Tuesday, 31 October 2017

The Bear and the Nightingale - Katherine Arden

At the edge of the Russian wilderness, winter lasts most of the year and the snowdrifts grow taller than houses. But Vasilisa doesn’t mind—she spends the winter nights huddled around the embers of a fire with her beloved siblings, listening to her nurse’s fairy tales. Above all, she loves the chilling story of Frost, the blue-eyed winter demon, who appears in the frigid night to claim unwary souls. Wise Russians fear him, her nurse says, and honor the spirits of house and yard and forest that protect their homes from evil.

After Vasilisa’s mother dies, her father goes to Moscow and brings home a new wife. Fiercely devout, city-bred, Vasilisa’s new stepmother forbids her family from honoring the household spirits. The family acquiesces, but Vasilisa is frightened, sensing that more hinges upon their rituals than anyone knows.

And indeed, crops begin to fail, evil creatures of the forest creep nearer, and misfortune stalks the village. All the while, Vasilisa’s stepmother grows ever harsher in her determination to groom her rebellious stepdaughter for either marriage or confinement in a convent.

As danger circles, Vasilisa must defy even the people she loves and call on dangerous gifts she has long concealed—this, in order to protect her family from a threat that seems to have stepped from her nurse’s most frightening tales. 

Hardcover, 328 pagesPublished January 12th 2017 by Del Rey (first published January 10th 2017)The Winternight Trilogy #1YA/fairytale/fictionLibrary
My thoughts
I enjoyed this one and yes I was surprised because hype books, aye, they often fail me. But then it is a sort of fairy tale and I love them.

Vasilisa's grandmother was a witch, or so people said. And her own mother dies giving birth to he last child. The daughter she wanted to be like her own mother. A wild girl who runs in the woods and sees things in the shadows. And I liked all those things the in shadows, all known to me, except for that the Russians have a woman drowning people and we have a man. I always liked the stories of those taking care of houses and stables, and that you should feed them to make them happy. In the story they give bread, here it would be porridge. I have always loved folklore and it is so beautifully woven in and it makes you miss those times. But then came men with crosses and called them demons and they disappeared. And it made me sad.

Right so the mythology was obviously interesting. 

I liked the story of her growing up and being destined for something. I liked her spirit.

And then came that dang priest, arghhhh, and her evil stepmum, arghhhhh. Yes a book needs baddies but everyone was so happy before those two!

'I enjoyed this tale and it does end well. But there will be more and I am happy for that. She needs more adventures, and at the same time I am happy there was no cliffie.

Not a fan, it looks so childish and this tale fits everyone

Monday, 30 October 2017

The Highlander's Princess Bride - Vanessa Kelly

The illegitimate daughter of the Prince Regent might be expected to pursue various dubious professions. Actress, perhaps, or artist’s model. Even courtesan. Victoria Knight, however, has become a governess—a respectable choice, until she travels to Scotland to meet her new charges. The younger brothers of Nicholas Kendrick, Earl of Arnprior, aren’t children at all. They’re brawny, wild Highland men. As for the Earl, he’s handsome, guarded, and far too compelling . . . especially for a woman hiding a dark secret.

Nick needs a proper teacher to transform his unmarriageable brothers—and a sensible, 
straight-laced wife for himself. Miss Knight seems to fit the bill on both counts. But he soon discovers there is more to Victoria than he thought. It’s not just her notorious origins, or the danger that’s followed her all the way to Scotland. It’s the fiery loyalty beneath that sedate façade. This, the real Victoria, is the woman Nick is starting to desire so desperately. And what an earl wants, he’ll use every seductive means to get . . .

Kindle Edition, 352 pages
Expected publication: October 31st 2017 by Zebra
The Improper Princesses #3
Historical romance

My thoughts:
Highlander, princess, yes the title pulled me in. Obviously. 

Not that Victoria is a real princess, nope. She is a bastard who has never met her father. Her mother a glorified barmaid and she herself a right proper governess. Until...yes that thing that made her leave and take a new position.

Nick has lots of brothers and they run wild. The tortured one who needs his own book. The Doc. The Sick one (oh he was lovely, so sweet!), the X. And the rapscallion twins.  They have forgotten their manners and do need a few lessons. Oh and do not forget grumpy old grandad. Haha, this castle was a a hoot. As for Nick, well he is your normal laird with a few secrets of his own.

