Wednesday 1 January 2014

Best of 2013

Now where did 2013 go? Anyway, before we start with the best of I will give some stats from a year of blogging :)

I read 211 books last year + 10 short stories

I dnf 9 books (or so)
I listened to 9 audio books (all this fall, I am quite smitten, but I do have a hard time finding good ones)

And now to the Top 5 of 2013, in now real order as that would be too hard

I had planned to make another book best book of the year, but when I had a look back I of course remembered this one from early 2013. I was so caught up in this book and when I finished it I was all o_O Fantastico! Never ever have book 2 in a series made me feel like this. It was an awesome book.

This one was meant to be the best, but then in a way it was still the best book of the year cos I really can't compare The Kingdom and this book. The Kingdom was a masterpiece of emotions while Promise of Blood was a masterpiece of writing. The best fantasy book of this year and a chunkster I could not put down. I fell in love.

And the rest are in no real order

The first 150 pages I was all holy F this is exciting! Omg Hugh!!! Squeeee. Best Kate book so far.

This was epic fantasy at it's best, it was just so bloody epic. Never have there been a city like this city.

This series had NOT compared to Mercy and when I started book 3 I did not really have any hopes for it. But it showed to be the best in the series so far and I do love this series now. This is was Briggs rule.

And here are some of the other good books I have read this year, all awesome 4 stars

Series started this year: Too many
Series finished: Too few

Most read Author this year: Karen Miller
Fav genre of the year. Still Fantasy

Best covers of the year, I can't decide between these 3:

Here is to hoping 2014 will be awesome too!


  1. For some reason I haven't been able to finish Promise of Blood. I promise I'll give it another chance in couple of days. Hopefully by then I can get into it.
    Great selection of books you have there. ;)

    1. I bought it on sale a couple of months ago, have not even attempted to start it yet. Not sure why.

    2. Hey, if you do not fall at once I doubt you will fall. It happens

  2. A lot of fantastic books this year, Blodeuedd! Here is to another one even better! *chin-chin* :))) Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year! Yes please a year filled with awesome books

  3. 2013 did fly by rather quickly :) Happy New Year 2014!

  4. I know a lot of people were upset with Magic Rises but I really liked it.

    Let's just say - I wasn't worried - I think a lot of those things needed to happen to move forward.

    Happy New Year!

    1. They were? I must have missed that, I only came across people who loved it....and now I am curious about those peeps

      Oh yes it had to

  5. Happy New Year. I hope to begin the Kate Daniels series this year. I love the Mistress of the Wind cover.

    1. I hope you will love it :D I warn you, book 1 is not awesome but it gets better

  6. Happy New Year Blodeuedd! :) & to add to everyone's wishes - here's hoping for better audiobooks in 2014!!!

  7. Nice picks! I do love Briggs and Andrews. I'm behind a book in each though! Eep! Must fix that soon! Happy 2014!

  8. yay! great choice! I love Amanda Stevens and Ilona Andrews! perfect choice. Happy new year!

  9. Happy New Year! You had a great year!

  10. I haven't read any of those books. My wish list is becoming enormous. Happy New Year!

  11. Happy Happy New Year B! A lot of great sounding books on your list that I will get to in the upcoming years lol. Yes, years... *sigh* so little time to read all the books I want to. I'm excited to see what 2014 brings =)

    1. I know, I mean to tackle my TBR pile along would take me all year and I could read nothing else

  12. Ooo love the covers your picked. And I really much read that Patricia Briggs series! It's sitting in my book closet just waiting for me... Maybe I'll actually get to it in 2014 ;)

    1. It really got good when I came to book 3, so awesome!

  13. That's quite a list! I hope 2014 is a great year for reading. Hope you feel better soon too!

  14. Shiz, I remember I still have to read The Kingdom! I read the first two back to back and for some reason I stopped reading book 3. Now I have to start over again!

    1. The Kingdom is book you include the prequel?

  15. Awesome list I love Amanda Stevens and cannot wait for the next book in the series :)

    1. It was supposed to be out already so I am all sad and waiting

  16. Awesome list, I loved The Kingdom, The Prophet ... not as much. Hope 2014 is the year for Ilona Andrews and I want to read Banquet of Lies that I won from you :)

    1. Yes do read it soon :D
      Yeah the prophet not as much :/

  17. I'm right there with you on the series reading situation! But, ah well. It is a beast :-)

    Here's hoping for a great 2014!

  18. Lovely choices Blodeuedd! I agree on those that I have read too ;)

  19. I love The Graveyard Queen series so much! The fourth one has been announced ages ago and I can't wait to get my hands on it.
    Great picks!

    1. I know, like in October or before and I keep waiting and waiting

  20. Same to you!
    It's so wonderful :D I was all OMG, awesome!!!

  21. Looks like you had a great year in books. Happy New Year!

  22. Happy New Years!
    Good picks! I had a different book originally picked out, but then I really thought about and re-read my old reviews and that changed my mind.

    1. I had forgotten about the Kingdom and how entranced I was. That's the thing you always remember those latest books

  23. Great wrap up post! Happy New Year!

  24. Happy belated new year! Sorry I've been MIA, I've been traveling for the holidays. You have had a pretty kick butt reading year, it seems! Here's hoping 2014 is just as good! :-)

    1. Cool :D I'd love to travel but I was sick, so I just read



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