Friday, 30 October 2020

Short Movie Review: MIB International

The Men in Black have always protected the Earth from the scum of the universe. In this new adventure, they tackle their biggest threat to date: a mole in the Men in Black organization.

Director: F. Gary Gray
Writers: Matt Holloway, Art Marcum | 
Stars: Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Kumail Nanjiani 

 1h 54min | Action, Adventure, Comedy 

I expected more, what I got felt too long and too dull.


Thursday, 29 October 2020

Audio: A Duke a dozen by Shana Galen

Narrated by: Victoria Aston

Series: Survivors (Shana Galen), Book 6

Length: 8 hrs and 26 mins

Release date: 10-20-20

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Historical romance /To review

I like this series. The survivors of a doomed troop from the war. This time we did not have time to hang out or meet the rest of the gang. This was Finn's book. Oh and his older lady, wink wink.

Finn comes to Annabell thinking she had slept with his brother, cos she is the Wanton Widow after all. Of course that is just the Ton gossiping cos a widow liked to have fun once! Anyway, his brother is dead and he has questions. Which leads to him helping her out. Roadtrip!

She is almost 15 years older. She has issues with men after her horrible marriage.

He is a young Duke who needs an heir, and a spare.

They become friendly, they want to become more, there can never be a happy ending, or?

I was all for a widow of 45 finding love again. You go girl! And getting a young Duke on top of that.

I enjoyed it. There was also a little romantic sidestory too about someone close to them, no spoilers.

I have listened to Ashton many times and she is always good. She does historical romance well. Voices, tone, everything. She takes you back.

They call him the Doomed Duke.

Phineas Duncombe, ninth Duke of Mayne, should not be the duke. After all, he had four—count them—four older brothers! Phin never wanted the dukedom, and the suspicious circumstances of the eighth duke’s death lead Phin to question the Countess of Longstowe. The beautiful widow isn’t at all what Phin expected. He’s intrigued by her and determined to seduce her. The countess is not interested in Phin romantically, but when she comes to him with another request, he can’t deny it. A few days in the country with Lady Longstowe reveal two truths to the new duke. One, he cares for the countess much more than any other woman he’s ever known. Two, Phin either has very bad luck or someone is trying to kill him.

They call her the Wanton Widow.

Annabel was barely eighteen when she was married to the elderly Earl of Longstowe. A harsh, sadistic man, the earl’s death was not something Annabel mourned. Now in her mid-forties, Annabel enjoys her widowhood and has no desire to ever be under a man’s thumb again. Not even a handsome duke like Mayne, who is far too young for her anyway. Annabel’s one desire is to find the daughter who was taken away from her. For that she needs a man with power and status. She needs the Duke of Mayne. When the two are thrust together, Annabel struggles to fight her attraction to the charming Phin. She’s losing the battle. But can she ever trust another man, especially with the one part of herself she’s never given away—her heart?

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

The Silence of the girls by Pat Barker

Paperback, 325 pages

Published May 2nd 2019 by Penguin (first published August 30th 2018)

Historical fiction



The ancient world was a brutal world. And Pat Barker writes it so simply and beautifully, with sadness and resilience.

Briseis family was slaughtered. Common women were given for soldier's use, or killed. Noble women were chosen as prizes. She was given to Achilles. This is her book, her point of view. Her seeing the destruction and brutalization of women. She realizing that everyone she loves with die or end up like her. And she is brought to a rapecamp.  We all know how Odysses for example wanted back to his wife, but did he have his own prize. Of course. Because women are commodities. She also ends up being the victim for Achilles hurt pride. Was it her he wanted, no. But she was his and so he sulks.

Men are fools and killers.

It was a good book. The best I have read about the Trojan war. It was another point of view. The victim's view. How can those songs have been thought as glorious when they all jsut bothered each other, threw infants of walls and killed pregnant women cos they could have bearing sons. War is never glorious.

