Tuesday, 10 April 2018


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

April 10th: Do you feel pressured to get your reviews posted in a timely manner?

Pressure and pressure. Yes and no. Obviously if I receive a book to review I want to try to actually review it on time. If I get it before it's out I read it before so I can have a review on time. If I get it after it is out I try to read it at once too. If I get it very much after it, well then there might be other books that have to go first.

The only place where I do not feel pressure is with audio reviews. I can not listen to them all in one week so yes those I listen to and the reviews will be late. NO pressure. Just life.

But I could never just leave a book there. Except well if they are dnfs ;)


  1. I don't accept as many requests anymore so the pressure is off lol

    I love Baby S's winter outfits!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  2. I feel pressure only when authors whose books I've accepted for a review set a firm date because of the release day or something. I hate it.

    1. Especially when they arrive just a few days before and I am all MOFO

  3. I do feel pressure to get my reviews in, but sometimes I end up putting off books I shouldn't have downloaded in the first place because I end up not all that excited to read them.

    Such a cute picture! Both baby and kitty are enjoying the sun! :)

    1. I can understand that, I try my best to get through them, but I am mostly lucky

  4. Not really, but I blog ahead. What does get me anxious is trying to fit all the reviews I have written onto my calendar.

    1. Ha, me too! Omg I move so many things around and my poor reviews of non-review books keeps getting pushed back

  5. No I don't think I feel pressure, if it's not possible, it's not possible

  6. I'll have to make a note of this narrator. It sounds like she made this book better just by her narration. I love the book cover too.

    1. Hmm, dunno which review you mean now, maybe AUburn? Yes she was awesome

  7. I wish I can get my hands on some audiobooks for reviews. :/


  8. I mostly read and review books that I buy for myself. They may be months old so I don't really feel pressured to review them in any time frame. The only books that I try to review around release time are the ones I get from NetGalley. But I don't request many from them because they don't have a lot in the genre (PNR) that I mostly read. I blog ahead about 2 months these days so it can sometimes be hard to fit everything where it needs to be.

    1. I am kind of happy that many pubs stopped international reviewers on NG, it did make it easier with pressure ;D

  9. I am pretty much like you. I don't review audiobooks so no pressure there and I would not be able to listen to them at the rate you do.

    1. It's cos of the almost double speed ;) I am hooked oh and not being able to read Baby s cos she wakes up =_=

  10. Aww...Baby S and kitty :) I rarely get audios for review but I have a huge stack of books to get read. Do I feel pressure? Yes. Does it really change anything? Nope.

    1. LOL. I have a huge stack of my own books now when I have less time to read them, kind of feel pressure, cos I reeeally wanna read them

  11. There was a time when I did feel pressure to review.If I am unable to review I am not stressing over it. I do what I can do.

  12. Most of the time I put the review in my schedule for the release date. I rarely don't meet that date but it's okay if I miss it :)

    1. That would have driven me insane before, I am glad I no longer feel that

  13. Sometimes I do! But over the years, I think I've gotten used to the idea that I'll never be able to review everything on time, so I've learned to let some of it go. I'll still try with certain books, but I don't feel the pressure as badly anymore.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Well you do get a LOT of books, no one can read all of those in time

  14. Gah! I forgot to type something up for this week. Boo!!!!

    But I try not to feel pressure. If it is not meant to be...it is not meant to be.

    1. It happens. I liked when I wrote all weeks before, now I write the day before

  15. I actually stay on top of my reviews better when I don't push to read for deadlines. I create a reading list and then adjust if I'd rather read a different book. I try to have the review ready near the release date, but if I miss; I miss. ;)

    1. Pushing for deadlines have mad me like books less, so yeah, not a good thing

  16. Hmm, true, no one has never done that, though some have emailed every week to ask if I am on time

  17. I like to review books in a timely manner too. I do have a few authors that require reviews to be posted review week. They are truly favorite authors, so I never have issues.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads

  18. LOVE LOVE LOVE any photos of S and L! I only put pressure on myself because I'm a scheduler. So if I fall behind on my own schedule, I get frustrated. Plus, I hate when I can't cross things off my list - so I like to get those reviews done and out the door.

    1. Arghh! Sigh, that reminds me, I have a review to write! Bad bad me, yes those times I do feel pressure


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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