Friday 10 January 2014

Author Interview/Giveaway and Review: Emma by Linda Mitchelmore

First I have an interview with author Linda Mitchelmore, then a giveaway and then a review of her new book :)


Tell me about yourself...
I came late-ish in life to writing….and I think I could be called something of a slow learner…J I didn’t learn to ride a bicycle until I was given one for my fortieth birthday, and I didn’t get my ears pierced until I was fifty-five years old and my daughter started making beautiful earrings. My first grandchild was born just before I got my bus pass, but it meant I qualified as a grey-haired granny…

So, why did I leave it so late to start writing? Especially as I was always in the top set for English at school? Deafness is the answer. I had viral damage which robbed me of most of my hearing so I retreated into reading – magazines mostly because the short stories in them were quick to read and it fitted in around family things. I became fairly successful at writing and selling short stories – some 300 published stories to date. I then moved on to writing short serials for My Weekly and novel writing seemed a natural step from there. Or rather a few thousand steps as I learned the craft of novel writing. I will gloss over exactly how many novels I wrote before Choc Lit offered me a contract on TO TURN FULL CIRCLE, the first in my trilogy.

When I’m not writing – which seems to be most of the time these days – I love to be in my garden clipping and trimming, and even sitting in it with a glass of wine, or tea and cake. I also walk a lot (well, writers’ rear is not a pretty look!) along the coast path which is quite close to my house. And if I want really dirty boots I venture onto Dartmoor – but only if there is a pub lunch at the end of the walk J I’m also a pretty hands-on Grandma to Alex and Emily, and get to look after my sons’ gorgeous dog, Guinness, when he goes off kayaking and climbing all over the globe.

Tell me about Emma.
EMMA: There’s No Turning Back begins very soon after TO TURN FULL CIRCLE ends. Emma and Seth plan to marry, but they hit the first hurdle when the local vicar refuses to marry them. Emma might have been knocked by this refusal but she has another plan and Seth is happy to go along with her rather madcap idea. They are very much in love, but again their world is rocked when an ex-lover of Seth’s turns up bent on revenge that he didn’t marry her. Add to this mix the torching of Emma’s bakery business, and a kidnapping, and then the reappearance in her life of the charismatic, Matthew Caunter, for whom Emma was once a housekeeper and for whom she now realises she has feelings that are far from platonic. And Emma has to make choices, and live by the consequences of them. Will she and Seth live happily ever after….or not?

When is the next book coming out?
I can’t tell you that because I haven’t finished it yet. I’m about three-quarters of the way through, though, and at the stage where a book starts to write itself almost – the characters desperate to tell their own story, if you like. I feel at this stage that I’ve climbed the hill with my heroine (and hero because Choc Lit novels have a male point-of-view as well) and helped her over her hurdles and it should be a gentle descent now to a happy and satisfying ending. Gosh, saying all that has made me want to get back to it now! The working title is EMMA AND HER DAUGHTER…..but that could change.

What was the inspiration behind this series?
TO TURN FULL CIRCLE came about from some family history research I was doing on my husband’s side of the family. One of his great uncles had had two fishing vessels and fished out of Brixham. But his great uncle had to come off the sea when he badly injured his leg in an accident. Brixham is a rabbits’ warren of roads lined with fishermen’s cottages and it got me thinking….what happened to the wives and children of fishermen who could no longer work, seeing as many of their homes back then would have been in tied cottages? I’ve also always been interested in the choices people make. The good ones and the bad, and how we have to live with the consequences of those choices and accept how they can affect other people as well as ourselves. And my Emma, being rather impulsive, has to make more than a few choices before she achieves her dreams.


1 copy of Emma

1. Open to everyone
2. Ends Jan 18th
3. Just enter .)
But do be free to ask questions :)

(notice. Please be sure that if you do not leave an email,  then I must be able to find it in your profile. Those with google+ profiles check this). The winner has 48 hours on her or him to contact me back.