“I thought: Suppose, suppose just once, once, all these centuries, the slippery gods keep their word and Achilles is granted eternal glory in return for his early death under the walls of Troy...? What will they make of us, the people of those unimaginably distant times? One thing I do know: they won't want the brutal reality of conquest and slavery. They won't want to be told about the massacres of men and boys, the enslavement of women and girls. They won't want to know we were living in a rape camp. No, they'll go for something altogether softer. A love story, perhaps? I just hope they manage to work out who the lovers were.

Queen Briseis has been stolen from her conquered homeland and given as a concubine to a foreign warrior. The warrior is Achilles: famed hero, loathed enemy, ruthless butcher, darkly troubled spirit. Briseis's fate is now indivisibly entwined with his.

No one knows it yet, but there are just ten weeks to go until the Fall of Troy, the end of this long and bitter war. This is the start of The Iliad: the most famous war story ever told. The next ten weeks will be a story of male power, male ego, male violence. But what of the women? The thousands of female slaves in the soldiers' camp - in the laundry, at the loom, laying out the dead? Briseis is one of their number - and she will be our witness to history. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2020



Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

 10/27/2020 How do you like to be scared? Horror or thriller?

Neither to be honest. I do not like to be scared at all. I have tried to watch zombie movies and tv, but I get really bad nightmares. It is freaky to be honest and trust me, you do not want to dream that zombies are trying to eat you.

Horror movies, nah, people are so stupid in them.

Books, well those are better, a bit of fright there could be good. And horror, cos thrillers, what, those are not scary. I also like more psychological terror and unknown then just plain scary

Next Week: 11/3/2020 What do you do for fun when you aren’t blogging?

Monday, 26 October 2020

Joint Discussion: Exit Strategy

Hello all! Carole and I will be discussing "Exit Strategy" by Martha Wells. I amin red and Carole in blue.

Author: Martha Wells
Title: Exit Strategy
(The Murderbot Diaries #4)
Genre: SciFi, Novella
Published: October 2nd 2018
Format: ebook
Pages: 176 

Murderbot wasn’t programmed to care. So, its decision to help the only human who ever showed it respect must be a system glitch, right?

Having traveled the width of the galaxy to unearth details of its own murderous transgressions, as well as those of the GrayCris Corporation, Murderbot is heading home to help Dr. Mensah—its former owner (protector? friend?)—submit evidence that could prevent GrayCris from destroying more colonists in its never-ending quest for profit.

But who’s going to believe a SecUnit gone rogue?

And what will become of it when it’s caught?

I must say that this was my least favorite, frankly I was pretty bored most of the time.

Gah! Me too. The first couple of chapters I was really intrigued but then….I slowly started yawning and just waiting for it to end. 

I was at page 60 or something and was all caught up in my own despair, why wont it eeeeeend!!! I am sorry but this really soured the series for me. There is a 5th, I have not even checked what it is about cos I do not care.

Right? I am tempted to say goodbye to our beloved bot. BUT I am willing to try the next one but I do worry. 

You are kinder than I am, I am all bye bye Murderbot. There was nothing of Murderbot in this one. Where is that humour? It was just Murderbot being all blah. All those things that made the series fun were gone.

I think I chuckled once? Yea - the humour was gone and Murderbot was only badass once at the end which was cool, but it was so dry and there needed to be more. 

I am sad, I’d say this was barely ok. I had to push through. Stuff happened, but nothing really happened.

Sighs...I miss ART. LOL

Where art thou Art!

ART HAS MY HEART! Murderbot...I am willing to try one more….but meh. 

Number 5 is full length, FULL LENGTH?!?! What if it sucks? *cries*

UGGGGH. I think I would need to switch back to audio if that is the case. I did the ebook this time since my library had it. The narrator is good so maybe it’ll help??? Sighs. 

 I am weary, we could do 5, but how about a Murderbot break in November? 

Maybe we just need a break. Yes. I am good for that. Maybe taking a break and then jumping back in will work. The heart grows fonder with a little separation. Lol Or they could bring ART back? 

Break it is, and let’s hope Murderbot gets her groove back. Now to figure out what to read in November then…

Yes. *fingers crossed* We’ll find something. Maybe we can do something xmas-y ;)

I am all for xmassy

Woot!!! Soooo yes. This was my least favorite of the series. It was not funny and Murderbot seemed off this time around. Bummer overall for me. 

