Friday, 23 November 2012

Review: Stormlord's Exile - Glenda Larke

SHALE is finally free from his greatest enemy. But now, he is responsible for bringing life-giving rain to all the people of the Quartern. He must stretch his powers to the limit or his people will die-if they don't meet a nomad's blade first. And while Shale's own highlords and waterpriests plot against him, his Reduner brother plots his revenge. 
TERELLE is Shale's secret weapon, covertly boosting his powers with her own mystical abilities. But she is compelled by the strange magic of her people and will one day have to leave Shale's side. No one knows what waits for her across the desert, but her people gave the Quartern its first Stormlord and they may save Shale and his people once again-or lead them to their doom. 

My thoughts:
I do love trilogies, why, well cos they end! It's comforting reading a series and knowing that there will be an ending in sight. Still it's always sad when they do end.

When this book starts the country is a mess. The Reduners have been chased away but they are still out there. And yes some of them are bad, but some are good and the whole Stormlord system is so bad. All people should get water not just a chosen few.

Which brings us to the characters, Shale tries to help his people, but so many of them are freaking assholes. The whole priest class should be dumped in the ocean, freaking hate this idiots. Their whole religion is a big fat lie too. Then we have 2 scheming women that makes me want to wring their necks. Laisa and her evil evil daughter. Shale is way too nice, not just with them, but with others too. Sometimes too kind is gonna bite you in the ass. It was horrible to read at sometimes cos I just wanted to go there and kick them. Yes the best of books make me so angry at characters.

Who else then, Terelle of course, the woman Shale loves, the woman who has go back to homeland because her evil grandfather put a spell on her. She is nice and, well poor her at times. Then there is Kaneth and Ryka, aww, they turned out sweet. Shale's psycho Reduner brother and then we have the big players.

The book was not as good as the first, still it was great and it does make you think. An interesting history, an interesting country and a place where I could see more stories set in the future.

A recommended series.

Series: Watergivers #3
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 590
 Published: 2011 by Orbit
Source: Library


  1. Love trilogies. :D Curious to learn what you think of the finale.

    1. oooh for some reason I thought there was one more. >.< Geeez i'm dumb sometimes. lmao

  2. Love trilogies..mostly because there is a more and an ending..unless its by Mira Grant then I want the books to go on forever.

    1. I do love an ending, cos in the end I hate waiting years for more books

  3. I love trilogies for the same reason! :)

  4. I also love trilogies but do hate them on occasion when the series rocks so hard. Oh and "freaking assholes"? ROFL! It's not good when the people you are trying to save aren't so great... :)

    1. Oh yes this one sure made me mad at some people, but then it was a good mad. Meant I really cared for the hero

  5. It's so rare to have a short series like that, I"m not used to it lol. But I agree it's good even if it's sad.

    1. I love a short series to pieces! To pieces I tell you :) Haha I think I have been reading too many long series

  6. I know what you mean about trilogies - it is always nice to know that the story has a definite end and won't run and run! :-)

    1. So lovely! I love when a series end..oh and gets sad

  7. Whoa, some of the characters sound hard to like.

  8. Your lively reviews always make me smile. I agree, sometimes the best books have me wanting to kick some of the characters.

    1. Lol, a good author manages that with class

  9. I love trilogies too but have been burned out on getting into too many of them. Maybe now that I'm done with review books I might jump into a big trilogy!

    1. Considering I am trying to finish Robert Jordan's series now I will kiss and kiss a short trilogy

  10. I have an irresistable urge to follow all blogs with Waterhouse pictures on them. So hi. :) Nice to meet you. I found you via Carole Rae's Random Ramblings.

    Susan @ The Feather and the Rose

    1. Hi :D Yes I love Waterhouse! Such pretty pics

  11. Short trilogies are good but it is so hard to find one with the last book as good as the first one.

    1. True, and while I did love book 1, this sadly was not the case with this one. It was good, not just as good

  12. I bought book 1 of this trilogy only to realise that it is a trilogy and stopped reading because I want the third and final book published first before starting to read it because I am not good at waiting... but now after reading your review... it does not sound very encouraging... I'll have to mull over it some more before diving into this trilogy....

    1. Read book 1, at least that one is awesome. And then you will want to know what happens ;)

  13. Another recommended series? Do you know what you are doing to my TBR?

  14. Although it seems like every book is part of a series, I can say that I like the finite end. Not sure if this one is for me though.

    1. I love an ending in sight. Too many keep on going and going...and going


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