Saturday, 1 March 2025

Best of February


Here are our bests from February!!!! 

Best Book of the Month:

"I have to chose this one as the best book of the month because ALL the feels."

"I'm loving these! Book 1, book 1.5, and 2 are sooooo good."

Best Movie of the Month:

"Such a great continuation of the show. Weeeee!"

Blodeuedd - Nadda
"Best movie, as always I do not remember. I did watch one with a man and his daughter renovating a villa. And sure you could watch it, but I do not even remember the title so..."

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - Ghosts (s1) & Love is Blind
"I watched s1 of Ghosts, finally! And also lots of Love is Blind. I just need that drama."

"Wah. What am I going to do now that I am done? SOOO good."

Best Cover of the Month:

Carole's pick: Can't stop looking at it. 

Blodeuedd's pick: "Much prettier in RL."


  1. Anne Bishop as always. So good. Love is Blind I haven't heard of but looks like some kind of reality show.

    1. I cant say no.

      yup reality. I need some drama so I watch it ;)

  2. I haven't watched any of those shows or read any of those books. I've been binge watching Prison Break this week. I never watched it before. It's a good show.

    1. A nice binge watch. I never did finish it

  3. OMG - we watched La Dolce Villa, too. It was cute. Scott Foley has aged well.

  4. I've heard good things about Ghosts! It's been ages since I've watched something that wasn't anime.

  5. I've been binging Downton Abbey! Almost done with the series and will be onto the movies next. Love the cover for The Widow of Pale Harbor! Great month ladies!

    1. Ohhh fun! I would have loved to binge. The tension was real when watching as it came out

  6. The Sugar Shack Witch Mysteries have such cute titles. And you can't go wrong with the Others series. :-) Both of those covers each of you chose are really pretty. I see why you picked them. I hope you have a great March!

  7. Man I am so behind on movies and TV. I've heard of these but not checked them out yet.