Disappointing. Sloooow.

Super sad. I have hope for the next. 

The end?

The end my friend! Until next time. 

About the Authors
Carole and Blodeuedd have been blogging for a long while now. The last few years the epic duo has been discussing books, watching movies, and even wetting the pen and sharing their stories with the worldwide web. They both love cats, chocolate, and a good story.

Friday, 23 October 2020

Audio: A princess by Christmas by Julie London

Narrated by: Justin Hill

Series: A Royal Wedding, Book 3

Length: 9 hrs and 51 mins

Release date: 10-13-20

Publisher: Harlequin Audio

Historical romance

To review

There is just something about a male narrator when it comes to historical romance, I really enjoyed it!

Hollis is a widow who owns and writes for a popular women's magazine. This is the third book and in the previous ones her sister married a crown prince, and her friend married his brother. But yes even though they are in London for peace talks, I did not feel like I had missed something. It worked well as a stand alone, but it did make me want their stories too.

Hollis was kind and I just wanted something for her, she was stuck in place as people moved on and moved away.

So she meets Marek, a civil servant from the country that her brother in law is not keen on. Long story there, two warring countries, seems to be a bad guy in Marek's country causing trouble, and someone will be causing trouble in this one as peace is trying to be reached. But anyway, Marek was quiet, calm, loved his country and his peaceful life on his farm. Just this solid guy.

It takes a long time for anything to happen. They run into each other, they talk, and long long in things start to progress, and at the end I was holding my breath. They had to be together!!

A sweet book. I wonder if there will be more? I would like more.

As I mentioned I really liked the male narrator. I liked what he did with female voices, and he made his male voices really dark. But it was fun listening too.

After three years of mourning - and turning her dear deceased husband's gazette into the ton's sauciest source of fashion and gossip - Hollis Honeycutt feels her life has been strangely bereft of late.... Her sister is living abroad, and her best friend moved to the country. What must a young widow of rank and reputation do? Why, transform her society gossip sheets into serious investigative news, starting with a rumored coup...and the rather dashing, mysterious gentleman whom Hollis suspects might be the villain of her first real story, and she is the only one who can write it.

Marek Brendan is investigating terrible rumors of treachery and treason that threaten his home country of Wesloria, but he must proceed with caution. No one can discover the truth. After all, who would ever believe he is Wesloria's lost crown prince? Only Hollis Honeycutt's cerulean-blue eyes seem to know more than she's letting on - and worse, Marek can’t seem to resist her curious charms. But even as betrayal threatens a nation and a throne, nothing is quite so dangerous as the lovely young widow who’s determined to find the truth...and a prince of her own.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

The chalk pit by Elly Griffiths

Paperback, 384 pages

Published February 23rd 2017 by Quercus

Series: Ruth Galloway #9



Wohoo, I had book 9 ready when I finished book 8. Gotta read these at once!

In this one Ruth is investigating something in the tunnels under Norwich. And above ground a homeless woman goes missing which sets of a series of events.

As for that thing I have waited for, now, well Nelson and Ruth will never happen again. I do feel a bit sad, cos she seems to really care. But things happen....

But the book is great as always. I enjoy these characters and I can't wait to read more, just as I always do.

Boiled human bones have been found in Norwich's web of underground tunnels. When Dr Ruth Galloway discovers they are recent - the boiling not the medieval curiosity she thought - DCI Nelson has a murder enquiry on his hands.

Meanwhile, DS Judy Johnson is investigating the disappearance of a local rough sleeper. The only trace of her is the rumour that she's gone 'underground'. This might be a figure of speech, but with the discovery of the bones and the rumours both Ruth and the police have heard of a vast network of old chalk-mining tunnels under King's Lynn, home to a vast community of rough sleepers, the clues point in only one direction. Local academic Martin Kellerman knows all about the tunnels and their history - but can his assertions of cannibalism and ritual killing possibly be true?

