Monday, 30 April 2018

Audio: The Chaos of Standing Still - Jessica Brody

Ryn has one unread text message on her phone. And it’s been there for almost a year. She hasn’t tried to read it. She can’t. She won’t. Because that one message is the last thing her best friend ever said to her before she died.

But as Ryn finds herself trapped in the Denver International Airport on New Year’s Eve thanks to a never-ending blizzard on the one-year anniversary of her best friend’s death, fate literally runs into her.

And his name is Xander.

When the two accidentally swap phones, Ryn and Xander are thrust into the chaos of an unforgettable all-night adventure, filled with charming and mysterious strangers, a secret New Year’s Eve bash, and a possible Illuminati conspiracy hidden within the Denver airport. But as the bizarre night continues, all Ryn can think about is that one unread text message. It follows her wherever she goes, because Ryn can’t get her brialliantly wild and free-spirited best friend out of her head.

Ryn can’t move on.

But tonight, for the first time ever, she’s trying. And maybe that’s a start. 

Audiobook, 11 pages
Published March 6th 2018 by Tantor Audio (first published November 28th 2017)
YA Fiction
For review

My thoughts:
At first it was good, and then it just got better and better. McFadden was a great narrator and really nailed Ryn, and her best friend Lottie. I can still hear Lottie in my head saying those words she always said.

It is a book about grief and denial. Ryn lost her best friend and it ha almost been a year. But she is not really grieving and her therapist is saying she has survivor's guilt. I felt so sorry for her. She was so lost without Lottie who had been what seemed her only friend. Because when you had Lottie there was no room for more. And she so should have grieved, but she could not. She was obsessed with her phone instead and not reading the last thing Lottie ever sent her...and she heard her voice. Yeah, she was a bit crazy. She really was stuck.

But then comes Denver and a crazy night. It is not like the boy she meets cures her. It is more that cos of all the people she meet she just finally decides to open up. But she will act a lot of crazy before that. I was afraid first that meeting a boy would cure everything, but I am glad the author stayed away from that. Only Ryn can save herself.

So yes she meets Xander. There is airport bingo, a New Year's party, and a conspiracy about the Denver airport. That omg was true. I had to take a look at the murals that they have there and what the?! I kind of started to believe it too.

It takes place during 24 intense hours and it just turns out wonderfully.

And I must say, ever since starting audio, I am finding these amazing YA books. Audio is really awesome everywhere.

Final thoughts:
A Great book with a tough subject to handle

I already said that McFadden was good and she so it. She had a great range, I knew everyone at once when I heard them. Everyone was distinct and had their own voice
She is perfect for YA 

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Carole's Sunday Review: Madam of My Heart

Author: Gini Grossenbacher
Title: Madam of My Heart (The American Madams Book 1)
Genre: Historical Fiction & Romance
Published: Feb 2017
Where I Got It: My shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher)

Baltimore, 1849. During a scandalous crisis, the young Irish Brianna Baird flees her home at Fells Point. With little cash and only a seamstress's trade, she braves the hypnotic streets of New Orleans. The tantalizing Madam DeSalle lures her to her brothel, then sells her to the dashing but questionable gambler, Edward Spina, who falls in love with her. In a tawdry alliance with these two profiteers, Brianna embarks on a journey through the French Quarter's debauched and glittering Voodoo world. Facing the horrors of slavery, she triumphs by gaining freedom papers for her maid Emma's enslaved husband and son. Brianna and Edward escape with them to San Francisco. There she becomes one of the most sought after madams in the gold rush parlor house trade. But will her fame and pluck be enough to save Edward from the Vigilante noose? This is the first book in the American Madams series.

Isn’t that cover lovely? I adore it!!

Now, the story follows Brianna on her journey through a crazy few years. Things happen and she is forced to flee her home. For some reasons, he heads to New Orleans. There she is sold to Edward who is a notorious, but charming gambler. They fall in love, of course, and they embark on a crazy journey! 

