Thursday 25 July 2013

Review: Ten Ways to be Adored when landing a Lord - Sarah McLean

“Lord Nicholas is a paragon of manhood. And his eyes, Dear Reader! So blue!” Pearls & Pelisses, June 1823

Since being named on of London’s “Lords to Land” by a popular ladies’ magazine, Nicholas St. John has been relentlessly pursued by every matrimony-minded female in the ton. So when an opportunity to escape fashionable society presents itself, he eagerly jumps—only to land in the path of the most determined, damnably delicious woman he’s ever met!

The daughter of a titled wastrel, Lady Isabel Townsend has too many secrets and too little money. Though used to taking care of herself quite handily, her father’s recent passing has left Isabel at sea and in need of outside help to protect her young brother’s birthright. The sinfully handsome, eminently eligible Lord Nicholas could be the very salvation she seeks.

But the lady must be wary and not do anything reckless…like falling madly, passionately in love.

My thoughts:
After many so and so books, and books that were just bad I went for HR. HR books are not always so awesome that I fall off the sofa, but they are almost always sweet, cute and makes me smile. They are the perfect escapism read.

This is a series where I read book 3 first, so I did know about Georgiana. But that did not matter. What is a few secrets really? ;)

Ten ways to describe this book:

1. A heroine who is helping people, but who also needs to be helped herself (even if she is in denial)

2. A hero that everyone in London wants to wed...and me too

3. An estate with many many secrets

4. Side characters that may or may not fall in love too

5. Passion

6. A woman falling in love who does not wanna fall in love

7. A story that makes you wanna read about the other couples too

8. I am finding it hard to make it to 10

9. Cute

10. Sweet


Mass Market Paperback, 357 pages
Published October 26th 2010 by Avon
 Love By Numbers #2
Historical romance


  1. Not too keen on the cover...she looks like a harlot. XD
    But I do simply LOVE HR books myself. Sweet and cute and an easy read. Plus you simply KNOW they will end up together in the end anyways.

    1. Haha, don't they all? )

      I know :D I love that I will get a HEA. I love how easy it all is. The sweeteness. Yup they make me happy

  2. I like HR as an escape read lately too and I haven't read one in a month or so now. I'll have to keep this one in mind.

  3. I read the first book in the series and it was cute. I'm kind of hit or miss when it comes to HR. I usually hate the virgin bride/Rake trope but I love it if it's done with humor.

    1. But then if they were not virgins then they were no good. But yes many rakes around. When I finally read one about a Beta it was so cool

  4. Haha, love #8 :-) Yeah I don't love that cover either, but this story sounds pretty good, a very nice escape read. You gotta love the HEA. Glad you enjoyed this!

    1. Yeah, I thought fun! But then it was not that easy, lol

      It was just what I needed

  5. Well, this is definitely interesting
    I am not always in fr historical fiction, I need to be in mood
    But great review
    Your reader,

    1. Well it's not exactly historical fiction, it's romance

  6. What a fun way to review a book! I'm sorry you've been dealing with so many books that have left you not so satisfied! I hope this book helps you into an upswing and you find some stories that make you fall of the sofa!! :-D ;-)

    1. It was horrid! A whole week of bad ones :(

  7. oh it's nice! I need to read a book by this author

  8. WHAT? You read out of order? For shame! LOL

    Great list... I'd be all #8 if I made one. :) I like a cute book and love the escapism! Sounds like a book for me.

    1. I did no such thing!...ok I totally did ;)

  9. It is nice to have books to turn to when other books aren't doing it. This sounds like a great read and I enjoyed your review! :) Fun format.

    1. I have noticed that HR always does the trick. Cos they are sweet, and I do not use my brain ;)

  10. This sounds good. I think the cover is kind of sweet.

  11. I like your 10 things and I loved this book!

  12. Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday.

  13. Which is why I have been reading lots of HR this summer. Loved your review.

  14. Sounds cute enough, I like this genre for escapist reading.

  15. It sure is perfect for that

  16. Lol, good :) And yes do try her books

  17. I did actually read and enjoy this book B :) And I do want more of this author.

    1. I should check what else she got..oh right, I do have one more

  18. Love your list, Blodeuedd! :) I think most of her books are pretty adorable :)

  19. Your 10 list cracked me up!!

  20. Super cute review, I loved it!!

  21. Sounds like a cute, fun book. Nice review. :)



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