As the weather gets hotter, tensions rise. A local woman goes missing and the police are under attack. Ruth and Nelson must unravel the dark secrets of The Underground and discover just what gruesome secrets lurk at its heart - before it claims another victim. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Audio: Christmas at Holiday House by RaeAnne Thayne

Narrated by: Vanessa Johansson

Series: Haven Point, Book 12

Length: 8 hrs and 16 mins

Release date: 10-13-20

Publisher: Harlequin Audio

Contemporary romance

To review

A cute xmassy book.

Abby comes with her son to a sweet little town. She will only stay a little while to help out a friend's grandma. And Abby is sweet, kind. She lost her husband and is trying to move on with her life.

Christmas is also around the corner, and they are prepping the house for it. Very xmassy, with snow, skiing and more.

And of course she meets at first grumpy guy called Ethan, who thinks his grandma should be in a home so she wont get hurt. But Ethan was a sweetie, also a stupid idiot who thought he was incapable of love. Men!

But yes it is a simple story, they meet, they become friendly, they want more. And they live happily ever after,

One weird thing though, his sister had this backstory where she finally ended up with her bestie. I felt like they could have had their own book.

Sweet and short.

Good narrator. I liked what she did with her voices. And easy story to listen to

A widowed young mother's search for the perfect Christmas for her little boy leads her to Silver Bells, Colorado. There, Abby Powell finds a heartwarming small-town community--with snow!--as well as less-than-jolly Ethan Lancaster, a single-minded businessman who has learned the hard way that love and family are not for him. But he never counted on the lovely newcomer to town--or her the emotional pull she and her son, Christopher, have over him. As Ethan and Abby work together to restore Holiday House, Ethan's historic family mansion, in time for Christmas, Ethan's heart begins to open along with his home.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

Worst character jobs: what are some jobs characters have had that you disliked or would hate to do? 

Well, I am certainly not one that wants to work with dead people, so no morgue for me like in White trash zombie.

Or when they in Heartstrikers hunt weird magically transformed things and other magical creatures, and it often ends messy. So just no messy jobs for me 

In Race the sands by Sarah Beth Durst the main character's "job" is to race this magical creature that just as well could eat her, and in the race death is a big possibility. So, yeah no thank you

In Ravens mark by Ed McDonald the main character guides people into a wasteland that is beyond deadly. There are SO many things that can go wrong there. All from simple mirage ghosts that kill you to anything turning deadly and eating you.

Most jobs are then ones I would hate to do, cos either they are deadly, or I am just a not one of icky things.

NEXT WEEK: 10/27/2020 Halloween/Spooky How do you like to be scared? Horror or thriller?

Monday, 19 October 2020

Carole's Monday: The Jade Tiger by EW Cooper


Title: The Jade Tiger
Genre: Historical Fiction, Mystery
Format: ebook
Published:  October 14th 2020 
Where I Got It: My shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion)

Summary: NEW YORK, OCTOBER 1928. The Big Apple teems with the glitter of Bright Young Things, Prohibition, and scofflaws-the perfect place for Penelope Harris to start her life over. As a former opera singer turned Shanghai nightclub owner, she's seen and done a lot, maybe too much. With any luck, she'll leave more than The Jade Tiger casino behind her-a murdered husband, a blackmailing torch singer, and Thom Lund, the ex-cop who stole her heart. But Penelope has never had that kind of luck; her past is already waiting for her in New York.

When someone murders her chiseling blackmailer at an out-of-control party and Thom is accused of the crime, Penelope must face down her darkest memories to prove his innocence. Is the murderer her cousin Charles, suckered into a hasty marriage by Penelope's blackmailer? Or is it Penelope's over-protective mother, who can't remember a thing after a blow to the head? Or was it Thom after all, ready to commit murder to save Penelope from the blackmailer's wicked plans?

Among the opulent mansions of the obscenely wealthy and the grit of a Hell's Kitchen speakeasy, Penelope and Thom must navigate double-crosses, bad liquor, bootleggers, and dark, obsessive love to find the murderer before the past reaches out to put a noose around both their necks

The cover drew me in and then the summary had me super curious to read this. Yes, the cover is simple, but there is something about it that I can't stop looking at it. 

