Friday 16 August 2013

Review: King's Dragon - Kate Elliott

King Henry still holds the crown, but his reign has long been contested by his sister Sabella, and there are many eager to flock to her banner. Internal conflict weakens Wendar's defences, drawing raiders, human and inhuman, across its borders. Terrifying portents abound and dark spirits walk the land in broad daylight.

Suddenly two innocents are thrust into the midst of the conflict: Alain, a young man granted a vision by the Lady of Battles, and Liath, a young woman with the power to change the course of history. Both must discover the truth about themselves before they can accept their fates. For in a war where sorcery, not swords, may determine the final outcome, the price of failure may be more than their own lives.

My thoughts:
By Thor's Beard!, why have I only read bad books lately?! (edit later: this review was written a month ago). I do not even know where to begin. I was so booored, but read on, skimmed, and read on. I came to the conclusion that "swears some" I will read this book. I got it, I will read it, not put it back on that darn TBR pile. So I read it, half way through I read reviews for book 7 so I could see what would happen.

It was the characters, I should have felt for Liath's plight. But I just did not. She felt whiny. I should have liked Alain but he was a wooden figure. The Eika prince seemed interesting, but Sagalant, the half elf prince whatever lost me when he lusted after Liath the second he met her. Instalove and then I was all what?

The world, yes the world was the one thing that had me bored. Sure it's fun when worlds resemble our but here it was just too much. The weird Eika, eh can you say the vikings are coming? The church, the lady and her son. The convents, priest, I do not need that much Catholicism in my fantasy. I want it to differ a bit. You are creating a world, play with it. But here it was just I shall make women strong too, a woman can claim a child came from her womb but a man can't. So let's make women bishops and shit. Yes again, I did not care. It was Christianity. The countries, the name. Too familiar. Yes I give you, there were some elves in another dimension, but hey people thought there were beings in the old days. So nothing new.

Yes this book failed on every level for me. Everything felt forced.


Paperback, 591 pages
Published 1998 by Orbit (first published 1997)
Crown of Stars #1


  1. Wow, it's a shame it just didn't work for you at all.

  2. Aw darn! I would have thought this would be up your alley.

    Btw, Thor's beard? ;D

    1. Well...ha, honestly I do not know, instead of saying Omg, I am just gonna start saying By Thor's Beard, or his shiny locks ;)

  3. Bummer about the run of bad reads you had.

    That cover - interesting use of pink. Huh.

    1. July sucked big time for me

      Haha, very pink

  4. Oh no..i would have tossed it at page one hundred..too many books in my tbr pile..sorry:(

    1. Trust me, I wanted too. But then I just got mad, I have the book and by the gods I will finish the book

  5. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one. That's a lot of pages for a book you didn't like :( That cover is pretty bright, isn't it? LOL

    1. Very bright ;)

      I know, too many pages to car about

  6. well at last it's not a book I'll buy lol, one less is always a good news.

  7. That's too bad! I don't like Instalove either. It's Instafake.

    1. So instafake. And here I did not even get it, it was not all ohhh luuust, no it was love. Everyone instaloved her

  8. Thanks! All books I am sure are soooooooooooo much better, then again anything is must be better than this

  9. Okay, skipping this one for sure. Hope you read something that will keep you chained to your reading chair for the entire book soon.

  10. Too bad! I've been seeing Kate Elliott around a lot lately, mainly the Cold Magic series and not this one though. Have you read those books or is this the only one of hers you've tried?

    1. I have read the Cold Magic books, and this series came out many many years before. So I guess she improved

  11. Instalove, poor characters and lackluster worldbuiling? Ooh no thank you! Thanks for your honest review!

  12. Ughh think I'll pass ... thanks for your honesty

  13. Uggh, I hate when that happens. You should have moved on to something better.



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