She is sent to care for one but gets the whole clan and the hijinks that ensures. 

It was amusing at times but it also dealt with some more serious things that I can not mention, spoilers and all. And then there are these two getting closer and living happily ever after.

It did make me want to read those other two books in the same series. Seems England is filled with royal bastards.


Cover Thoughts

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Discussion: The Gentleman's guide to vice and virtue

Happy October everyone! 

This month Carole and I read and discussed "The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue".  I am  in black and Carole in orange.  

Author: Mackenzi Lee

Title: The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue (Guide #1)
Genre: Historical Romance & Adventure
Pages: ebook
First Published: June 27th 2017 
Where I Got It: Borrowed from Library

Henry “Monty” Montague was born and bred to be a gentleman, but he was never one to be tamed. The finest boarding schools in England and the constant disapproval of his father haven’t been able to curb any of his roguish passions—not for gambling halls, late nights spent with a bottle of spirits, or waking up in the arms of women or men.

But as Monty embarks on his Grand Tour of Europe, his quest for a life filled with pleasure and vice is in danger of coming to an end. Not only does his father expect him to take over the family’s estate upon his return, but Monty is also nursing an impossible crush on his best friend and traveling companion, Percy.

Still it isn’t in Monty’s nature to give up. Even with his younger sister, Felicity, in tow, he vows to make this yearlong escapade one last hedonistic hurrah and flirt with Percy from Paris to Rome. But when one of Monty’s reckless decisions turns their trip abroad into a harrowing manhunt that spans across Europe, it calls into question everything he knows, including his relationship with the boy he adores. 

*waves* Bonjour!!

Aloha! I am happy to welcome you here on this rainy day

It’s rainy there too?? It is freezing and rainy. I’m scared it will turn to ice. X_X

Ugh yes horrid weather. I froze to death when I went out with the baby. I dreamed I was in Santorini with Henry and the gang instead.

Me too! It was nice to read of warmer places and beautiful places

And on our Grand Tour we go then. What did you think of this month’s book?

I’m torn really. It wasn’t HORRIBLE, but it wasn’t amazing like I was hoping it would be. It was simply JUST okay. You?

Same. I hoped for amazing. It was good, but the last part was only ok.

Yes, yes, the last half was not so good. It started falling apart when they got to Barcelona. :/

I did tell you :/ Up until that I could stand Henry who was a drunken wastrel but then Barcelona happened and it got dull and just weird. ...weird

I could’ve handled the weird, but Henry started getting annoying and I couldn’t stand him. He needs to just be a drunk all the time. That is the only way he is tolerable. Just so whiny. Even when the whole Percy secret came out he somehow made it allllll about him. Selfish little snot who complains that he gets to have a WHOLE estate to himself.

Poor rich bastard. I will be rich. I am a Lord. Poor me! My dad wants me to be responsible! Omg get a grip of yourself man. You selfish snot! And yes he so made it all about him. Booohoo, Percy blah blah blah, ME ME ME ME ME. You are right. He was better as the drunk

Yessss gah! I was so frustrated with him. Like I said...the weird and silly parts would have been fine but HE made it worse. I kinda wish the story was told in either Felicity’s or Percy’s POV. OR I wish that Henry would have stayed a drunk and whore running around Europe making me laugh. It just lost its charm when the author tried to get deep and serious. I was expecting a light and fun adventure about a man and his companions.

True. A light adventure about a drunken idiot. But when it got deep, well he has no depth. He was a drunken whiny rich kid who needed a kick in the arse. I certainly did not like it and hell no, I would not wanna spend time with him. I was so annoyed at him when the book ended

Same, same. And that letter at the end was annoying. I mean...I’m glad they found their happiness and whatever, but yeah…

Ugh the letter! Who writes something like that? Even if you are upset? Honestly I was annoyed with everyone at the end. Even Percy. He was just spineless in a horrid way because the author never looked into his soul or whatever. He was just there to be Henry’s bestie and to have a secret. But when it was all about Henry anyway I felt like I did not know Percy. What did percy enjoy to do? I have no idea. Even Felicity had more depth.

Yessss for being the love of Henry’s life I feel like we didn’t know him very well. Normally people in love know as much as possible about that person and I felt like Percy was just there. I knew nothing about him except for his secret and that his family stinks.