It took me a little bit to really get into the story. Not that it started slow, but I found myself struggling to connect. After a while, I got hooked and finished this in a couple of sittings. Long, but a quick read. 

I liked Edward, but I did not trust him. He seemed TOO dashing and charming for my liking. Brianna was okay. It took me a while to really grow to like her. 

The story was an interesting one for sure. Some slow moments here and there, but overall I had no idea what was going to happen next! What a crazy journey Brianna had to deal with. I am glad the romance did not hinder the story. There was a nice balance. 

The ending made me mad!!!!! I can’t say why, but *shakes fist*! I nearly cried at the end. Well done author. I was neutral in feeling the majority of the book but then BOOM! Feels. 

It is hard not to give away spoilers…

Overall, this was pretty good. Took me a while to really get hooked on the story and the main character. After a certain point, though, I was hooked! The ending had me feeling. So yes, the ending was good. If you like historical fiction with some romance. The romance doesn’t overshadow the story and that worked well. I’ll give this 3 stars. 

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Saturday Movie. Maudie

An arthritic Nova Scotia woman works as a housekeeper while she hones her skills as an artist and eventually becomes a beloved figure in the community.

Director: Aisling Walsh
Writer: Sherry White
Stars: Sally Hawkins, Ethan Hawke


My thoughts:
I do not know what to say. 

It is based on a famous Nova Scotian painter. She married this real idiot. Omg that man. OMG, he was a caveman. But then again, she gave him no choice, ok that sounds bad. But she moves in to share his house, he is being a real d*ck and caveman. And later she is all, we should marry. Omg, she played him! And he does, so she gets a man, I guess she wanted that and to have something. But still, he was such an idiot. I wished she could have fooled someone better ;)

She paints
He is a caveman.

The end.

Eh, pretty boring

Friday, 27 April 2018

Audio: One Summer Night - Caridad Pineiro

Maggie Sinclair has tried everything to save her family's business. Her options are dwindling, and she needs someone who can turn things around--fast. Problem is, the only person who can help her is trouble with a capital T. The Sinclair and Pierce families have been feuding for nearly 30 years, but that hasn't stopped Owen Pierce from noticing Maggie. And he likes what he sees--a lot. But getting involved would mean risking his family, his inheritance, and above all, his heart. Can Maggie and Owen keep their simmering attraction at bay--or will mixing business and pleasure bring nothing but heartache? 

Audio CD, 8 pages
Published February 6th 2018 (first published October 3rd 2017)
At the Shore #1
Contemporary romance
For review

My thoughts:
A sweet little book about forbidden love. Though, they were best friends in a way as kids. They always played together. Then he did not show up at the beach or stayed away. And now they are grown ups who can tell their dads to shove it. I mean come on, dads. Ha. SO yes they do not really care.

Maggie loves her work, but her dad can be a handful and does not like changes. And the business is not going well. She is so busy, so stressed, and I must say, work really played a big part in this book. At least her did. His, well he was at work, but we did not see as much as we did with her work. And her love for it really made me like her.

Owen works with his dad in rel estate. And sure he is busy too, but not as stressed as a certain Maggie. He is more stressed cos his dad is being a pain. He was a really sweet guy, normal you know.

And these two meet here and there and finally take the chance to see if there can be more. Fathers be damned.

And there is  lie that will cause drama, but it is not a lie told to her, but still she gets all angry and honestly, there drama was a bit forced. Why was she angry over it? It was not about her directly. Well it is and is not. But it is not a lie told to her. And I felt she over reacted. I am glad that it was over quickly. It is not a spoiler cos when you see it you know that is the thing that will cause drama.

Last thoughts:
Friends, the beach, and romance. What more can one want.

