Sunday, 2 February 2025

Best of January


Here are our bests from January!!!! That first month flew by!

Best Book of the Month:

"Very fairytale like."

"So many goodies this month BUT the narrator really pushed this to the top. Great and tragic and a voice that will bring this story to life."

Best Movie of the Month:

Carole - Nadda. No movies...just TV and books. 

Blodeuedd - Back in Action (2025)
"I watched Back In Action. Pretty funny and action-filled."

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - Maxima
"I watched the tv series Maxima. A lot of drama!"

"One season left to finish. I'm addicted!!! Why did I ever wait so long to watch this?"

Best Cover of the Month:

Carole's pick.

Blodeuedd's Pick.

Honorable Mention:

"I re-read Written in Red and A murder of Crows. They were obvi the best books this month, but it is too cruel to other books to choose them every time!"

"Re-read this gem. It has been yeaaaarrrrs! Still holds up and is my favorites of William Shakespeare!"


  1. I'm just now watching Downton Abbey, too! I'm almost to the last season as well! Poor Anna! I want to watch that new Cameron Diaz movie.

  2. LOL - it would be cruel to the other books! I enjoyed Back in Action, as well.

  3. I haven't seen or read any of those other than Written in Red, which I loved.