At least tell us if Percy enjoys a nice carriage ride, if he likes cat, or even if he drinks coffee. Something! I felt like Henry liked Percy but did not know Percy. Maybe he just fancied his looks just like everyone liked Henry cos he was so pretty. Yes yes, we get it Henry, you are pretty.

Well...let me give some possible kuddos to the author. Maybe she wrote it like that because maybe Henry is SO selfish he wouldn’t know what Percy likes. Henry is a selfish drunk rake who is shallow as sin. Soooooo it would make sense Henry wouldn’t know things on a level like that with Percy.

Might be so...but then she did fail too because I did not like Henry. Percy I did not know. Felicity, well she had depths. She wanted things. Yes I liked her, I could be friends with her.

Yessss I agree. She gave us nothing to really attach to except for a side character. I want a story about her!

Her and those people they met in the latter latter part. Oh that would be awesome!!

Team Felicity!!

It is a series so I mean there must be more

If it is more of Henry’s POV I am not interested. LOLLL But give me some time with Percy or Felicity and I would consider it

Sorry, not sorry. No more Henry. No more Henry.

*does some research* Ooooo the next one IS in Felicity’s POV! :D It is called “The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy”.

*nods* Could be good, just as long as she does not ruin it at the end

Or have her turn into Henry and be a whiny little snot. >_>

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I do fear that.

I’ll throw a fit! I SWEAR! But yes...half of this was good and the other half...just barely okay.

I’d want a new scale of ratings you know. Some word between Ok and Good. Now I rated it good because the first part was amusing and different. I feel ok would be too low for that even if yes the second part was barely ok.

We should come up with our own scale with made up words to express our feelings better

Yes we should!

Woo!!!! So...anything else you can think of that I am forgetting to mention?

Good try, good try. Failed to deliver at the end.

*nods and tips hat* Hopefully book 2 will be better if we don’t have to deal with Henry Mcwhiner.

Hear hear! Ok your turn next. I do think I picked a good one this time *coughs* fine, a first half good one that gave us things to discuss ;)

Not a bad choice though. It was worth a read I think even with the issues at the end. Mhmmmm I hope my choice is good. LOL I’m hopeful. xD

:D Until then then!


About the Authors
Carole and Blodeuedd have been blogging a long while now. The last couple of years the epic duo have been discussing books, watching movies, and even wetting the pen and sharing their stories with the worldwide web. They both love cats, chocolate, and a good story.

Saturday, 28 October 2017

Saturday Movie Review: To walk invisible

A chronicle of the Brontë sisters' battle to overcome obstacles and publish their novels, which would become some of the greatest in the English language.

Director: Sally Wainwright
Writer: Sally Wainwright
Stars: Finn Atkins, Charlie Murphy, Chloe Pirrie |

Lenght: 2 h

Another rather slow movie, but then again, what would you expect from this? I got what I expected.

It is the story of how the 3 Bronte sisters decide to try to publish their novels. But they are women so they hide behind pen names for a better chance.

They write. Their brother is a drunk. Their father is just there. They are all different.

I do not have a lot to say, if you know about them you know they will publish, and you also know they did not publish many.

It's always sad to think of how many other books they could have written.


Friday, 27 October 2017

The right kind of Rogue - Valerie Bowman

Viscount Hart Highgate has decided to put his rakish ways behind him and finally get married. He may adore a good brandy or a high-speed carriage race, but he takes his duties as heir to the earldom seriously. Now all he has to do is find the right kind of woman to be his bride―ideally, one who’s also well-connected and well-funded. .

Meg Timmons has loved Hart, the brother of her best friend, ever since she was an awkward, blushing schoolgirl. If only she had a large dowry―or anything to her name at all. Instead, she’s from a family that’s been locked in a bitter feud with Hart’s for years. And now she’s approaching her third London season, Meg’s chances with him are slim to none

My thoughts:
This was just how I like my HR! I read it a day :D Sure the not communication thing was somewhat annoying at the end, just shout it out girl. Damn it.

Hart is a rogue, but come on, aren't they always ;) He wants to marry some sensible, nice, good ton woman with lots of money. Not that he needs it.

Meg is poor and owns 3 dresses. Sure she may be of the same class, but...yup poor as a church mouse and a spinster cos who cares about the poor girl who always wears the same dress. But she IS besties with Hart's sis, and she has been in love with him for years.

And now he needs a wife and she wants to catch him. Let's the games begin. Aye, you know how it goes, of course he will fancy her, but he needs a better wife. And of course there will be some drama at the end. But I liked that the road there was sweet and it was fun to read.

