Friday 30 August 2013

Carole Reviews: Song of the River - Sue Harrison

Author: Sue Harrison 
Title: Song of the River (Storyteller Trilogy #1) 
Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance, Adventure
Pages: ebook
First Published: 1997
Where I Got It: On my shelf. Given to me by the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion

"Eighty centuries ago, in the frozen land that is now Alaska, a clubfooted male child had been left to die, when a woman named K’os rescued him. Twenty years later and no longer a child, Chakliux occupies the revered role as his tribe’s storyteller. In the neighboring village of the Near River people, where Chakliux will attempt to make peace by wedding the shaman’s daughter, a double murder occurs that sends him on a harsh, enthralling journey in search of the truth about the tragic losses his people have suffered, and into the arms of a woman he was never meant to love."

Like earlier stated, I read this for the author/publisher for my honest and unbiased opinion. 

This is the first in another series by Sue Harrison. It follows another character entirely and I was rather upset. Hahaha, I really wanted to continue with the next book of the last series I read by Harrison, but oh well.

I'll be honest...I didn't connect with the main character as much as the last one from her other book 'Mother Earth, Father Sky', but I did like him. He was brave and everything, but I just couldn't connect with him. I doubt it has to do with the fact he was a male, because I've connected with many male characters in books in the past. Meh. Oh well. I don't why. :/ Oh well, yet again. Too be honest I had a hard time connecting with anyone in this one. 

This was a little slow moving at times, but it still captured my attention. I think that has more to do with the author's voice and her writing style. I'll admit...I skimmed a wee bit here and there. It was just sooooooooooooooooooooo slow moving at times, I just wanted to move along. *hides under rock*

The research and knowledge base behind this story amazed me yet again. Sue Harrison sure did her homework before writing this! I could feel myself being sucked into time with every page and wish I was there (minus all the violence and lack of technology). Not an easy life, but a simple life it was. 

All-in-all, this was pretty good. Yes, some parts were slow and some parts I skimmed on, but I did really enjoy the ride. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Sue Harrison's voice. I will defiantly be reading more of her books in the future! I can't get enough of the worlds she makes us visit. She knows what she is talking about. I wish I could have loved this as much as her other one, but you can't win them all, eh? Out of five stars I grant this one 3 stars.

Favorite Character(s): Chakliux (even though I didn't emotionally connect with him, I thought he was a cool guy) & mama K'os (I don't really get why a lot of people didn't like her)

Not-so Favorite Character(s): None I really think off...*thinks* 


  1. Mmm. Sounds interesting. I would love to read the first book, I think, to see what is what. <3

  2. Too slow books are not for me - I am too nervous. Too fast books are not for me as well - I feel tired too soon. Eh, the joys and tribulations of a reader...

    1. It's hard work...its like relationships. haha

  3. Aw... sorry this one didn't rock for you, but a 3 isn't horrible. I don't like too slow parts, but the research does make me curious. Hm... great review!

    1. The research is amazing. But yeah. 3 is still good!

  4. The cover and title remind me a lot of the other book you reviewed by her. It certainly draws me in for some reason. I'll have to check out some of her work. Thanks Carole!

  5. Not sure if I did read this trilogy, it does not sound familiar at all. I am glad you liked it Carole.

  6. Sounds good, I skip slow moving parts as well sometimes.

    1. I really do think everyone does from time to time.

  7. I love when a book is well researched, and your flashing, sparkly star is wonderful!

    1. Me too. hahaha. Thanks! I love sparkly things.

  8. I love sparkly things. hehehe. But yeaaaah...I feel like a bad kid though.

  9. Haven't read anything by Sue Harrison but I think I might start with Mother Earth, Father Sky.



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