Life hasn t always been kind to Emma Le Goff. She has had her fair share of hardship and now finally, her life appears to be looking up.She and her childhood sweetheart, Seth Jago, are set to marry and both believe that an idyllic existence, free from heartache, awaits them. However, when they discover that the past is more difficult to forget than they could have ever imagined. Emma continues to be haunted by the mysterious circumstances surrounding her family and Seth is hounded by a jealous ex-lover set on revenge. Seth plans for their escape to Canada. But when the charismatic Matthew Caunter returns to Devon, Emma finds herself uncertain of whether a move to Canada is really what she wants, This is the sequel to "To Turn Full Circle"

My thoughts:
Poor Emma and Seth, this was a book where there was drama and then more drama. There was setback after setback, but then the whole village could be pretty evil and unforgiving.

Right, back to the beginning, this is actually book 2 but you do not have to have read book 1 to follow along. You get to see things that happened in book 1 that has consequences now. Like why the priest do not want to marry them and why some of the parishioners are stuck up idiots.

Just know that there are Emma and Seth who love each other and wants to be together and start their new life. Emma wants to build a business for herself and not just be someone's wife. While Seth wants to throw off his father's shadow and be his own man.

Then you throw in Seth's vindictive ex-lover who has a secret. His brother who is in jail. A former friend of Emma whom she might have had feelings for, and yes then those idiots in the town. Those who should move on and not be idiots (yes they made me angry if you can't notice ;) People can be so mean.

Sure there was a bit too much drama, but then there are reasons for it all. And it felt real how Emma and Seth tried to move on with life and even had doubts about their love for each other. People seldom doubt when it it's all lovey dovey so it felt real.

And I do wonder what will happen in the next. It ends all well and you could stop at that. But there will be more so...I do wonder.

Paperback, 356 pages
Expected publication: March 15th 2014 by Choc Lit (first published December 3rd 2013)
Emma Le Goff #2
Historical romantic fiction
For review


  1. Being older may be the only way I have time and energy to write.

    But I agree...this sounds very interesting and drama filled.

  2. Such a gorgeous cover on this book! And good for Emma wanting to start a business and not simply be Seth's wife. I'm pretty sure this village is going to make me want to throttle someone though, the people there sound miserable :(

    1. They were so horrid and one family in particular, it was so arghhhh *throttles them all*

  3. I'd like to be counted in for this one! thank you for making it open to all. Much appreciated.

  4. Poor Emma - sound alike she had a rough time in this book lol

    I think it's fantastic that Linda found something she loves even if it's later in life.

    I'm finding myself way more open to trying new things now that I'm almost 50. What do I have to lose? lol

    1. Aye poor Emma, they really should move away.

      Nothing, so try

  5. Thank you Linda for the interview :D

  6. that's a great interview, thank you. I didn't know the book, but the cover is nice and I'm curious to learn more about the book.

  7. What a great personal story, very inspiring. It shows you that it's never too late to pursue your passion. I guess things really happens for a reason and there are situations where it forces us to go to a certain path we wouldn't have gone if things were OK.

    1. Yes just go for it, I really should try that too

  8. This sounds like a very interesting story. I always like when a book has childhood sweethearts get married. I also like the cover and the title of the book. They give it such a charm.

  9. Wonderful review, and I enjoyed the interview how exciting that she discovered her passion even if she came to later in life :)

  10. You sort of remind me of my 90 yr. old friend. She started doing things even later in life and she is still going strong. You should hear tell of all the things she does to upgrade her house! She is amazing!

    The book sounds like a good read too. Even though I do like the lovey dovey stuff, I agree, it isn't real. So I am glad this one feels real. I don't see that too often!

    1. It's all very cute and I do always enjoy it, but real, eh no. So this one had more real drama

  11. This sounds so good. I also loove historical fiction and would love to win this! Thanks!

  12. Not straight his fic, since it's the romantic part there too

  13. Great review, and the book sounds intriguing :) Count me in!

  14. Historical romantic fiction with drama.
    This sounds like a great book and the cover is beautiful.


  15. Great to meet Emma here today thank you.


  16. I know you said that there was a lot of drama in this book. But I like my books to have a lot of drama, and this one sounds really good. I love the storyline and would enjoy it. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  17. It's great that you can jump right into this book without having read book one. It does sound like Seth and Emma face quite a lot of drama and more than a few idiots, but hopefully they will prevail. I need to check this one out, thanks for sharing!

  18. Everything about this book is delightful. The cover art is so soft and pretty, the reviews are great and the story sounds intriguing.

  19. First winner did not respond, 2nd winner ZOe B



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