Thursday, 8 September 2022

Priest of Crowns by Peter McLean

400 pages, Paperback

First published August 4, 2022 by Jo Fletcher Books

Series: War for the Rose Throne (#4)

Format: 400 pages, Paperback

Own / fantasy

I have forgotten to write this review for days!

Dunno, it is just so sad it ended. I felt at a loss.

A lot of things have happened. Tomas went from gangster to nobleman and spy. And things are not ok. In the last book a lot blew up.

And in this one a neighboring country is still causing trouble. There is the whole spy thing and wtf is really going on.

Ok so a lot is going on, it is book 4 after all. And this is why I should not write a review a week later. My thoughts are all over the place.

But yes, I did not think the things that went down would happen. It really threw me for a loop. A very bittersweet ending. But a shocking one.

A good end to the series

Once, Tomas Piety looked after his men, body and soul, as best he could. Then those who ran his country decided his dark talents would better serve in the corridors of power. Crushed by the power of the Queen's Men and with the Skanian menace rising once more on the streets of Ellinburg, Tomas Piety is forced to turn to old friends, old debts and untrustworthy alliances.

Meanwhile in the capital city of Dannsburg, Dieter Vogel is beginning to wonder if the horror he has unleashed in the Martyr's Disciples might be getting out of control.


  1. It is hard to write a review a week after reading a book. Hope things get better for Tomas!

    1. Well last book, so poor Tomas is where he is a good place :=D

  2. It's good to be surprised. glad it ended on a high note.

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  3. I'm glad you were pleased with the end and yes note to self don't wait a week to write a review :)

    1. I am horrible, I can't write after a week, all my thoughts are gone

  4. I love this series but haven't read this one yet even though I pre-ordered it. I need to get to it soon.

  5. I didn't get into the first book so I didn't continue the series, but glad you enjoyed.


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