Narrator Veronica Worthington
I took me a while to warm up to her. I mean I liked her voice from the start, but her male and female voices sounded the same. Her female voices sounded the same. Which means that almost everyone sounded the same. 
But she was a truly good narrator that still made me enjoy it. That made me forgive the range

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Wardance - Elizabeth Vaughan

Spring returns to the Plains, and with it, the Time of the Challenges, when warrior fights warrior in a contest for rank and status. For Simus of the Hawk, now is the time to raise his challenge banner, to fight for the chance to finally become Warlord. 

But his deadliest challenge does not come from other warriors, or even the sundered Council of Elders. For on the first night of the Challenges, a mysterious and deadly pillar of white light scorches the night sky—instantly changing everything for the People of the Plains.

Now a warrior-priestess, Snowfall, stands before Simus, who dares to speak of peace, of reconciliation. Her knives are sharp, her tattoos alluring, and her cool grey eyes can look through Simus and see…everything.

Now Simus and Snowfall must solve the mystery of the pillar of white light, and protect their people from all the destruction and chaos it brings. Snowfall fights for her place beside Simus, despite resistance from friend and foe.

The warrior-priests have abused their power for many years. Can Simus face the challenge of trusting Snowfall with his honor? And perhaps . . . with his heart? 

Published April 11th 2017
Chronicles of the Warlands #5
Fantasy romance

My thoughts:
I was honestly confused at times. They kept talking about a Sacrifice and was all who?! I did not read the previous book so I checked that one. Seems it took place in Xy, so nope that was not the problem. Did some digging it seems that another trilogy oh hers explains that bit. You are supposed to read two series at the same time and in the same order. Except I read that book 7 years ago! And this book came out last year. So beware, messy series alert!

Also, I do not really remember much from previous books in this series, except that book 1 rocked ;) SO sorry Simus, I do not remember you, but you seemed nice.

I guess Snowfall was never mentioned so she is new...maybe. Also since I do not remember much I do not remember that I should hate warrior priests! You got lucky there Snowfall! I never felt anything bad against you.

Ok, but even though it felt messy and they talked about things I read 7 years ago I could still follow the main story. That is people challenging Simus for duels and him and Snowfall getting to know each other. 

Though damn, insta love much! I did NOT feel them fall in love.

Last thoughts:
BUT, I like Vaughan, so even with many many faults I still enjoyed this book and world.

Omg kickass!
But that belt is all wrong! It makes it look apocalyptic. And that belt does not even do anything on her, and considering she is fighting duels that is one stupid belt. One could just take a hold of it and take her down

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

The City of Lost Fortunes - Bryan Camp

The post–Katrina New Orleans of The City of Lost Fortunes is a place haunted by its history and by the hurricane’s destruction, a place that is hoping to survive the rebuilding of its present long enough to ensure that it has a future. Street magician Jude Dubuisson is likewise burdened by his past and by the consequences of the storm, because he has a secret: the magical ability to find lost things, a gift passed down to him by the father he has never known—a father who just happens to be more than human.

Jude has been lying low since the storm, which caused so many things to be lost that it played havoc with his magic, and he is hiding from his own power, his divine former employer, and a debt owed to the Fortune god of New Orleans. But his six-year retirement ends abruptly when the Fortune god is murdered and Jude is drawn back into the world he tried so desperately to leave behind. A world full of magic, monsters, and miracles. A world where he must find out who is responsible for the Fortune god’s death, uncover the plot that threatens the city’s soul, and discover what his talent for lost things has always been trying to show him: what it means to be his father’s son. 

Paperback, 496 pages
Published April 17th 2018 by Titan Books
Urban fantasy
For review

My thoughts:
How do I review this one without saying too much? That is always the tricky part. But I have to start somewhere, so let us start with:

New Orleans, it is just something about this city. And I can totally believe there is a magical battle going on. That the City if alive. That there are gods, loas, voodoo,  angels and more running around. A magical melting pot. It never lets you down.

Jude is lucky. and he always finds missing things. He has no idea who his father was, except that it was a god. And his mother knows magic. But Katrina changed everything. And like the City he was lost. I liked him because you can not dislike him. He is luck, he is likable. 

