Saturday, 26 September 2015

#FitReaders: Weekly Check-In Sept 24 2015 and DNFs

#FitReaders is hosted by Geeky Bloggers Book Blog  and That’s What I’m Talking About.

Join in :D

Sat 1 h walk
Sun 1 h walk. 6 km bike
Mon 4 km bike. 30 min walk
Tue 20 min walk. 6 km bike. 1 h body combat
Wed 8 km bike. 1 h zumba
Thu, 8 km bike. 45 zumba toning
Fri, 8 km bike. 15 min walk. 1 h yoga
Sat, 1.45 h walk

Good week :)


Ok so one reason why there are so many now is because I am getting to the bottom of my TBR pile. All those books that have been there for years.

The other reason is that I am also getting to the last of the books on my e-reader. And with last I mean those on it. I still have 1500 more to read on my computer. That is why ok is not good enough.

1. Darcy takes a plunge
Not all JAFF can draw me in. DNF

2. The rogue hunters are not as funny as the argenau books :/  Dnf

3. It felt meh so I gave up.

4. Dream stone
 I really have lost all patience with ok books. DNF. There are better ones out there

5. Eh, why did I give up? Oh right, it was ok. I want more. I got many more freebies to read

6. Eh, why did I give up? Oh right, it was ok. I want more. I got many more freebies to read

7. So I never got to the part where why her mum was so angry (only for that? stupid) cos yes I gave up, but silly.

8. Yawn, dnf

9. This one had more promise (it was a dnf day), bit still could not compel me to read it


  1. Congrats on getting to the bottom of the TBR pile. I don't know if I'll live long enough to get to the bottom of mine...

  2. Good stuff indeed, greetings and best wishes!

  3. Ah, another round of DNFs, another round where I'm sort of relieved none of the books are on my reading list or are my genre. As usual, beautiful pics though!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Like I said, the bottom of things. Freebies out of my ears ;)


  4. Awesome job keeping fit. Lot of DNF, I hate it when I read a book I am not so happy about having at some time in the past purchased. Especially if it happens to be part of a series and I bought more without reading the first!

    1. Thanks :)

      Oh these were all freebies, so who cares :)

  5. Do you accept immigrants there? Damn I want to move to your wilderness, wow! Amazing nature photos, lady!

    1. Lol. We went to this new place, and omg how pretty it was

  6. I'm impressed that you're making your way through your TBR pile.

    That looks like a lovely place to walk.

  7. omg! That's a dream of mine. To get to the bottom of my pile. Gah. How I wish I don't have a full time job. Sigh.

    1. Haha. I have focused all my energy on it. Less review books, less library books

  8. Way to go on keeping up your exercise. And I'll probably end up doing some DNFing if I take a real run at my TBR pile. You are doing awesome.

    1. The bottom of the pile i sure where all those I have not wanted to read are

  9. "Good" week?! I'd call it pretty dang FANTASTIC, you little exercising machine!!! :D And the pics ... oh, the pics! Every week, even more gorgeous.

  10. Your country is so gorgeous Blodeuedd, one day I will visit! And I would like to give the Kelly Hunter book a try, if it is a paper one, I do love her work.

    1. Sorry, old ebook freebie. Harlequin and I do not mix with ebooks, I'd much rather read them in print, that would hold my attention

  11. Some many DNFs. :)
    Good job this week with working out!

  12. What a great exercise week. Reading week, not so much. ;)

  13. Love the pics as usual! So many DNFs and all different genres. Hopefully you'll have better reading coming up.

  14. Pretty pics as always. Sad on the Armstrong. I think that's one of them that I loved (rare for that series and me)

  15. Gorgeous pics, so pretty and wow you nailed it with the bike rides. Body combat sounds umm too tough for me lol

    1. Thank you :)
      All thanks to to and from work and to and from class.

      I was sore for days after body combat

  16. Stunning view on your walk! And looking at the covers for your DNFs, I don't think I would have picked them up. ;) Sorry to hear you had so many, but you are weeding out the stack. :)

    1. That I am :D I am getting to the very meh ones

  17. Yep, I end up DNFing freebies that are just okay reads as well. Hard to justify the struggle to keep reading when there are so many more good and great books around. :)

    1. Yay, not alone. Why read them? There are many more out there

  18. I completely understand. I haven't had much time to read lately (listen I've had time, but not reading), so I'm DNFing a lot of books too. I'm also quitting two series this year. Love the pics.

  19. That is so awesome that you are getting to the bottom of the TBR. I might get there someday, if I stopped buying books! O.o

    1. I have not bought any books this year, tough, I do wanna

  20. Oh, pooh! I have The Hanover Square Affair too. :( Might not read it now.


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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