Tuesday, 26 September 2017

TMST: Best UF Books

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

This week's conversation starter:
September 26th: Favorite UF Books

Well obviously, Mercy Thompson! I still remember where I was when I read book 1 and I devoured it.

October Daye rocks! This is another series that has never strayed from its path and it has stayed strong.

Come on, do you think I would not mention Kate Daniels! But this series did have a rocky start, book 1 and 2 are not the best, Ilona herself said so once ;)

There are more. I do love UF, but I can not mention them all. Well I can, but S needs to go to sleep so we will end here with my top 3 :)


  1. There are so many to name. I haven't tried October Daye. I need to. I agree that Kate has gotten better. I've read series like that. Authors getting better at writing.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

    1. I hope you try them one day, they are awesome

  2. I love Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson soooo much!! My absolute favorites, but I love anything Ilona Andrews writes. Their Hidden Legacy series is phenomenal as well! Great choices here! :)

    1. I fear the hidden legacy failed miserably for me

  3. I have, and need to read The October Daye series!

    For What It's Worth

  4. I haven't read most of these but they've been sounding good.

  5. I need to read book 2 in October Daye!!

  6. The only series I'm caught up with here is Mercy Thompson, but I've started both the others, I just need to find time getting past the second books! :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  7. I don't normally read UF, but I've heard nothing but great things about Patricia Briggs and Ilona Andrews. Hugs...

  8. I haven't read UF in a long time.

  9. I keep looking for a UF series I'll really love. Maybe October Daye is it.

  10. Mercy and Kate top my list! I need to try the Seanan McGuire series.

  11. Mercy and Kate are my favorites. Followed by Dresden Files and Iron Druid Chronicles.

  12. You have so many this week! :D
