Tuesday, 6 April 2021



Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

If you could live anywhere in the real world, where would you move?

Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have always fascinated me. Because of the nature there, old Norman Castles and *coughs* accents ;)

I live somewhere really really flat. So I would like somewhere with more hills, and more old castles! The only castle here was torn down for reuse, damn peasants!! ;) Now the nearest is far away

And sure it would be fun to live somewhere warmer, but I would probably melt. I am used to the cold. ALso omg there would be spiders and snakes and other things there, ugh no


  1. I would love to live in a Scandinavian country for sure -- Norway, Sweden. Best places to raise a family.

  2. I think everyone knows by now that if I had the choice and the money, I'd definitely live in Switzerland. It's on my bucket list, and I talk about it all the time. I even have the hotel I'd live in until my house is ready.(lol) And yes, I love the cold.(lol) A close second is Virginia Beach, where I lived for 3 years. Hope you guys are doing well!

    1. I'd love to visit there for sure! It looks so pretty

  3. LOL I agree about the accents! I would not be a fan of the cold - I'm used to warm weather. And the bugs that come along with it :) I would love some better scenery though. I don't have really any great nature here - just a big sky.

    1. I'd love some scenery too, mountains, hills, water, just something majestic

  4. That's why I wouldn't want to live in Australia... the insects and snakes are scary!!

    1. I recently saw something, like a million spiders trying to get into a house, ugh

  5. Old castles! I love old castles! How unfortunate that the one near you was torn down. Criminals! LOL.

    1. Only the ruins after the Church is left, but sigh, no castle

  6. I need to catch up on several TMST prompts lol

    I don't know where I'd like to live. There are a lot of places but I would want to tweak them into something that probably isn't real.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Well where you live now does seem great :D

  7. Anywhere by the beach - I would love an ocean view :)

    1. If we had a tower we could see water, but alas

  8. I've been watching Dan Jones' series on British Castles and the Normans were pretty badass! I'd want to in the Pacific Northwest, like the coast of Oregon or Washington. I might someday. But dreaming? Maybe Paris or somewhere in France.

    1. One can always dream, would I move? No. Do I am jealous of a uni friend who moved to Ireland ;)

  9. Oh yes the place you chose should be fun to live in

  10. Ireland is one of my favorite places in this world.

  11. I'm a fan of hills and mountains, too. And, yes, keep it cool. I melt in heat. :)

  12. My husband is the same about cold countries. No way! Which is why we live in Portugal where it never goes beyond -5C and the summers are really deserty 😂 I'm good with both. Russia had both bitter cold winter and scorching hot summers. Scotland is very very pretty, but cold and too rainy for me. UK is the same generally. Too many grey days.


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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