Monday, 2 August 2021

Best of July


Happy August! HOW on EARTH are we this far along in 2021??????

Here are our best of July!

Best Book of the Month:

"Best book goes to Circe by Madeline Miller. Great!"

"The Perfect Play was the perfect short story for this summer!!!"

Best Movie of the Month:

Carole - "Nada for me this month."

"I haven't really watched any movies, but I watched this weird ass Finnish one with moon nazis, evil reptiles and a destroyed earth"


Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - Never Have I Ever & Atypical

"On tv I binged Never have I ever. I laughed, I cried."

"I also watched the last season of Atypical."

"Loved this show then, still love it now. Hilarious!"

Best Cover of the Month:

Carole - "So captivating!"

Blodeuedd - "Just look at him 😉"


  1. I watched Reba when it originally ran. It was a very fun show.

  2. Yeah the kilt gets me every time too :) ah
    great month thanks for sharing the hightlights

  3. I saw your review for Circe on Goodreads yesterday and it made me laugh.

    I think we might finish Never Have I Ever today!

    Kevin & I finished watching S1 of Loki last night.
    Karen @For What It's Worth

    1. Wohooo! Yay finally :D

      I need to try Loki

  4. Circe!! I still need to read. That Sherry Thoms one too...

  5. I know, I am completely floored that it is August already!

  6. Both covers are just great. Hmm Circe, must have been good.

  7. Love the Lady Sherlock series. Didn't know Reba had a TV show. Circe is on my wish list.
