Tuesday, 13 August 2019


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

August 13th: What mistakes have you learned to stop repeating when it comes to reading and blogging?

To read on...I do make that mistake now again, but for the most I have learned to actually STOP when a book is not for me. I just do not have time to read books that do not interest me, that are boring or that I want to throw at the wall.

To stop responding to everything. I guess some authors do assume that when I do not respond I have not received their email. But no, I just do not want to waste time sending a thanks no thanks to every review request I get. Time is precious, I'd rather be reading.

Early on I learned to say no to review books. I said yes to everything at first, haha, what a mistake. I also read everything, even though it was crap, and I was to afraid to say so too. I am so glad I learned early on to say no, and to say the truth.


  1. I need to learn to do that. I've learned to quit qorrying about stats.

  2. I agree about the emails. I got put on some list in a website and now I get review requests all the time. I stopped replying to them and just mark them as spam now.

  3. Ah yes I agree with you too

  4. You have gotten good at putting books down that don't hold your interest. I need to get better at that.

    1. It is hard, and honestly lately I have failed a lot, dunno why

  5. That's a great list! I have still not mastered the art of the dnf. But I power skim and finish in 15 mintues so I'm still not wasting too much time lol

    1. I used to be good at skimming, but I have gotten worse, lol

  6. Yeah it's hard sometimes to stop but you gotta know when to say when lol.

  7. Yep, I now DNF more and I don't request or accept everything anymore. Life is too short to waste it reading a book you don't enjoy.

    1. After i wrote this I have read lots of mediocre books, lol

  8. Nope, I'm still learning that lesson. I can't seem to DNF even when the book is terrible! My OCD just forces me to finish.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  9. I need to train myself to do that, too.

  10. I've had similar book/review epiphanies, too. It really does clear time for what you want to do instead of senseless obligations.

  11. I learned to say no a long time ago and my review policy states I don’t accept books for review so if they email me, they are wasting their time, I don’t respond. I totally agree about reading crap. I did that for a long time, then I got smart!

    1. I do have an open policy, but then I get the genres I do not read, I doubt they have ever read my blog


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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