It is 1928 and Penelope is looking to start her life over and leave the past where it belongs. Penelope was a former singer turned nightclub owner in Shanghai, but when her husband is murdered she decides to go back to New York. However, the past never stays buried. She is soon approached by a blackmailer and things get worse when that blackmailer is killed at a party and a man who owns her heart is accused. 

Poor Penelope. She cannot get the peaceful life she wants and deserves! Poor thing. And poor Thom. 

Yes, I liked Penelope and Thom right off the bat. I just want them to be together and happy!

The mystery was certainly a mystery. I had no idea who or why! Yessss, there are a lot of people who would have an excellent motive for murdering that person. I felt bad for the cops...because there are a lot of suspects and lots of bad blood and secrets running around. I don't envy them this mystery. 

Now, there are a lot of dialogues that did seem to drag a tiny bit, but I do feel it was important conversations to the characters and even for the reader. Lots of clues, red herrings, and so forth. It fit and even though I was anxious to move forward it was important to read through.

The revelation was a surprise and I applaud the author for the twists and turns! That was one heck of a end. I enjoyed it immensely! It really made me curious about if there will be a book 2. 

Overall, I did really like this. It was short, but good. A very good mystery for a cold fall day. I'll give this 4 stars. 

Friday, 16 October 2020

Audio: Mistletoe and Mr Right by Sarah Morgenthaler


Narrated by: Elise Arsenault

Series: Moose Springs, Alaska Series, Book 2

Length: 12 hrs and 5 mins

Release date: 10-06-20

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Contemporary romance /To review

I enjoyed book 1, it was quirky at times, so I dove right into book 2 when I got it.

Lana bought the whole town and has ideas. People in town do not like tourists, which is kind of a double edged sword, because they also need them to survive. And they do not like Lana's new project for bringing in more tourists.

Lana is smart, business savvy, she loves this town and she wants to do good. But yes the townspeople are unhappy.

Rick has not dated in a while, but he is the sweetest guy. And he sees beyond the persona Lana gives out, he sees the real her.

They become friendly, they become more, but what is the obstacle then? Well she is the heir to a real estate group, she does business all over the world. He has his pool hall in a tiny Alaskan town. I did wonder at the end how they would work it out, and if the town would forgive her. Or more like give up on their grudge and try and embrace the only future they can have.

Cute, fun and a crazy moose is loose!

I like the narrator. She is great with voices and emotions and she brings me into this town.

Lana Montgomery is everything the quirky small town of Moose Springs, Alaska can't stand: a rich socialite with dreams of changing things for the better. But Lana's determined to prove that she belongs...even if it means trading her stilettos for snow boots and tracking one of the town's hairiest Christmas mysteries: the Santa Moose, an antlered Grinch hell-bent on destroying every bit of holiday cheer (and tinsel) it can sink its teeth into.

The last few years have been tough on Rick Harding, and it's not getting any easier now that his dream girl's back in town. When Lana accidentally tranquilizes him instead of the Santa Moose, it's clear she needs help, fast...and this could be his chance to finally catch her eye. It's an all-out Christmas war, but if they can nab that darn moose before it destroys the town, Rick and Lana might finally find a place where they both belong...together.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Map's Edge by David Hair

Paperback, 400 pages

Release date: October 15th

Publisher: Jo Fletcher Books


To review

Such a cool cover right! I have to start there, this world does have the chance of their being floating stone islands. So interesting.

And in this world we have an evil empire, crushing other countries and turning people to their side.

Raythe is hiding out since he was a a known rebel, but hey who wouldn't be when the empire invaded. He is secretly a magic user (again, that empire can find him if he shows it). He was determined, he loves his daughter, and wants to get his country back (and his wife, oh man, just forget her.)

This is a roadtrip book. He gathers a bunch of people and sets out to mine a mineral used for magic at the edge of the world. But the empire wants that too, and to catch him among others.

There are a lot of other characters too as they are all on the road together. His daughter. The "bad gang", I will call them that cos he should just have thrown them out, I will not say more. A novice priestess who I was not sure about first, but then grew to like. But even though a lot of characters popped in and out there never felt like there were too many. They were all there, they all had to be there, and the book still mainly focuses on a few of them. It is a very character driven book.