Other characters that show up are old friends, and new enemies, as Trickster Gods are playing games and people are dying. And he is told to solve it.

I liked how chapters began with the reader learning a bit more. About common threads throughout mythology. Vampires in different mythologies. The End of Days. Trickster Gods. Shamans. Destiny. That really was my favorite part and I would have loved to dive more into that.

But it did feel a bit too long at times and my mind started to drift. It could have been shorter. I do not have a problem with long books, but then they have to be on their game through out.

Last thoughts:
An interesting book that is both calm and ready to dance.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Audio: Time Shards - Fredsti and Fitzgerald

It’s called “the Event.” An unimaginable cataclysm in the 23rd century shatters 600 million years of
the Earth’s timeline into jumbled fragments. Our world is gone: instantly replaced by a new one made of shattered remnants of the past, present and future, all existing alongside one another in a nightmare patchwork of different time "shards"—some hundreds of miles long and others no more than a few feet across.

San Diego native Amber Richardson is stranded on a tiny fragment of 21st century Britain surrounded by a Pleistocene wilderness. She crosses paths with Cam, a young warrior of a tribe from Roman Brittania, and together they struggle to survive—only to be imprisoned by Cromwellian soldiers. One of their captives is a man who Amber calls “Merlin, and who claims to be the 23rd century scientist responsible for the Event. Together they must escape and locate Merlin’s ship before the damage to the timeline is irreparable. 

Audio CD, 9h
Published April 17th 2018 by Tantor Audio
Series: Time Shards #1
For review

My thoughts:
Time is crazy, I mean to even try to think about this. Mind blown. Time shattered. This took place in the future. And now that future is gone and everything that has been has been thrown together like a patchwork quilt. Everything else...who knows. Gone? Never existed? Tiny fragments, bigger fragments. A coffee shop from 1993. A town from 1642. A swamp from the Jurassic Era. Woven together. So you might walk down a road and you are actually walking through different eras, but now they all exist at once. Like father time took things from here and there and made a new world.

Amber attended a Con and is now stuck and has no idea what the F happened. She is a nerd (love that), she is resourceful, kind and well just wants to get the h out of here. I liked her.

We meet a few others on the way too. Cam, a Celtic warrior, who just wants to get home to his village. Poor guy, everyone he meets does not speak his language.

A scientist who says he has answers. A soldier who wants to do good. And a whole lot of Cornwellian soldiers with a zealot in their midst. I say that this new world would have been much much better without them!!! And more that I wont spoil. But think about it, not many made it, we as a race are young. A lot more came before.

Dinosaurs, pre historic monsters, there are dangers lurking everywhere.

And the book was intense! At one time I was all, I hope this will not give me nightmares! What a hellscape to be stuck in. And you can think that there was a lot of action since so much is out to get you.

Final thoughts:
A good book with one crazy new world

Aaron Shedlock
I really enjoyed his voice. He was perfect for this and he made this one guy sooo creepy. Shivers ran down my spine. In a good way.
A nice range and he kept the up the speed

Monday, 23 April 2018

Audio: Bad Bachelor - Stefanie London

If one more person mentions Bad Bachelors to Reed McMahon, someone's gonna get hurt. A PR whiz, Reed is known as an 'image fixer' but his womanizing ways have caught up with him. What he needs is a PR miracle of his own. When Reed strolls into Darcy Greer's workplace offering to help save the struggling library, she isn't buying it. The prickly Brooklynite knows Reed is exactly the kind of guy she should avoid. But the library does need his help. But as she reluctantly works with Reed, she realizes there's more to a man than his reputation. Maybe, just maybe Bad Bachelor #1 is THE one for her. 

Audio CD, 10 h
Published April 10th 2018 by Tantor Audio (first published March 6th 2018)
Bad Bachelors #1
contemporary romance
For review

My thoughts:
I was not sure I would like Reed cos of the blurbs talk of womanizing ways, but...Reed never lied to a woman. He was upfront about what he wanted. A good time. And if a woman got mad later on cos she wanted more, then give it a rest girl. He said no! 

