Thursday, 28 March 2019

Shattermoon - Dominic Dulley

Paperback, 368 pages
Published June 14th 2018 by Jo Fletcher Books
Series: The Long Game #1
Thank you Jo Fletcher for this review copy

My Thoughts
I must say, I think this one would work so well in audio (yes yes you all know I love audio these days ;) But seriously, the action kept coming so I am sure I would have enjoyed it a lot in audio for that reason.  But back to the actual book now!

Space, new worlds. One ruler, and some aliens on the fringe. Orry is a con artist together with her dad and brother. She is smart and good at it.

Also there are some secrets we learn at the end that made me go all whaaat! Intriguing.

But before that she has to go on the run when accused of a crime. There is a mysterious pendant that many want and will kill to get. Which takes us to other planets, space and the underbelly of society.

Other characters are Mender, this old grumpy captain. And you know what I shall say no more. There are good guys, bad guys. People I want to hit in the face and people that step up.

The book has an ending, yay. More books are to come, but I was happy where I left her at the moment. Of course things are about to get bad, for sure, but for now all is good.

I shall read more and see what she gets up to. I want her to confront X...

Nice beginning.

An inexperienced grifter. An obsolete spaceship. And against them, the might of the Grand Fleet. Orry might just be in over her head.

Orry's father is the best conman in the quadrant, targeting the decadent ruling families of the Ascendancy, running elaborate heists with Orry and her brother Ethan before disappearing without a trace. This time should be no different.

But then Orry goes off-script and everything falls apart. Less than an hour later the Count's spoiled grandson is dead and Orry's on the run, accused of a murder she didn't commit.

Turns out, the pendant Orry stole was crafted by the Departed, the ancient civilisation who left this universe aeons ago, taking most of their secrets with them. But she's not the only one who wants it. It doesn't take ruthless space pirate Morven Dyas long to track her down, or to threaten her with her worst fear, and when she's unexpectedly rescued by loner Jurgen Mender and his ageing spaceship, the Dainty Jane, Orry knows there's only one thing left to do.

It will take all of Orry's powers of persuasion to get Mender to agree to her plan, especially when even she can see the madness of pitting an inexperienced young grifter, a space-dog long past his best and an obsolete spaceship against the Imperial Fleet, the worst of the space-pirates - and the alien Kadiran, who are getting bored with the long, uneasy truce with humankind . . .

But what other choice does she have? 


  1. It looks good and I confess that I didn't know about this one but it's great that it had an ending for a series it's not often the case

    1. Not an ending, I am reading book 2, but a nice conclusion for that book

  2. I need to read more books set in space. It seems like there aren’t enough. I will add this to my list.

  3. So, sounds good. Yes sometimes audiobooks for this kind of story when well narrated really lift the book another notch. However seems like reading it was still rather worth it.

    1. It was, but I do so love audio! LOL. And some books I just get this feel that they would work well

  4. this sounds like it would be a good movie!

  5. So wait... are these available in audio?

  6. It's funny, I just heard of this book for the first time this week! I got the sequel out of the blue for review, so I went to look up the series. Glad to know it has a good start.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  7. The moon on the cover looks like it's going to smoosh the person underneath it! :O

  8. I do the same thing. "this would be great on audio, especially with XXX reading". LOL

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Books of My Heart

    1. Ohh yes who would narrate? I do like Justine Eyre


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