Friday, 28 October 2016

#FitReaders Check-In: October 28, 2016

FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in
Sat 1hwalk
Sun 1h walk
Mon 8 km bike. 45 min foamrolling
Tue  1 h yoga, 4 km bike. 
Wed  4 km bike. 1 h zumba
Thu  4km bike, 30 min walk
Fri 30 min walk, 4 km bike


  1. Baaaa....

    What is foam rolling? Is that just stretching on those foam rollers (OUCH!) or ???

    Nice week.

    1. Yup, it hurts like hell ;) I am taking a class since if you do not do it right, or if the roller is not rockhard then it does no good

  2. Yay, pictures again! Aww, look at your adorable cat, MEEOW kitty's got claws!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  3. Someday I'm going to try zumba. Love the pics as always :)

  4. I love the foam roller but agree you have to use it right. Great pics.

  5. Lovely sceneries! Keep up the good work. :)

  6. I love your pictures. Foam rolling sounds tough.

    Sorry I haven't been around much. I was on vacation and then just really busy. I'm hoping that I'm back to normal now. Have a great week. :-)

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  7. I neeeed to do the foam roller today! My back and shoulders are so messed up!

    Gorgeous pics this week!

    Karen @For What It's Worth
