Thursday, 21 November 2013

Review: Saving Francesca - Melina Marchetta + Emma and Elliott

Francesca is stuck at St. Sebastian's, a boys' school that pretends it's coed by giving the girls their own bathroom.  Her only female companions are an ultra-feminist, a rumored slut, and an an impossibly dorky accordion player.  The boys are no better, from Thomas who specializes in musical burping to Will, the perpetually frowning, smug moron that Francesca can't seem to stop thinking about.

Then there's Francesca's mother, who always thinks she knows what's best for Francesca—until she is suddenly stricken with acute depression, leaving Francesca lost, alone, and without an inkling who she really is.  Simultaneously humorous, poignant, and impossible to put down, this is the story of a girl who must summon the strength to save her family, her social life and—hardest of all—herself.

My thoughts:
I liked this one. It was meaningful, had some real emotions going on and was like YA should be. No stupid love triangles, instalove or silly teen angst over nothing.

Marchetta has a great voice and from what I hear this is not even her best book, no the rest are even better. I would like to read those too.

The book is about Francesca who haws started a new school without her old friends. And her mum is not leaving the bedroom. It's a tough start. But slowly she finds her way, very slowly. But I liked that, the book had a light slow vibe too. And she gets saved and finds out who she really is. Oh and yes maybe there is some maybe romance in there too ;)

Not the best day to write a review for me. But I will just say, this is a good YA book to read.

I have the looking up at the sky one, could not find a decent image of it, also it is very meh

Would I read more?

Paperback, 256 pages
Published May 6th 2004 by Puffin Books (first published March 31st 2003)
Contemporary YA

Few heroines evoke such diverse emotions as Jane Austen's Emma Woodhouse, for whom readers profess everything from disdain to devotion. In "Emma & Elton", Alexa Adams explores what might have befallen the supercilious Miss Woodhouse if she were made aware of Mr. Elton's affection prior to his proposal. This short story was first published on Adams' blog in tribute to Halloween, and though you'll find no ghost or ghouls gracing its pages, tenderhearted Janeites be warned: here lies "something truly horrid".

My thoughts:
It was short so I do not have a lot to say.

The story stayed every true to Emma. With a few exceptions, Emma is a bit smarter and at the same time not. And something truly horrid happens.

I liked the horrid thing the most...cos it was horrid ;)

A nice twist to the story.
Published October 31st 2012
Short story / Jane Austen variation


  1. No triangles, silly instalove or angst? Awesome! I am curious about Emma & Elton glad it stayed true.

    1. I know right! I was all YAY, cos I hate that.

      True to a certain degree

  2. Saving Francesca is the only Marchetta book I've read and that is a travesty! I really enjoyed it and can't wait to read more by her. Glad you liked it as well!

    1. I really should read more by her as everyone says she is so good, and that her other books are even better

  3. I finally read Jelicoe Road earlier this year and I didn't love it like everyone else did. Have you read that one yet? I hear such amazing things about Marchetta's writing though so I'm going to try Saving Francesca next.

    1. You did not? Everyone seems to swear by But no, this is the only one I have read by her. I am must curious by her fantasy ones

  4. I admit I've had a hard time with YA books lately, I don't find them as exciting and they are all almost predictable - love triangles, insta love, angst... so I'm very curious about Saving Francesca. Great review! :)

    1. Oh yes! That is why I stay away cos I do not need that, I do not want that.

  5. These caught my interst, glad you enjoyed

  6. no love triangle is alwaus a great thing!

  7. oooh I haven't heard of this before, may need to have a wee lookout. Thanks for introducing it to me.


    1. You really should take a look at her books :)

  8. Real issues, difficult issues and not oh no my bf is a werewolf, le sigh me ;)

  9. You like horrid things? Good to know.

  10. I've seen wonderful reviews for Marchetta. I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this one and I hope to read one of her books soon.

  11. Hm... that short might be worth a quick read. You had me at horrid. :)

    I do need to read Marchetta. I haven't read a book by her yet.

    1. I am curious about a a fantasy book by her, that one I really want to read

  12. It sounds like this has potential.

  13. I can't was truly horrid.

  14. No horrid things for me please. Glad you liked them both.

  15. You have me curious about the horrid thing that happens (to Emma?)...

    1. Yup...can't say what...think...what could happen

  16. Even though I don't like Emma...I am worried for her hahaha. I should give it a go.

    1. It was short ;) And then you will be all what? Horrid! ;)

  17. Melina Marchetta is awesome :)

  18. I'm SO happy you liked Saving Francesca! Melina is one of the most talented contemporary YA writers out there (and her fantasy is no slouch either). I love that your favorite part of Emma and Elton was the horrid thing. :-) Great reviews!

    1. The horrid thing was so good and horrid ;)

      She was so good! I do need to read more books by her

  19. I thought the horrid thing was a great twist...I just wish it hadn't ended so soon. I wanted to know how it would all turn out in the end.

    1. I wanted that too cos the horrid thing was such a good twist


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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