Saturday, 4 September 2021

Best of August


Happy September everyone!

Here are our best of August!

Best Book of the Month:

"Best book goes to The Night Hawk by Elly Griffiths. Yay, book 13"

"I'm doing two this month. One is my fav Jane Austen so OF COURSE it's the best but that is a re-read so that isn't really fair. The other one is Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs! It was so much funnnnn!"

Best Movie of the Month:

"Such a cute and cheesy movie. Perfect for a lazy day!"

Blodeuedd - Nada this month

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - The Good Doctor

"I binged 3 seasons of The Good Doctor! Awesome stuff. As for movies, as always, no recall of anything"

Carole - Lucifer
"I am in love with this show so far! We are trying to catch up before the new season starts!"

Best Cover of the Month:

Carole - "For sure the best. Look at the colors and that dress!"

Blodeuedd - "Best cover. Cute"


  1. Molly Harper books are fun. Yes, Falling Inn Love was cheesy! I watched it a while back. Great month, ladies!

  2. Mmm must take a look at The Good Doctor to see if I like it.

  3. Persuasion looks fun- one of these days I'll maybe read some Austen :)

  4. Netflix is definitely one of my best friends, and I enjoyed that movie too! Isn't eh Good Doctor totally great?! Can't wait for the new season to start later this month! Lots of great reads too! Hugs, RO

  5. Elly Griffiths for the win!! I'm glad you are loving her books!

  6. Persuasion is my fav Austen, too. Elly Griffiths is an author I must try.

  7. I'm happy to hear you are having such a great time with the Elly Griffiths series!

  8. Not too shabby of a month overall!

  9. I did read the Molly Harper one years and years back and if I don't remember the story I know I had a good time too

  10. The Night Hawks sounds good. Such pretty book covers. Happy September!

  11. I like The Good Doctor and Lucifer. I haven't read any of the books.
