Saturday, 27 August 2016

Saturday Scribbling Challenge

This is a fun little writing challenge that Carole and I have come up with! We each challenge each other with the selected theme. 

We had such fun last month with the poetry, we decided to do another poetry edition. :D poem:

The Fallen
WWI inspired fantasy poem; continuation from last month's poem
by Blodeuedd
Ravens in the distance
A dark cloud of despair
Blood, rivers of red running by
Crying, screaming, dying
The Day of the Fallen
Last breath of the brave
She walks like a ghost
Searching, aching, wanting
She cries as she stumbles
Limbs, broken bodies, rotting 
A shield, blue and golden
A sword glimmering in the sun
Help me
A whisper in the wind
Moving forward
Blood in the mud
There he lies
There her heart breaks
She falls down
His face so sweet
Heart breaking
Soul dying
One last embrace
No more, she says
No More
Last cry of the Fallen
Last day of the Brave
Move on, she hears
Move on, they say
New battles
More death
No More, she cries
No More
There she sits
As the sun sets
As Night comes
 A new Day enters
More, they say


Now, Carole's poem:

How I Missed This Feeling
Inspired by 'Criminal Minds'
by Carole Rae

A welcoming serene smile
A light touch. 
He gently places a kiss
On my lips.
My nerves racing. 
Heart pounding. 
How I have missed
This feeling. 
The room is spinning,
We are alone. 
Should I dare
Ask for more? 
He leads me to the bed
And kisses me gently. 
I feel my cheeks burning
And heart beating.
He sits next to me and
Tangles his hand in my hair.
As he kisses me again
A swell of pain
Raises in my stomach.
I look down
And blood is pouring. 
I look up and gasp.
His once gentle smile
Is now evil
And menacing. 
He cackles as my sight blurs.
He whispers,
“How I missed this feeling.”
And then my world goes black. 


  1. oh yay some poets....I feel so honored to be in your presence hehe

  2. *sips lemonade because it is too late for caffeine* We did well. :D

  3. Very nice job, guys. I am definitely no poet, so I admire those who are :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Anyone can be a poet :) Since poetry can be anything ;)

  4. Great poems! I've never attempted to do anything like this since school. I don't really remember doing it much in school, just for projects. Glad you're enjoying it. :-)

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  5. Nice job, ladies!! It's been so long since I've written anything creative.

  6. Both of them are fantastic!
