Tuesday 30 July 2013

Review: The Wish List - Gabi Stevens

Kristin Montgomery is more than a little shocked when her aunts inform her they’re fairy godmothers. Worse, after dropping that bombshell they hand her a wand and head off on a world cruise. Now Kristin’s uncomplicated life as a CPA in San Diego has disappeared like magic and she not only has to deal with her burgeoning magical powers, but also a reluctant—and distractingly sexy—magical arbiter.

Tennyson Ritter is a historian. A scholar by choice, he is yanked from his studies to act as arbiter for the newly chosen fairy godmother. He doesn’t want to waste his time with a woman who doesn’t know anything about magic or the magical world, but soon the beguiling Kristin draws him away from his books and into her life.

But before Kristin can hone her skills and pass the tests necessary to fully claim her powers, she and Tennyson must work together to defend the world – both magical and human – against those that would claim her powers for their own.

Paperback, 384 pages, Published April 27th 2010 by Tor Books, Time of Transition #1, Paranormal romance, Own

My thoughts:
I do like this cover more than the rest of the series. This one just looks more fun, and cute.

There is magic in the world, but we do not know it. And there are also Fairy Godmothers. Though honestly, I never truly got the whole Godmother idea. They explained but I was still..eh what? Maybe it's explained more later on, or not.

Right Kristin was, oh I do not know. Honestly she felt a bit daft at times. Especially when it comes to a certain gentleman that showed up. But then Tennyson was no better. I was all, hello! She is in danger so why on earth does no one check things better?

But it was a cute little story about two people falling in love...after a while. Her discovering her powers. Meeting new people and hearing about the magical power struggle.

Magic, fairy godmothers and meddling aunts.



  1. Seems like a quick, fun read! I always enjoy books with a little magic in them:)

  2. I have it at home, I'll jave to try it one day

    1. I am trying...trying to go through my old books ;)

  3. I do wonder what will happen in the world

  4. Oh I so need to start this series. AimeeKay reviewed these on my blog a while ago and I wanted to start it then... now you! Stop ganging up on me. ;)

  5. Aww this sounds really cute! I love fun magical books that are light and easy, and this series sounds perfect for that sort of mood reading. :-)

    1. I love that too :D And I do not find it that often in pnr books

  6. Sounds like a really sweet read

  7. I think this cover looks kind of Disneyish :) It sounds like an ok read, nothing more and nothing less, so I do not think "The wish list" is going on my wishlist ;) but I did enjoy reading your review of it, B.

    1. I do like that it's very cute. But lol yes a bit Disney

  8. Nice and short review
    This is the first time I hear of this series
    Your reader,

    1. I have meant to read it for some time but so many books so little time

  9. This made me LOL: "I was all, hello! She is in danger so why on earth does no one check things better?"

  10. I do really like this cover! It sounds like a fun series to check out. Hopefully the explain the Godmother thing better...it would really stink if they didn't and then that would always a big question you had while reading.

    1. It might be that they explained it...which they did. And will leave it at that. But I wanted more

  11. This sounds like something I would like. I love books with magic and the sort although I never get to read enough of them. I'm going to check this series out though.

    1. I do think you would like it :) I will have to tell a friend about it too as I think it would fit her

  12. This sounds so cute, and like you I love the cover!

  13. this does sound cute and I like the cover.

  14. I really did enjoy this series B, I hope you will read the other two as well.

  15. I feel like I commented on here...but it seems I did not...perhaps I imagined it...lol.

    Buuuuuuuuuuut DARN THE MEDDLING AUNTS! hahaha. Gotta love them tho

    1. Haha ;) I know the feeling.

      I love meddling aunts, and meddling grandmas!

  16. If you had a hard time buying the fairy godmother thing, it probably wouldn't work for me. Glad you found it fun, though!

    1. It was just something that made me go..what?



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