Wednesday 24 July 2013

Review: Dragon Blood - Patricia Briggs

As the rebellion grows against High King Jakoven, Ward, ruler of Hurog, realizes he must join with the rebels. However, Jakoven can crush his enemies with dragon's blood. The very blood that courses through Ward's veins.

My thoughts:
Ok so I started this one right after having finished book 1 and it takes place 4 years after the events in book 1. The book was not as good, but then all the things that were new and shiny then, were not new and shiny here anymore. But hey it was still a good book that I read in a day.

Ward is rebuilding Hurog and is staying away from the wicked king Jakoven. But  the king is the baddie in this one so he comes after Ward. Civil war is close to breaking out and things are not good...*music of doom*

Ward is a true hero, and then I mean hero as in the word hero. If someone is on trouble he will help them. He is the best Lord there can be. Well after they got over the Ward is not simpleton thing ;)

People are finding their way in this book. The land around Hurog is free from the curse and I kept waiting for Jakoven to get thrown down. An icky king. Icky is too sweet a word but I do not wanna give away any spoilers.

And now I want the rest of Brigg's fantasy books. I am slowly going through them all. Only 3 more now.

Mass Market Paperback, Reissue, 275 pages
Published by Ace Fantasy (first published December 31st 2002)
Hurog, #2
Fantasy Own


  1. Great review. I'm so happy that you are really enjoying this series and that you're ready to read the rest. :-) I'm excited to see how the rest of them unfold for you, especially since you were apprehensive of reading her work at first!

  2. Ward is a true hero, and then I mean hero as in the word hero.

    A four-letter word, no shit. ;p You should always be careful with them.

  3. I of course love the Mercy Thompson series but I haven't read any of her fantasy books. It's a shame this one isn't quite as good as the first, but it still sounds like a solid read!

    1. It was still good, and I always compare and that is not always good

  4. Glad to hear that you enjoyed Ward and liked Briggs as an author

  5. But what did you think of the cover?! ;)

  6. I liked her other fantasy series but I heard it wasn't that good so I didn't try this one, maybe I should.

    1. It was good, best of her fantasy so far

  7. It had to be pretty good to finish it that quickly. I'm sure you'll be through the rest in no time.

    1. This was the last. The other books are other series

  8. Sorry it didn't surpass or equal the first, but it still sounds like a good read. So need to start my Briggs books!

  9. I didn't know she wrote fantasy..I've read two books of her UF books...I fear I'll never catch up with all of her stuff.

    1. I just looked yesterday and I have read a lot by her. Mercy 7, Alpha 3, different fantasy6

  10. I am glad progress is being are starting to make me curious about this, plus it still blows my mind she writes fantasy!

    1. I do love the fact too :D I wish she would go all out for it and write a chunkster

  11. Great review Blodeuedd, you certainly make me consider reading those books soon. I have most of the ebooks, and one or two in paper.

  12. Ok, you're totally inspiring me to go on a Patricia Briggs fantasy reading binge now. :-) I love Mercy, and I'm really curious to see if I'll like her fantasy too. Great review!

    1. It sure is fun :D Too bad I have no more at home

  13. Why have I not read Patricia Briggs yet? I need to.

  14. So you have decided to keep on with this series...very cool!

    1. Well this was the last one, it was a 2 book series

  15. Not starting another series until I finish the Mercy Thompson one, no way lol



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