Saturday, 21 November 2015

#FitReaders Check-In: November 20, 2015 and The Ivy Chronicles

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in 

Sat 6 km bike, 1 h walk
Sun 30 min walk
Mon 10 km bike
Tue 1h yoga, 8 km bike, 1 h workout class
Wed, 4 km bike, 45 min zumba
Thu, 30 min walk, 45 min zumba toning, 8 km bike
Fri, 30 min walk, 4 km bike

Sunset today at 15.28. So I actually had no photos from this week, not to mention I am suffering from a mystery allergy with horrid hives. But that did not stop me this week, itch a bit and then continue. But anyway, it snowed last nights so here are some pics at last.


Having lost her high-powered Wall Street job, her husband and her plush Park Avenue apartment in one afternoon, Ivy Ames emerges broken but unbowed. The newly-single mother-of-two picks herself up, dusts herself down and reinvents herself as a private school admissions adviser whose well-heeled clients will do (literally) anything to get their children into the A-list schools. Thus begins a fast-paced and very funny rom com as Ivy's bid to support her family and regain her self-esteem becomes a tale of modern-day reinvention - and unexpected romance. 

My thoughts:
I contemplated dnfing this one for the first 100 pages. I have no idea why I read on. Ivy was a pushover. Sure it's good to be nice but come on! Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself, not just roll around and show your belly. The things she put up with, arghh, it made me so annoyed with her.

But I read on as she tried to make a new career of helping parents getting into good private schools. That was amusing, the things they go through. Dang, that is a tough world. So yes that made it interesting to read.

Her tries at dating, not so much. That was messy.

Ivy as a person, pushover like I said, I did not like her.

But I finished it, it was an interesting look at things. Still, not really worth it.

Paperback, 352 pages
Published July 1st 2006 by Pocket Books
Romantic fiction


  1. I hope you are feeling better. That snowfall is so pretty.

  2. Hope you're feeling better. The snow is beautiful. We have some coming this way, but it isn't going to stick around, if it sticks at all. The ground is still pretty warm here, not to mention the rain before snow. I probably would've DNF that book too. Better luck on the next one.

    1. It was so muddy under the snow, horrible conditions. And after one day of cold weather they promise warm weather and rain. Booo

  3. That snow is gorgeous! And I'm happy to be looking at pictures of it instead of living there lol

    Feel better soon.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. I Love the snow, love :D I just hate when it starts to melt, and there is ice everywhere

    2. I Love the snow, love :D I just hate when it starts to melt, and there is ice everywhere

  4. Whew that looks so cold! No snow here yet. Hope the hives go away!

  5. Oh, I hope the itching gets better - I know it can be horrible. I'm glad it's not snowing here.

  6. Beautiful pictures - I got my first taste of snow in the Mid-West this weekend too. Beautiful but way too much of it.

    Tanya Patrice

  7. Yikes snow! It seems too early for that. Hope you are feeling better.

    1. Too early? Oh, the snow is like 2 months coming already

  8. Wow great exercise for the week. That snow looks awesome. Love it. Sorry about the hives though, nto fun.

    1. Thanks :)
      They are blergh. People must have thought I had the chickenpox during workout class

  9. Yikes! Mystery allergy and uncomfortable hives. Hope you can get relief and figure out what caused it. Look at the snow! That's what I woke up to this morning, too.

    Bummer, your Ivy was a pushover and didn't improve.

    1. I sure hope so!

      So pretty, love love snow :D

  10. Ugh, I do not envy the snow. I need lots of heat.

  11. Oh I love the pictures! Too bad for the book. It began t be cold yeserday, it's impressive because last week it was 26°C, today 8.

    1. OMG! Really! You had summer yesterday!!!! Srsl, it wasn't that warm here this summer even

  12. I feel ya with pushover characters. It's hard to persevere when you feel like someone is a doormat.

  13. oh no you are turning into me!!!! lol

  14. NO SNOW!! Yikes! Hope you are feeling better!!

  15. Snow! I hate snow, but it really is pretty and I love the pictures.

  16. Thank goodness we don't have snow yet. But your pics are very pretty.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  17. Oh the snow pictures are so pretty ... I'd like a bucket of snow to cool down right about now. Snow on hives stops the itch for a little while.
    Oh and good job with the exercise :)

    1. Thanks ;)
      The cold is awesome fort the hives
