Monday 29 July 2013

Review: Skies of Steel - Zoe Archer

In the world of The Ether Chronicles, the Mechanical War rages on, and appearances are almost always deceiving . . .

Daphne Carlisle may be a scholar, but she's far more comfortable out in the field than lost in a stack of books. Still, when her parents are kidnapped by a notorious warlord, she knows she'll need more than quick thinking if she is to reach them in time. Daphne's only hope for getting across enemy territory is an airship powered and navigated by Mikhail Denisov, a rogue Man O' War who is as seductive as he is untrustworthy. 

Mikhail will do anything for the right price, and he's certain he has this mission—and Daphne—figured out: a simple job and a beautiful but sheltered Englishwoman. But as they traverse the skies above the Mediterranean and Arabia, Mikhail learns the fight ahead is anything but simple, and his lovely passenger is not entirely what she seems. The only thing Mikhail is certain of is their shared desire—both unexpected and dangerous.

Mass Market Paperback, 277 pages, Published November 6th 2012 by Avon Impulse (first published October 9th 2012), The Ether Chronicles #3, Steampunk romance /adventure, own

My thoughts:
I do hate writing a review 24 hours later, by then I am all meh, I felt what?

But it was a cool world. Where men could become Men O'War. Tied to their flying ship. A steampunk world that was at war. I liked this world and wanted to read more set here. Sometimes I complain that steampunk books do not have enough steam. Many puts in one mechanical clock and is all steampunk! While this blended romance and steampunk well. A steampunk should be filled with steampunk and this one was. But not too much that it got confusing. That is no fun either. So + on steampunk.

Romance then. Mikhail (did I mention that it's one of my fav Russian names?), and Daphne are very very different. But they worked together and brought in some drama that I will not spoil for you all.

All in all making it a good novel. There is romance, steampunk, an interesting world and a bit of action.

Ok this guy is supposed to be BIG. But he looks so lean


  1. I love Zoe's heroines. They;re always so independent.

    I agree with you about steampunk. I often wonder what makes a book steampunk when there is only one thing in there that would qualify it. Glad that wasn't he case here.

    1. Some books I just roll my eyes at. One thing does not steam make.

  2. I like the sound of this. I agree with steampunk needed enough steam, but not too much. I like the Mohawk on the cover.

  3. Oooo look at his hair! And his paint? Kind of looks like his shirt is painted on, but that totally works for me. I'm onboard for a steampunk romance!

    1. The paint should be his mechanical arm :)

  4. hmmm I don't know, not really sure about this one.

  5. I love when a steampunk delivers, and this world sounds SO cool. Men O War and flying ships and romance, yes please! I also really love the name Mikhail too. :-) Great review!

    1. I had to like him at once cos I do love the name :)

      And yay for good steampunk worlds

  6. Love the sound of the steampunk. Must check out this book. And even though he may not match the description in the book, I do like the cover. You should totally rock that hairstyle. ;)

    1. Ha :)
      Well it does catch my attention, but I just keep thinking that he was so big and he looks tiny..sort of

  7. I didn't know about this book or this series, it sounds nice.

    1. I have meant to read it for some time :)

  8. Not really my kind of book, but an interesting cover :)

  9. Haha, isn't it :D He sure went for cool hair

  10. Hmmm, sounds like a good one. :) And look at that hair! :D

  11. I always wanted to try this author, Blodeuedd. I think now I will :)

  12. Not sure this is one I would like but I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  13. I kinda like that cover but of course I don't know what he's suppose to look like!

  14. Meh...steampunk......
    But it does sound rather interesting.

  15. Great review B, I would like to read this series, but that covermodel is so not to my taste. Way too skinny.

    1. I know right. And he is supposed to be HUGE



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