Tuesday 21 April 2020


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

April 21st: What time periods are you drawn to in books?

For my romance I do love my early 19th century. That is the best time for some good ton romance.

But if I would have to choose a time, omg that is so hard. I tend to like 11th to 13 century. It is an interesting time. Because after that comes the plague and we do not need that. Then comes the Renaissance, and for me it gets good again in time for a new century. 19th.

And of course really early eras are always good too. So yes I like my early stuff.


  1. I prefer 20th century or later.

  2. I do love a good historical romance!

  3. I don't think I'm picky about what time period as long as the story is good.

  4. Time periods don't really matter to me. I read mostly contemporary but I'll read anything if the characters hook me in.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I do have favorite era, but yes all that matters is good characters

  5. I like to mix things up a bit and read a variety of time periods.

  6. I am by preference a contemporary fiction reader, but don't mind any historical fiction that is written well.

  7. I would have a hard time choosing! I like fiction about plenty of historical periods, but more important is the topic, I think :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  8. I'm on the same page as you.

  9. Prehistoric to future and hey, alternate history or parallel times are all fair game for me. I do adore a good Regency, though...

  10. The plague makes for a good setting? Interesting.

    1. No no, before the plague, when the plague comes no thanks, until the plague is over 400 years later



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