Thursday, 15 June 2017

The pleasures of passion - Sabrina Jeffries

When Niall Lindsey, the Earl of Margrave, is forced to flee after killing a man in a duel, he expects his secret love, Brilliana Trevor, to go with him, or at the very least wait for him. To his shock, she does neither and sends him off with no promise for the future. Seven years and one pardon later, Niall returns to England disillusioned and cynical. And being blackmailed by the government into working with his former love to help catch a counterfeiter connected to her father doesn’t improve his mood any. But as his role as Brilliana’s fake fiancĂ© brings his long-buried feelings to the surface once again, he wonders who is more dangerous—the counterfeiter or the woman rapidly stealing his heart.

Forced to marry another man after Niall was exiled, the now widowed Brilliana wants nothing to do with the reckless rogue who she believes abandoned her to a dreary, loveless life. So having to rely on him to save her father is the last thing she wants, much less trusts him with....But as their scheme strips away the lies and secrets of their shared past, can she let go of the old hurt and put her pride aside? Or will the pleasures of their renewed passion finally enable them both to rediscover love? 

My thoughts:
The last book sure made me wonder about this one and what was up with Brilliana and Niall.

It starts with their lovestory, which I know ended badly, but not why. She married someone else. He was in exile after a duel. I know why he dueled, it was for a good reason. But it did cost him her.

And now they are back together. Well they are put together to solve a mystery. And they so do not want to work together. She despises him, he resents her. And I was all, omg talk talk talk!!!! Talk it through, but they are both angry for different reasons. Talking is not really what they want.

I liked Brilliana. I liked Niall. They obviously belonged together but there are so many lies and secrets in the way. But they will get closer, even if they are still angry, they really want each other.

Then there is the danger too, what is her father up too? Can they solve it?

It was a good lovestory- A bit of suspense, a lot of lies and lots of passion.

Kindle Edition, 400 pages
Expected publication: June 20th 2017 by Pocket Books
Sinful Suitors #4
Historical romance


  1. I love a good mystery and characters that bicker but really love each other! Great review, thanks for sharing.

  2. Sounds like all the elements are there for a good romance!

  3. Ooh, I haven't read anything by this author but this seems to be quite unique so I'll have to add it to my TBR. Great review!

  4. I still haven't read anything by her but I need to because she's so well loved in the romance community. I love a good second chance romance so I'll give this a try!

    1. I decided to give her a go with this series and I have enjoyed it

  5. I dislike that guy, based on the cover. He looks like he's trying to sell you a dubious used car!

  6. Eh not fully grabbing my attention lol

    For What It's Worth

  7. I haven't read her last few books after that fire scene but do enjoy her

  8. I've never read anything by this author but heard alot about her.

  9. This is a new to me author but it does sound like a good book.

  10. I was looking at this one the other day!! :D

  11. This is an author that has been on my to be read list for so long. I really want to read something by her.

    Great review!

  12. This sounds like a good read. I haven't read anything by this author- but this review intrigued me. Thanks for sharing. :)

  13. I have this author on my TBR shelf but haven't had the chance to get to it yet. #getsocial17

  14. I have heard about this author, but never read any of her book. This one sounds good.

  15. This sounds fantastic. I will need to get my hands on this one.

  16. I haven't read Sabrina Jeffries in ages but I remember her being good when I read her. Hi from Deanna's World. Glad to visit as part of the #getsocial17 event.

  17. Sometimes I'm yelling at the characters in books to talk too! LOL Glad you liked this one.


  18. Wait, so he thinks she abandoned him, while she thinks he abandoned her? I don't know if I like these romance stories that are based on miscommunication!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. LOL, omg yes miscommunication all the way around, drives me bonkers to be honest

  19. Sounds wonderful with lots of romantic tension!

  20. Another author I've not read yet. The blurb sounds great, but your review makes me wonder - you say so many lies get in the way... I can't stand books where lies and misunderstandings cause problems.

  21. I have heard some great things about this one and its next on my list to read!!! Lovely review.

  22. I skipped this one for review. *sad face* I'll have to snag a copy at some point.