Which is why this site in the end made me SO FREAKING MAD! Because what if it had been a site about ranking women? Oh yes all hell would break loose. What a horrible site. Women can rank men and give them reviews, and yes, what says all those reviews are right? Maybe someone is upset with their ex, a coworker, a friend. And since Reed is the worst ranked of them all, it gives him problems at work, in his personal life, you name it.

Now when I have that said. Reed is all for a good time and when he meets Darcy she does go all hell no! She does not need someone like that! Or does she. You know, back in the saddle and all.

But I really liked Reed. Underneath that tough all knowing outer shell there was an angry boy. He had so much to deal with.

And Darcy. I loved that she was just not some pretty little thing. She had piercings, tattoos, dressed like she did not give a damn.

The librarian and the PR guy. The tough girl meets the preppy boy. They are just so different, and they are totally what they both need. He needs to be grounded again, she needs to let loose again.

Final thoughts:
Fun, passion and lots and lots of banter!

Kendall Taylor
I liked her voices for everyone and she made it fun listening too. She really had me in her grip when Reed struggled with things and when Darcy went all prejudiced (made me think of pride and prejudice ;)

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Carole's Sunday Review: Ecstasy

Author: Mary Sharratt 

Title: Ecstasy
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 387
Published: April 10th 2018
Where I Got It: My shelf (Given to me by the author/publisher)

In the glittering hotbed of turn-of-the-twentieth-century Vienna, one woman’s life would define and defy an era 

Gustav Klimt gave Alma her first kiss. Gustav Mahler fell in love with her at first sight and proposed only a few weeks later. Bauhaus founder Walter Gropius abandoned all reason to pursue her. Poet and novelist Franz Werfel described her as “one of the very few magical women that exist.” But who was this woman who brought these most eminent of men to their knees? In Ecstasy, Mary Sharratt finally gives one of the most controversial and complex women of her time the center stage. 

Coming of age in the midst of a creative and cultural whirlwind, young, beautiful Alma Schindler yearns to make her mark as a composer. A brand-new era of possibility for women is dawning and she is determined to make the most of it. But Alma loses her heart to the great composer Gustav Mahler, nearly twenty years her senior. He demands that she give up her music as a condition for their marriage. Torn by her love and in awe of his genius, how will she remain true to herself and her artistic passion?

Part cautionary tale, part triumph of the feminist spirit, Ecstasy reveals the true Alma Mahler: composer, author, daughter, sister, mother, wife, lover, and muse.

I wanted to read this book because it sounded soooo good and that cover? I love it so much! So cool and unique. 

I honestly never heard of Alma before so this was a new adventure for me. Alma was a musically-inclined girl who wanted to be a composer. Things happen and she falls in love with Gustav and they get married. However, Gustav demands she has to stop writing her music and she agrees. Of course, she regrets this but loves him so she sticks around. 

Gustav wasn't a bad guy and it was hard to hate him. He was older and had old thoughts on women and marriage so what did you expect Alma? Can't blame her either is blinding so I can see how she thought it would all be alright. Drove me to insanity! I could see how bad this was going to be. Of course....I was right. 

Lots of drama. I enjoyed every second of it. I felt bad for all players involved, but it was interesting to see this couple try to make it. They love each other but they have lots of issues. I don't know how Alma could stand it. I would've lost it. Imagine if my BF demanded I stopped writing or reading before we get married. Errrrr not sure if I would do it. 

The writing was lovely and I finished this in 2 sittings and that is only because I had stupid responsibilities. ;) 

Such a good book and that cover? LOVE IT! I highly recommend it if you want some drama. Out of five, I'll stamp it with 5 stars. 

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Joint Movie Discussion: The Secret scripture

Hello everyone! This month Carole and I are reviewing, The Secret Scripture. 