I enjoyed it, I do like a journey book, and when they got there, ohhh, drama. I felt it was an easy read, it went by fast, the characters managed to grab me and made me wonder what would happen next. They are at the edge of the world, and there is no going back. How can they even get out of that?

A journey filled with tension, some backstabbing, being hunted and magic. What more could one ask for? I look forward to finding out more about this world.

Soldier, sorcerer and exiled nobleman Raythe Vyre has run out of places to hide. When the all-conquering Bolgravian Empire invaded, Raythe grabbed his daughter Zar and after taking part in a disastrous rebellion, they washed up on the edge of the continent.

Now he’s found a chance of redemption for himself and the precociously talented Zar: a map showing a hitherto unknown place that’s rich in istariol, the incredibly rare mineral that fuels sorcery. Mining it will need people, but luckily there are plenty of outcasts, ne’er-do-wells and loners desperate enough to brave haunted roads through the ruins of an ancient, long-dead civilisation, to seek wealth and freedom. 

But the Bolgravian Empire is not about to let anyone defy it – and even out here, at the edge of the map, implacable imperial agent Toran Zorne has caught Raythe’s scent.

The hunt is on. 

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Audio: Charming as a verb by Ben Philippe

Narrated by: James Fouhey

Length: 8 hrs and 6 mins

Release date: 10-13-20

Publisher: HarperAudio

YA Fiction

To review

When I read YA fic I do prefer the more sad dramatic ones it seems. This was good, but yes not a lot happened

Halti goes to a fancy school, he lives in a fancy place, except he doesn't. His dad works as a I do not know, my brain is not working, janitor, handy man, whatever, and they live in the basement. He is smart, loves shoes, and is all about getting into Columbia.

So yes that is what the book was about. Thinking about Columbia. Helping a girl find the social scene. Falling for a girl. And doing some stupid things. Seriously Henry, bad bad bad.

Not the most exciting book, but still a good normal book, about normal things. I also really wonder about their love of sneakers, they were intense, they read magazines, so much I do not know.

Good narrator. Good voices for male and female, he did do well with everyone.

Henri “Halti” Haltiwanger can charm just about anyone. He is a star debater and popular student at the prestigious FATE academy, the dutiful first-generation Haitian son, and the trusted dog walker for his wealthy New York City neighbors. 

But his easy smiles mask a burning ambition to attend his dream college, Columbia University. There is only one person who seems immune to Henri’s charms: his “intense” classmate and neighbor Corinne Troy. When she uncovers Henri’s less-than-honest dog-walking scheme, she blackmails him into helping her change her image at school. Henri agrees, seeing a potential upside for himself. 

Soon what started as a mutual hustle turns into something more surprising than either of them ever bargained for....

This is a sharply funny and insightful novel about the countless hustles we have to keep from doing the hardest thing: being ourselves. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

Oct 13th: Comfort foods and comfort reads: now that the weather is getting cooler, share some of yours.

Duh, CHOCOLATE. I love chocolate, chocolate can bring me the purest joy, mmm chocolate. When I get a real craving it is most likely chocolate.

Though I did get addicted to Coca Colar sugarfree this summer, I know I know! And a sip just, you know relaxes me.

I know neither is actual food, but hey, comfort food is comfort food.

As for comfort books, I'd say something with romance, something with a happy ending, and joy inside. Or any book can really be a comfort read, as long as it makes me happy

Monday, 12 October 2020

Carole's Monday


Nicole Clarkston
Narrator: Stevie Zimmerman
Title: Rumours & Recklessness
Genre: P&P Variation, Historical Romance
Format: Audiobook
Pages: 462 
Published:  October 13th 2015
Where I got It: My shelf (Audible)

Summary: Fitzwilliam Darcy is desperate. Finally confronted with a woman who ignites all his hopes , he agonizes over the cruel trick of fate which placed her in a situation beneath his notice. The morning after the Netherfield ball, he resolves to put as much distance between himself and her as possible.

