Friday, 29 June 2012

Interview and giveaway: Jayne Fresina - The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine

Author Interview and Giveaway
Jayne Fresina - The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine
Today I welcome Jayne Fresina to my blog. There is also a giveaway at the end of the interview. Open to all.

1. Could you tell me a bit about yourself?
JF: I am a crazy writer, a daydreamer and a terrible procrastinator.

2. Your new book is called The Most improper Miss Sophie Valentine; could you tell me about it?
JF: This is romance set in Regency England - but rather than take place in the drawing rooms and ballrooms of London, the action plays out in a small country village, where everyone knows their neighbors' business and if they don't they'll make it up! Sophie has spent ten years trying to live down a scandal that happened in her youth. She is daily reminded of her status as an "old maid" (at nearly thirty - shock horror!) and a burden on her brother, with whom she lives. One day, out of desperation and mischief, she posts an advertisement for a husband, but she doesn't really expect anyone to come in answer to it. Then Lazarus Kane arrives on her doorstep and she's faced with a choice—stay trapped in her cage for the rest of her life, where everything is dull, safe and predictable, or marry a complete stranger with a mysterious past and risk another scandal. 

3. I do love the title because it’s fun. Was it your idea or did you have another title in mind at first?  
JF: My working title was "The Stranger". But the publishers wanted something a bit more fun and light-hearted to go with the humor in the book. I really liked "Tumbled" and we kicked around a few ideas, but in the end we went with THE MOST IMPROPER MISS SOPHIE VALENTINE.

4. Sophie advertises for a husband in a magazine. Where did you come up with this idea?
JF: I had a dream one morning about a woman answering her door to a stranger. That was all I knew about the story when I started writing it, but it stuck there in my mind and I couldn't set it down.  I had no idea who the man was or why he was there, but I knew he'd traveled a great distance on foot. And Sophie seemed very shocked by his arrival, yet there was also something about the way she opened her door that suggested she'd been expecting someone. Just probably not him. Later I happened to catch a commercial for an online dating service and I thought—hey, that's it, Sophie posted an ad for a husband and the man on her doorstep came in answer to it.

5.  Which character in this book was the most fun to write?
JF: I love Finnola Valentine, Sophie's eccentric and scandalous aunt who hides a gin flask under her turban and talks lovingly of her long-ago affair with a dashing sea captain. Much to her straight-laced nephew's horror.

6.  How did you start writing historical romances?
JF: It started with reading them - by the bucket load. I suppose I can trace my love for the genre back to reading Pride & Prejudice for the first time when I was fifteen. After I met Mr. Darcy there was no looking back! Of course I scribbled a lot of stories that I didn't actually finish, before I finally found the plot and the characters that all came together. I'm sure I was an awful writer in the beginning, but I persevered.

7. What’s coming next from you?
JF: The Wicked Wedding of Miss Ellie Vyne - which follows the adventures of Sophie's young and daring friend Mariella Vyne (who readers met in the first book). Mariella was a lot of fun to write and I particularly enjoyed giving a certain gentleman a chance to redeem himself in the second book!

1 copy of The most Improper Sophie Valentine

1. Open to all, in the entire universe.
2. Ends July 15th
3. Just enter :)
Or you know, ask a question, or tell me what you think about adds in newspapers ;)


"Wanted: one husband, not too particular. Small dowry, several books, sundry furnishings, and elderly aunt included. Idlers, time-wasters, and gentleman without other attachments need not apply."
—Miss Sophie Valentine

Sophie Valentine knew placing an ad for a husband in the Farmers Gazette would bring her trouble-and she was right. When the darkly handsome, arrogantly charming Lazarus Kane shows up on her doorstep, the nosy residents of Sydney Dovedale are thrown into a gossiping tizzy. After all, it's common knowledge that Sophie is a young lady In Need of Firmer Direction. But even Sophie isn't so scandalous as to marry a complete stranger. .. is she? 

Lazarus Kane has been searching for Sophie half of his life. She may not remember him, but he could never forget her. But the past is a dangerous thing, and it's best if his remains secret if he wants to tempt Sophie with ...


