a holiday read.

  8. Even if you wanted it longer, it sounds like a nice novella there!

    1. It was! :) Yes a book would have been even more awesome

  9. Hey, it's good if you're left wanting more :) The issues start when you're left thinking; "Oh, this dragged on forever!"

  10. Oh that looks cute. I don't think I've read her yet. Hmm.

  11. I'm not a fan of historicals. I'm glad you enjoyed it and left you wanting more.

  12. Damn, Crispin is very rare hero name in historical romance. I remember encountering them at least a couple of times before...

  13. Sounds cute. I haven't read the author but now I might.

  14. Sounds like a perfect Christmas read to me.

  15. Want. I love a good christmas romance with an HEA!

  16. Girrrrl what are you doing with a Christmas novel already? ;)

    1. I know! I hate that they are released in October
