Friday, 28 September 2018

Friday Night Horror Carole Style: The Undertaker and his Pals

Film Title: The Undertaker and His Pals
Length: 1h and 3 min
Released: (1966)
Genre:  Horror, Comedy 
Rating: R
Where I Got It: YouTube


An undertaker and his two friends, who are restaurant owners, drum up business by going out on the town and killing people; the restaurant owners use parts of the bodies for their menu, and the undertaker gets paid by the families to bury the remainder. Their racket goes awry when 2 detectives suspect that something isn't quite kosher.


So my friend decided this was the movie of the evening to watch. I like horror films and I like horror films with some comedy. They do not list this as a parody. In all honesty though…it really was a comedy with some bloody parts and some creepy men riding around. 

The story follows these three men who are hunting people down for their restaurant and morgue services. Honestly…a clever idea that ensures money made and money saved. Clever, brutal men. 

But yes, this was pretty bloody and scary, especially for the time period. I believe it was in the 1960s that this came out. I found it more creepy and funny at the same time. 

The film doesn’t take itself too seriously. There is melodrama, ridiculous scenes, stupid jokes, and hilarious moments. Ooooo Leg of Lamb….my goodness. The most hilarious part was when one of the men was chasing a girl up some stairs. I won’t say more, but I was on the floor!

A silly, but creepy old-time movie. A good one for Halloween if you need a lighter horror film that will make you chuckle. I’ll give this 5 stars. Why? It was stupid, but perfect in every way! 

What is there really to say? I am of course a lover of books, poetry, movies, plays, and music. Nothing is better than enjoying a cup of tea and immersing yourself in another world and forgetting about the world for just a little bit. My cat and chinchillas keep me entertained over here in Michigan (the mitten state of the USA). I'm game for any genre of book or movie. You can find me over at Carole Rae's Random Ramblings.


  1. I'll have to look this one up. I like movies like this - especially older ones.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  2. I need to find your little signature! I'll do some digging. :) And thanks for hosting my silly movie ;)

  3. Thanks Carole!
    Ugh horror! So not me

  4. Not the biggest fan of horror, but the idea behind this is kind of cool

  5. I'm like Blodeuedd not my cuppa either!

  6. Oh man, that was the time period of cheesy horror movies! They're kind of terrifying in their own way. Glad you had fun with this, Carole! :)

  7. I love movies like this! Could always go with a horror comedy, complete with cheesiness!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum


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