Tuesday 13 August 2013

Review: Magic Rises - Ilona Andrews

Atlanta is a city plagued by magical problems. Kate Daniels will fight to solve them—no matter the cost.

Mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate, Curran, the Beast Lord, are struggling to solve a heartbreaking crisis. Unable to control their beasts, many of the Pack’s shapeshifting children fail to survive to adulthood. While there is a medicine that can help, the secret to its making is closely guarded by the European packs, and there’s little available in Atlanta.

Kate can’t bear to watch innocents suffer, but the solution she and Curran have found threatens to be even more painful. The European shapeshifters who once outmaneuvered the Beast Lord have asked him to arbitrate a dispute—and they’ll pay him in medicine. With the young people’s survival and the Pack’s future at stake, Kate and Curran know they must accept the offer—but they have little doubt that they’re heading straight into a trap

Mass Market Paperback, 1st Edition, 327 pages: Published July 30th 2013 by Ace: Kate Daniels #6: Urban Fantasy: Own

My thoughts:
Yay, I got the book much faster than I thought I would and I started to read at once and did not want to put it down. 

There was just something about the first half of the book. I went ohhhh! at one time, and then later on I giggled. The book kept trying punches my way and I was loving it and despairing for everyone.

How to review book 6? I suck at these kind of things.

Could Kate be more kick-ass?!
Curran is awesome as always, but there were times...I was boiling inside for a reason I wont say.
Aunt D!
Saiman! Hugh...yes him too.
Roland of course. I wonder how it all will play out.
Yes the list of cool characters is long and I love them all.

There is action. Cool new monsters, revelations and the perfect setting for it all.

If you have not started this series you really should. And what a mess I made of the review, it's just that I am all !!!

Finally! Kate looks more her age and origin


  1. And yet another reviewer who is making me see that I really REALLY need to pick this series up a LOT sooner than later!!! I'm going to put it on my "MUST READ SOON" bookshelf on Goodreads! :-D So happy you enjoyed the book so much.

    1. ....you have not read it!!! Noooooo! You must read it at once. Book 1 is not awesome, but it just gets better nad better so stay with it

  2. I started it! I placed it on my to read series for next year :) I will read them ALL!

  3. WHAT!? Another one, my heart breaks, lol
    No really you should read it

  4. I liked your review. You told me that you enjoyed it without spoilage! Thanks! I do need to start this series and have been wanting to for some time now. *sigh*

    1. I could not review this one in a normal fashion. haha, it was so awesome

  5. This really is a series where its best to know as little as possible before you start each book and just get pulled along with the story! Love your review! :-)

  6. Love it - too excited to review "properly"! :)

  7. Just skimmed your review, and I can not wait to read this one...

    1. I did not really say much, I was too excited ;)

  8. Well I liked your review lol and this is yet another series that I have and haven't started ... my bad!!

  9. I like the cover. Your review makes me want to start this series :)

  10. I already have this on my Kindle but haven't read it yet. I love this series: it's one of the most reliably good I have ever read. I have the new Kelly Armstrong queued up (another reliably good author) so it'll have to wait a little longer. Darn it.

    1. I do like Armstrong but I have not read one in ages. I liked Clay and Elena and then came all the others

  11. I'm starting it! can't wait can't wait !

  12. Sometimes the books you really love are the hardest to review!

  13. It really is hard to review a book that you loved, and where you don't want to spoil anything. So, great review B, and I agree with you! Aunt B!

    1. The book was just too good for me to think clearly ;)

  14. I still doesn't have this and I hope I can fix that soon!

  15. I'm still a few books behind in this series, but I'm so happy to hear that Kate is still kicking ass in this installment (though I'm wondering what Curran did to make you mad! :D). Also, totally agree with you on this cover, absolutely love it!

    1. You must catch up!!! Best one in the series :D

      And yes the cover is just awesome

  16. This sounds like such a good series and I love that it made you giggle

  17. Hugh! *sigh* That fight, that fight! It was so HOT. I wanna go and re read it.

    1. Omg yes yes yes! damn, wow..see lost for words

  18. Haha, Oh Aunt B. And DOOLITTLE! You forgot Doolittle. *giggle* Sorry, I just finished last night. Yes, I was holding strong for Curran, but would have been nice to have a bit of info.

    And Hugh! Wow. I think I love him. *giggle*

    1. I know, we should not like him but yes I had a huge crush on him



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