I am in red and Carole in purple.

Title:  The Secret Scripture

Genre: Drama, Romance
Running Time: 1 hr and 48 mins
Rating: PG-13
Released: 2016

A woman keeps a diary of her extended stay at a mental hospital


WELL hello stranger! Been a while. Hahaha

Sorry, feeding S. Here :D I will just jump right in. You picked a great movie. Omg, we can actually discuss things here, but first

I will give spoilers, I have to. SO let us begin

It would be IMPOSSIBLE not to spoil a couple of things. SO much to discuss. FIRST. OMG!!! I cried at the end. Happy and sad tears.

I could not cry, I was too mad. Rage rage against the world!!!!!!!!

Maybe it helped that I didn’t watch the last 20 mins until a couple of hours later so I was able to cool off. But F that town. It should burn!!! Rose was such a good girl and they ruined her.

I was all wtf is your problem!?!?! That freaking priest was like stalking her and everyone gave her the eye. He had a problem. Not her fault. Oh and then, omg, I will smite thee! How could he write a letter like that?!

Ugh! That priest! Everyone had seen the scene he made and yet they still blamed her because she was “brave” and looked men in the eye. >_> WHAT! Luckily this was a movie and not a book...I would’ve thrown it. I can’t pick up the TV and throw it hahaha.

Though they sure made it real, cos we all know a Catholic priest has no faults. So it could never be his fault, it was clearly always her fault. And it made me sad and angry. He ruined her life. All those years, all her life. It broke me.

Of course they looked the other way and blamed her. Her aunt was a piece of crap too. How dare she??????????? Yes. Poor Rose. All those years. I can’t even imagine. They made her crazy in that place. The things she went through...I don’t know how she survived.

F that aunt. F her to hell! How could she sign that? But then the priest told her and he is God’s messenger on earth. Sigh. WHat a horrid place to live in. And yes it broke her and those scenes were the worst, because I knew she would spend the rest of her life there.

I loved the way they shared the story. It was well done. Even though you know that is where she ends up there is hope. You hope she gets out. I huzzahed at her attempt at escaping! So sad, so sad.

It was so hopeful when she felt better cos of her baby, but, no, I mean I knew she never got out. But yes I did hope. They kept the “suspense” up. One never knows, even when one knows.. F that priest! I can not say it enough. Now I want to cry! :/
But yes they did it so well.

I never faltered in my belief of her innocence especially when we got to see how much to loved Michael. OOOOH MICHAEL! *stifles tears* I hate that priest and that town. I liked the ending a lot and I did not expect it….but it was bittersweet for sure.

Sniff, Michael! I did not expect that, I thought perhaps the priest would do something. I am glad she found him, even if not for long. Also wtf townspeople! Going after Michael like that, I know Ireland did not want to be on any side the English were but come on! The only guy I could forgive is the guy playing Kili in The Hobbit cos he is so dang cute.

Was that the one who danced with Rose?

Yes, I know I know, but he was so cute! Not like that creepy friend of his!

Okay! I couldn’t remember which one he played. Yes. He seemed to actually like her, but when she turned him down he was all cool like a SANE PERSON. The priest had serious issues. >_>

He was obsessed! Ugh, creepy bastard.
Oh I forgot that you mentioned the end! Yes, did not see it coming.

So good. What are the chances though??? But I guess it makes sense. Michael helped I feel in some way.

Yes, what were the odds ;) But I liked it. I was all FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and that nurse was wonderful!

A part of me hoped that it was reversed and it the was the nurse. She loved Rose so much. *sniff* so beautiful.

I hoped the nurse and him would hook up, lol

Maybe there will be sequel...THE PRIEST’S RETURN! Ruins two more lives. MWUAHAHAHAHA!

Ugh, do not scare me! That man will rot in hell. But...he did do that thing.

Yes. I guess he took off a point from his huge debt of wrong. Horrible man.
What did you think of the bible part? I liked it. It was clever. I wonder how long it took them to trust her with a pen?

