Monday, 19 November 2012

Review: The Oracle Glass - Judith Merkle Riley

Genevieve is a precocious girl with the remarkable power to read the future in a water glass. Left for dead by her family, she is taken in by La Voisin, who rules a secret society of witches that manipulate the rich—from tradesmen all the way up to the king himself.
Genevieve transforms herself into the mysterious Madame de Morville, rumored to be 150 years old. Driven by the spirit of revenge, Genevieve is on the verge of discovering true love when the police sniff out the secret network of poisoners and sorcerers. Genevieve races to escape the stake, unaware who will live and who will die in the wake of the King's terrible vengeance.

My thoughts:
It's a story about a girl from a good home, that is not really good. Her mother does not like her because she is deformed. So this girl transforms into the most sought after seer in Paris. What a Cinderella story. Ok not really. But she took life in her own hands and made something out of it. At a time when a woman should not be alone.

One negative thing about the book would be that it could have been shorter, like 150-100 pages shorter. Because even though it kept out the pace it still felt like it dragged a bit since it was so long. And I am unsure about the end. I can't say but, sometimes you know for sure, and sometimes you can just be 70% sure about something, mysterious, well yes ;)

A secret network of witches, poison, court intrigues at the splendid Sun Court. A world where you can tell futures and those rich enough to spend their money will believe every word you say.

Genevieve was a nice heroine, her mentor La Voisin a nice baddie without being crazy bad. She was just a big spider in a net. Then there was a tiny bit of romance, just a tiny bit late on as Genevieve became more popular.

There are real historical characters in this one, including La Voisin. And the author mixes reality and fiction in a nice blend.

Eh, does not tell me much

Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 544
Published: Nov 1st 2012 by Sourcebooks Landmark (first pub 1994)Source: For review


  1. Interesting review, I thought about picking up this book but I don't know. Books that drag usually end up in a back burner for me and I hate doing that

    1. The dragging was not that bad, it just felt like less could have been said.

  2. I'm starting this one next. Curious about the secret network of witches.

  3. It does sound like a good mix of fact and fiction which is often my favorite with Historical Fiction novels :)

    1. Fact mixed with fiction is the best :) it gets so dry otherwise

  4. I am intrigued by La Voisin (and her name means just 'neighbour', imagine that!). I would like to read this one!

    1. Oh I did not know that, I never even checked it

  5. O.o this sounds like one I would enjoy, great review and I kind of like the cover it's mysterious

    1. That it is, still since most of it takes part in the city I would have liked that feeling

  6. It sounds like a good read. Might have to check into it. Great review. I love your honesty.


  7. oooh pretty cover! i like it when there are actual historical characters in books.

  8. The description of this book certainly sounds interesting but it doesn't sound like the ending really thrilled you, which doesn't make me want to rush out to read it.

    1. I liked the end, it just..did not end. It was a HEA, but I can't know that it was one as it left in the middle of the way there

  9. I've seen this around but never read what's it about. Sounds interesting and it would be nice to read about witches. And I quite like the cover, pretty but simple.

    1. I am a just a cover snark ;) It does look good, but perhaps too simple for my taste

  10. oh it sounds nice, I like the cover. You had me with "witches, poison"

  11. Sounds good, but dragging. Oh noes. Still, it sounds interesting enough I may have to library book this one.

    1. It's not that it dragged a lot, it was more a feeling that it could have been..less

  12. Is it Friday yet?!?!?! Oh, wait, I only have to work through Wednesday this week. Woo-hoo!

  13. That it does and here we have some famous mistresses

  14. That's why I wanted to pick this book up, because La Voisin is a very interesting historical character who's done a lot of poisoning and Black Masses oh so fashionable! in Luis the XIVth Court. Thanks for your review, Blodeuedd. I think I'll still be picking it up just maybe not this year ;)

    1. I did not know anything about the poison scandal (but who am I kidding, pretty obvious they would all go after each other). And I did not know about the black masses either

  15. Her mother doesn't like her because she's deformed? Mother of Year right there. Poor thing! Love that she then becomes the most sought after seer in Paris. Take that Mom ;-)

    1. We learn at once that she was thrown at birth and later rescued by her dad. So yes her mum will not win any awards

  16. I actually like the cover. I have this book on my agenda to read. The story line intrigues me so I'm glad to hear it was an ok read for you.

  17. Great review B, thank you. I do like this, enough to put it in my never ending wishlist.

  18. Not sure this one is for me, but I am intrigued by the inclusion of historical characters.

  19. Oooohhhhh sounds rather intriguing.

  20. I quite like the sound of this one, although not sure I'm up for a chunkster right now unless it's awesome :)

  21. If a book is going to be long, there has to be a very good reason. If there isn't a good reason, I don't read it :)

    1. I guess it was long cos historical fic is long but that is not a reason

  22. I like the sounds of this one and it would be one I think I might like!


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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

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