Tuesday, 8 October 2019


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

October 8th: How do you feel about the proposal being pushed to change Halloween to always be on the last Saturday of October instead of the 31st?

I could not care less since Halloween is a US thing ;)
But it is rather annoying right now cos we have All Saint's Day the first Saturday in Nov and people always gets confused when Halloween is. Omg people, is is Oct 31st!! ALWAYS. Srsly.

And this would confuse people even more, but at the same time, it would sure be better for kids I guess


  1. I didn't realize there's a push to do that. We always celebrate it on the 31st here.

  2. It irritates me when people try to push for things like this. Where I live, kids trick-or-treat on Halloween. But in other towns it is Oct. 30 and some always move to the weekend. LAME.

    1. I did not know that, I always thought it was 31st everywhere

    2. Halloween is OCT 31. It's just that some places don't trick-or-treat on Halloween.

  3. I'm sure it would be better for the kids (no school the next day) and easier for the parents that have to work since it gets dark so early.

  4. I think they should just change Trick or Treating to the last Saturday of the month. Otherwise, you have crabby kids the next day. As far as Samhain, I don't think that's actually changeable? Halloween in the US has taken on a life of it's own, biggest commercial candy selling day of the year, as with everything here, it's all about retail sales, sadly. If I hear Christmas music before Thanksgiving, I'm going to lose my crap, seriously.

    1. I do believe Samhain is always the same date, you cant change that. But Halloween is sure its own ting.

      I am annoyed in a way that stores have taken to it here cos if kids showed up here, yeah no luck

  5. Totally forgot to do this weeks prompt lol

    The holiday is the 31st. So it just is. I think we can trick-or-treat on a more convenient day though. Because of school/work etc.

    A lot of businesses do that already so the kids are going trick-or-treating several days that week lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I like that, Halloween is always on that date, trick another day, but then when would that day be

  6. I see no reason to change the date. Leave it the way it is.

  7. It doesn't really matter to me. When I lived in a different state they celebrated on Oct 30 and 31. I was not prepared for two nights of trick or treat.

  8. I laughed because seriously I don't care either. Trouble is they try to bring it in here in NZ but it just doesn't feel right for us. Shops!!

    1. Yes shops! They brought it out in Sep and we do not even celebrate

  9. I'm happy with Halloween falling on whatever day Oct 31 is, what's great is that the teachers know all the kids will be out trick or treating so they don't give homework anyway, and around here the festivities don't go on too late :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. That is nice of them :D Cos yes everyone will be out

  10. I didn't know this was a thing, but I can't really see how it works since the holiday, All Hallow's Eve is the day before All Saint's Day for a reason and the trick or treating is a rather new thing in comparison. Not like they couldn't have their parties and community trick or treating on a weekend if that's the issue. :)

    1. I get the whole week day thing, that is weird, but eh i do not care

  11. I think it should be a fri or sat.

  12. OMG. That would be awesome! But my kids are older now, so I suppose it doesn't really matter now. Lol.


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