Jayne Fresina sprouted up in England, the youngest in a family of four girls.  Entertained by her father’s colorful tales of growing up in the countryside, and surrounded by opinionated sisters— all with far more exciting lives than hers— she’s always had inspiration for her beleaguered heroes and unstoppable heroines. Visit for more information. 


  1. I want to read this book for this reason alone: I love Finnola Valentine, Sophie's eccentric and scandalous aunt who hides a gin flask under her turban and talks lovingly of her long-ago affair with a dashing sea captain. Much to her straight-laced nephew's horror.

    Seriously who can't love an eccentric aunt! I am pretty sure she makes their lives interesting LOL

  2. I want to read it! Sounds fun and I love a scandalous romance hehe. The eccentric aunt is a plus :P

    Sometimes I read newspapers adds just for fun, people is so weird!

  3. This book sounds just how I like them. Great interview and thank you for the opportunity. Good luck to me.

  4. How many books will be in the series? This book sounds like a winner. Can't wait to read it to see how Lazarus and Sophie know each other.

  5. Thank you for the interview Jayne :)

  6. Sharing some love:

  7. Thanks for the interview and letting me be a guest. I hope Sophie's romance is as much fun for you to read as it was for me to write. :)

  8. A book with a title like The Most Improper Miss Sophie Valentine instantly catches my attention. Once I read the interview and the blurb I was sold. I mean, a fun story with at least one quirky character (the Aunt) is most definitely my cup of tea!

  9. Great interview and I love the synopsis of this book and the sound of the Aunt!

  10. This sounds like a fun read. I'm kind of partial to heroes who already know/have met the heroine but she doesn't realize it/remember him.

  11. Thanks for the lovely interview. I have actually read a book before where the heroine advertised for a husband, in The Hellions of Halstead Hall series by Sabrina Jeffries. That was fun, and of course, backfired on her.

  12. Great interview! Its so nice to learn more about the author. :)

  13. This sounds like a fun book! Great interview ladies.
    I like the sound of her aunt, Finnola Valentine, I like those quirky characters.

  14. I'm so glad you changed the title. It totally grabs me. Plus, it does show that it has humor in the book. Love that.

    This sounds like a book I would enjoy.

  15. A terrible procrastinator? Me too! We should start a support group. And I love hearing when reading inspires writing.

  16. I think this book sounds like a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to reading Lazarus and Sophie's story.

    Barbed1951 at aol dot com

  17. Great interview. This is a new author for me. The title and cover make me want this book. Great title. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Sorry forgot to awswer question. I love ads in newspapers. If you are trying to buy or sell or even find something, this is one of the best ways to do it.

  18. Well, ads in the newspapers are to be avoided. Terribly dull and all those abbreviations make my head ache. :)

  19. I would love to read THE MOST IMPROPER MISS SOPHIE VALENTINE thank you. It looks wonderful.

    If I actually notice an ad in a newspaper then it's done it's job. If I don't notice it, then I'm not in the market.


  20. Oh, I love that advertisement! That could totally apply to me (except for the elderly aunt).

  21. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.

  22. I would like to thank you for an apsolutely increadible book giveaway, that i would love to have the oportunity of reading and reviewing! I adore this genre (being quite ironic as i have just finished reading a historical novel set in the traditional regency period) and i loved how unique this sounds with a origional take.
    In regards to adverts i would always advise one to 'read between the lines' as what you read & the reality can be both completely contrasting to what you or i expect!
    Thank you once again for this amazing giveaway. x

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

  23. I love books based on Regency England. That and medieval Scotland.. love it.

  24. Sounds like a roller coaster of a ride book. Super fun book!!!

    estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

  25. The book looks wonderful and I am looking forward to reading it.

  26. Sounds completely fun and adorable!

  27. Thank you all for stopping by :)

  28. I love the title and the ad & Finnola sounds like an absolute hoot. Fun interview and this would be a fun read :)

  29. I am entering! Love the title....

  30. i am entering, the cover is so hot.
    adds in newspaper was good enough


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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