Tuesday, 11 October 2022




Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

10/11/2022 How long do you give a new-to-you series to decide if you like it? 

....at worst a few pages. I will NOT suffer through book after book in case the series gets better. I do not get people who buy 5 books in a series. Nah, not me. I buy book 1, and if I do suffer through it all I will not buy book 2.

If you suck, you are gone. I do not care if you are new or not

10/18/2022 Which genre/s do you enjoy the most? 

10/25/2022 Share your favorite horror books or movies.

11/1/2022 What was/were your favourite subject/s in high school?

11/8/2022 Do you belong to any book clubs? 

11/15/2022 What activity that you've read a character doing in a book have you dreamed of trying?

11/22/2022 Tell us about your favorite books as a kid.

11/29/2022 Which books are you looking forward to reading this winter? (Dec-Feb)

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

If you are interested in participating in TMST or receiving periodic emails that list the upcoming TMST topics and questions,  please fill out this GOOGLE FORM.  Participation is optional and never required.


  1. I can go either way. It depends on what was niggling at me in the first book. If I think it's just the intro stuff being a little boring and it will get exciting after that, I'll hang on, but if its the writing style or under-developed plot/romance/characters, I'll let it go.

    1. I find that when I try and finish, well I always end up disappointed

  2. You are the queen of dnf'ing lol I cut most series years ago and I'm much better at just quitting the book or moving on.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  3. I have stopped a series after one book, but usually I don't hate a book so much that I won't try book 2. I did pre-buy all 5 of the Heartstriker books so they better not suck! LOL.

    1. OMG, I will perish if you end up hating them

  4. I will buy a whole series if the price is right but if I don't like it, I will pass it along.

    1. I just could not, mostly cos the price here is never right Even one book cuts deep

  5. Same here! I just don't have the patience or time to read a bad book.

  6. It depends on the series, if it's like an epic fantasy that's only gonna be at most 3-4 books I quit if the first book doesn't impress me. Urban fantasy series I give it 2-3 books before I throw in the towel because those typically run longer and some of my favorite UF series have taken more than the first few books to really take off.

    1. Yeah I just can't with fantasy, I want to love them from the get go!

  7. If book 1 is okay...I will suffer through for book 2. If it is TERRIBLE then I quit


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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