That very morning, however, Elizabeth's future is jeopardized by her father's untimely accident. With Mr Bennet unconscious and surrounded by concerned neighbors, Mr Collins presses his suit. Elizabeth's mother frantically demands her acceptance to secure the familiy's welfare. With so many witnesses to his proposal and everyone expecting her to make a practical choice, Elizabeth's reputation hangs in the balance.

Without her father to defend her refusal of Mr Collins, there is no one to speak up for her... except the last man in the world she would ever marry.

I am so sad to Audible Escape is going away. I've enjoyed it so much!!! I hurried up and got this done since it was the last one I have on my shelf. 

It is the morning after the Netherfield ball and Darcy can't get his mind off Elizabeth so he takes an early ride. That same morning Mr Bennet has a bad accident. All the neighbors come by to help and give support to the Bennet family. Mr Collins decides this is the perfect time to press his suit and ask for her hand in marriage. Without her father there to defend her refusal of Mr Collins, there is is no one to speak up for her...except for Mr. Darcy. 

What a fun twist around of the plot!! Darn that Mr Collins...he is a snake for sure. Mr Bennet is barely hanging on for his life and you're going to try and corner poor Lizzie? What a cad. Good thing Darcy was there to intervene. 

Sure....I understand why Lizzie was mad because Darcy flat out lied and said they were already promised to each other. Yes, yes. I would be mad too, but she really held onto that anger for so long. Let it was either Collins or least you got the good one!

Wickham was certainly more wicked than normal and I loved it.

Caroline was more bitchy than normal...and it worked. She does come around (no spoiler here) and I hope she finds a man to take her on. 

Lydia and Kitty were dumber and more wicked than normal. They needed a good shake. 

And the surprise and twist had me with my mouth agape. Did NOT expect to see that coming. 

I love this narrator. I listened to her previously and she is good. She does a good job and tries to give everyone a different voice. I want to listen to more by her!

Overall, I really enjoyed this. That twist at the end got me! If you are looking for a pretty good P&P, I suggest this one. I'll give this 5 stars. 

- #47 for Audiobook Challenge

Friday, 9 October 2020

Audio: Her Christmas Cowboy by Jessica Clare

Narrated by: Abby Craden

Series: Wyoming Cowboy Series, Book 5

Length: 7 hrs and 10 mins

Release date: 10-06-20

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Contemporary romance

To review

Clare always have fun cute cowboy stories.

Here we have Caleb, a quiet, very quiet cowboy that never speaks to women. Poor man, he was more than shy, and he just fell so hard and wanted to try so much.

Amy was sweet too, but she has a difficult past that haunts her. And all she wants is to stand on her own two legs.

These two were so cute together and I wanted the best for them. Wrap it up with a holiday feeling, which is the best feeling.

Great narrator, that I have listened to before. She brings just the right feeling to the theme and voices, She is good with these cowboy one 

Caleb Watson has been crushing on elementary school teacher Amy Mckinney ever since he saw her. She's oblivious to his feelings--probably because he's never said a word to her. But when he learns Amy's going to be Mrs. Claus in the local Christmas celebration, he volunteers to be Santa so he'll finally have the chance to introduce himself. Even more than that, he'll use this opportunity to shower her with presents.

Amy's been receiving all kinds of Secret Santa gifts at work -- and she has no idea who her secret admirer is. She wishes he'd make himself known so they can go on a date, though, because being a newcomer in close-knit Painted Barrel, Wyoming, is pretty lonely. When her flaky landlord claims he's the gift's not quite the bachelor Amy had in mind. However, she's doubly shocked when gruff newcomer Caleb Watson crashes her date and insists he's really the one leaving her presents.

Amy's not sure what to think. Caleb's never indicated that he likes her, much less wants to date. Can he prove to Amy he's not just the perfect Santa to her Mrs. Claus, but the man of her dreams? 

Thursday, 8 October 2020

The woman in blue by Elly Griffiths


Paperback, 368 pages

Published March 21st 2017 by Mariner Books (first published February 4th 2016)

Series: Ruth Galloway #8



Yes! I finally got book 8! I have been waiting impatiently for it. And I immediately dove back into the world of Ruth Galloway.

