Wednesday 3 May 2023

Best of Apri

Here are our bests of April! 

Best Movie of the Month:

Blodeuedd - Quasi (2023)
"I watched this movie, so sill liked it."

"So much fun! I want to watch this again!"

Best Book of the Month:

"Fun story. Fun series. Great mystery. Great narrator!! "

"Best book, and the last in the series. Sadness!"

Best TV show of the Month:

Blodeuedd - History of the World: Part II
"I watched this miniseries. Fun and stupid."

Carole - The Rookie (s1)
"Finally tried this show and I am loving it. Funny, gut-wrenching, and makes you think."

Best Cover of the Month:

C's pick - "So freakin' cool!"

B's pick - "Best cover, cute (though the story was not)"


  1. Replies
    1. Good month :D May is looking rather bleak at the moment

  2. Sad for you about the last Elly Griffith story, but what a great month for movies, TV, and books for you both.

    1. It has been a fun two years reading every book I could find by her

  3. Replies
    1. Happy May to you too. I hope it will be a good one

  4. Haha I will have to let my husband know about History of the World part 2. He loved the original, so fun and stupid is probably what he's hoping for.

    1. Omg then yes do tell him! I love stupid. I miss stupid movies. I feel like most just went to puke and poop these days

  5. Sorry to say goodbye to a series you love! I'd like to watch The Rookie. Like Nathan Fillon.

    1. Fillion was the sole reason for watching :D I hope they will show the next season here too

  6. Excellent choices. I didn't realize that History of the World: Part II is a mini-series. I assumed it was a movie.

    1. Same. I was rather surprised to see it was a mini, but we binged it