Well...she had her entire life so :/ But I liked it, her whole life in there. I am glad this was one of the books you mentioned. I read Barry before, I think it was a WW1 about an Irish soldier and omg so sad.

Her name does sound familiar….I might have read something in the past. I want to read this book someday. My heart can’t handle it right now though. Maybe we’ll get more details? I want to know the fate of that dang priest. I hope the dad punched him the nose when he told him the wrong he did.

The book I read was The long long way, but there is no review so it must be pre Goodreads, dang...but I remember it being good, and cos of that I have this book down as audio so it seems the library has it on audio and I wanted it one day. Maybe more details, maybe not

Mhmmm. But I just looked at Goodreads there are more books about the McNulty family. Maybe there will a story about her parents and the nurse and the guy (blanking on his name). :D

Blanking here too. Meant to check GR too but S is tearing apart books =_0

CHILD!!!! BAD!!!!! She will learn one day. But yes. I want to read the book and maybe some of the other ones in the series……..someday. My heart can’t handle revisiting that sad story.

I have down Days without end for a librarybook so maybe we should give it a go one time and see if he is still good at writing :D

Ooo let me know how it goessss.
Soooo? Anything else to add? I think we did with the spoilers.

Spoilers ahoy!
A movie that was hard to pin down. It was not like I thought it was amazing! But it was good and dealt with a harsh reality. So for that is worth it

Yes, yes. A really great watch. It will make you feel and it doesn’t shy away from the truth of the time. prepared for sadness, happiness, sadness, and FLAMING ANGER!

So much anger. Arrhhh I can not write, I have a bandaid on my finger and keep messing things up

Oh no!
Well - back to work for meeeeeee.

The end

EEEKKK! The end. Until next time!

Friday, 20 April 2018

Audio: Marry in Scandal - Anne Gracie

Shy young heiress Lady Lily Rutherford is in no hurry to marry. She dreams of true love and a real courtship. But when disaster strikes, she finds herself facing a scandal-forced marriage to her rescuer, Edward Galbraith, a well-known rake. Despite his reputation Lily is drawn to the handsome Galbraith. In the gamble of her life, she agrees to marry him, hoping to turn a convenient marriage into a love match. As heir to a title, Galbraith knows he must wed, so a convenient marriage suits him perfectly. But there is a darkness in his past, and secrets he refuses to share with his tender-hearted young bride. All Lily's efforts to get close to him fall on stony ground, and in desperation she retreats to his childhood home-the place he's avoided for nearly a decade. Must Lily reconcile herself to a marriage without love? Or will Galbraith realize that this warm-hearted, loving girl is the key to healing the wounds of his past-and his heart? 

Audio CD, 12 h
Published April 3rd 2018 by Tantor Audio
Marriage of Convenience #2
Historical romance

My thoughts:
I have never listened/read Anne Gracie before, but I truly enjoyed it. It felt different and more sweet than other historical romances. There was drama, but none of that two people butting heads and not talking. I kept waiting for it, and then was happy to see it not happening, lol.

But yes there is drama and quite the start! Lily is a young heiress who gets abducted. And the man doing it is a monster. I kept wondering if she would get out. Which I knew she would, but it was so intense! And Lily was the sweetest, she deserved happiness. And to get away from her aunt who calls her plump and pokes at her for not being able to read.

Edward is portrayed as the rake, but he really puts an effort into this marriage and I never saw him as a rake, instead more as she saw him. A hero who saved her. But a hero with secrets and trauma from the war. He had some things to work out before we could get a sweet HEA.

Last thoughts:
I enjoyed this story.

Alison Larkin
She made Lily sound so happy, no that is not right, delightful, yes that is it. And like she always had a laugh close by. 

Though her voice for the niece did sound like a 14 year old boy, but hey maybe it was meant too.

A voice filled with sweetness and it made it fun listening to.

Just no, that dress would sure cause a scandal

About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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