This time a friend asks for her help, and DCI Nelson is investigating a murder set in the same place.

A certain revelation from the last book turned into something here, and again, yeah, these two will never happen again. And I am glad that Ruth is happy on her own with her cat and kid (though as a romantic I feel that she should get some too.)

Good as always, they are just so easy and good to read. On to book 9!

Known as England’s Nazareth, the medieval town of Little Walsingham is famous for religious apparitions. So when Ruth Galloway’s druid friend Cathbad sees a woman in a white dress and a dark blue cloak standing alone in the local cemetery one night, he takes her as a vision of the Virgin Mary. But then a woman wrapped in blue cloth is found dead the next day, and Ruth’s old friend Hilary, an Anglican priest, receives a series of hateful, threatening letters. Could these crimes be connected? When one of Hilary’s fellow female priests is murdered just before Little Walsingham’s annual Good Friday Passion Play, Ruth, Cathbad, and DCI Harry Nelson must team up to find the killer before he strikes again.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Audio: The Footman and I by Valerie Bowman

Narrated by: Christine Rendel

Series: The Footmen's Club, Book 1

Length: 8 hrs and 44 mins

Release date: 09-29-20

Publisher: Tantor Audio


Pretending to be servants to see what ladies really are like, well, not the best idea gentlemen.

Frances was nice, and sure intense in her fight for the rights of the poor. And considering that her dad gambles then soon she wont have anything either. Her mum was a usual ton lady who wanted to marry poor Frances to a boring lord.

Lucas is a new Earl, and all the mamas are circling him, so he dresses as a footman, and falls for Frances because unlike other people, she saw him, a footman.

Obviously he does not tell her, and I am not spoiling anything when you guess where the drama comes from. But I liked it, and I liked that they actually took their time.

Nice narrator too, clear voices, and she held my attention

Every fortune-hunting female in London is after the newly titled Earl of Kendall, but he’s intent on finding a wife whose heart is true. So, while drunkenly jesting with his friends in a pub one night, he has an idea—what if the ladies of the ton didn’t know he was a wealthy earl? All he has to do is pose as a servant at his friend’s summer country house party and make sure the guest list is full of beautiful, eligible debutantes. What could possibly go wrong?

Miss Frances Wharton is far more interested in fighting for the rights of the poor than in marriage, but her mother insists she attend a summer house party—and find herself a husband. Frances would rather wed a goat than the pompous man her mother has in mind, so in order to dissuade the would-be suitor, she vows to behave like a shrew. The only person she can be herself with is the kind, handsome footman she runs into at every turn. Their connection is undeniable, and the divide between them is no match for the passion they feel. But what will happen when Frances learns that the footman she adores is actually the earl she despises? In a game where everything is false, can they convince each other that their love is true?

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Tell me Something Tuesday


Originally hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings, Tell Me Something Tuesday (TMST) is a weekly feature where we talk about books, blogging, and life. Heidi is on an extended hiatus and is allowing a few us to take over the running of TMST until she decides to come back. 

Jen from That's What I'm Talking About, Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Berls from Because Reading is Better than Real Life, Roberta from Offbeat YA, and Karen from For what it's worth, got together to create the weekly topics/questions in advance. 

There is a brand new  graphic designed and donated by Michelle with Limabean Designs. Please visit her shop: Thank you Michelle!

If you are interested in participating in TMST or receiving periodic emails that list the upcoming TMST topics and questions, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM.  Participation is optional and never required.

If you are participating in TMST and want to leave your blog in the linky, please join in!

October 6th - is What is TMST?

It was Heidi who used to have TMST, but she decided to no longer host right now, so we took over. I haven't done TMST long, I always forgot, until I asked Heidi and she gave me questions in beforehand :D But hey I always end up answering them on the Sunday before anyway these days, lol.

Here we talked about books, about reading, and we will continue so; books, reading, blogging, life and everything in between. Just as it should be.


There is a linky if you want to link, or not to link. And a form if you want to know topics coming up

About Me

My photo
I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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