It did make me want to read the rest in the series and see if they have the same tone.

I enjoyed it :) Sweet and fun!


Kindle Edition, 300ish
Expected publication: October 31st 2017 by St. Martin's Paperbacks
Playful Brides #8
Historical romance

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Terminal Alliance - Jim Hines

The Krakau came to Earth to invite humanity into a growing alliance of sentient species. However, they happened to arrive after a mutated plague wiped out half the planet, turned the rest into shambling, near-unstoppable animals, and basically destroyed human civilization. You know—your standard apocalypse. 

The Krakau’s first impulse was to turn around and go home. (After all, it’s hard to have diplomatic relations with mindless savages who eat your diplomats.) Their second impulse was to try to fix us. Now, a century later, human beings might not be what they once were, but at least they’re no longer trying to eat everyone. Mostly. 

Marion “Mops” Adamopoulos is surprisingly bright (for a human). As a Lieutenant on the Earth Mercenary Corps Ship Pufferfish, she’s in charge of the Shipboard Hygiene and Sanitation team. When a bioweapon attack wipes out the Krakau command crew and reverts the rest of the humans to their feral state, only Mops and her team are left with their minds intact.

Escaping the attacking aliens—not to mention her shambling crewmates—is only the beginning. Sure, Mops and her team of space janitors and plumbers can clean the ship as well as anyone, but flying the damn thing is another matter. 

As they struggle to keep the Pufferfish functioning and find a cure for their crew, they stumble onto a conspiracy that could threaten the entire alliance… a conspiracy born from the truth of what happened on Earth all those years ago. 

My thoughts:
Janitors in space, why not, I have seen it before (you have to watch Space Janitors, omg, looove that show).

Humans as always effed up and are now mindless beasts. The planet is kaputt. In comes aliens, saves a few and put them to work. As mercs and as janitors. One of those janitors is Mops, smart, resilient and really good at cleaning. And suddenly she is in charge of a space ship and what the, how does one even steer this thing? Ha, perfect.

I did have issues reading it, but that was ebook issues, I can not read ebooks anymore. The baby says NO. It takes too long reading them and that makes me lament. Funny should be read fast. You hear that, read it fast to enjoy it :)

Right where was I. Alien conspiracies. Bad aliens wanting to shoot them out of the sky. Scary humans. And so many things to clean!

There is humour, there is action, but mostly there is humour, witty, sarcastic and fun.

Of course I love it

Kindle Edition, 352 pages
Expected publication: November 7th 2017 by DAW
Janitors of the Post-Apocalypse #1

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Audio Review: Axel - Grace Burrowes

Axel Belmont, though a wealthy and much-respected botanist, occasionally takes a turn serving as magistrate in his rural corner of Oxfordshire. When the owner of a neighboring estate is the victim of a homicide, Axel initially suspects the man's much younger wife, Abigail Stoneleigh, of committing the crime. But then Abby appears to be in harm's way, and Axel's investigation uncovers longstanding deceptions aimed at cheating her out of wealth and happiness. The solution to this deadly puzzle remains elusive, even as Axel captures Abby's heart and surrenders his own. Axel is a fine investigator, a devoted father, a brilliant scientist, (and an excellent kisser), but will he solve the mystery before the villain strikes again? 

Audio CD, 10 h
Expected publication: October 24th 2017 by Tantor Audio (first published January 1st 2015)
Jaded Gentlemen #3
I received this title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.

My thoughts:
When it comes to Burrowes books I do believe them when they fall in love. Because they fall slowly, and they fall for real. These are books where people talk, and hey, talk some more. No unnecessary silly drama either.

Axel is 40ish?, a widower, has 2 sons in school, loves his roses and his academic  pursuits.  He is also the magistrate. And really sweet too!

Abby is now a widow and well she blossoms during this book. I can not say more. I really grew to like her.

Her husband is murdered and Axel most solve the case. And it takes time. This is not a fast solving riddle. He puts in the legwork and grows to care for the young widow (and trust me you will be tooootally fine with this, damn that husband of hers.)

There is also a lot of food eaten, sandwiches, scones, teacakes, I got all hungry when reading.

It really is a pleasant tale. That is the perfect word, a pleasant tale that I enjoyed.

Narrator James Langton
This is my 5th Burrowes book by him and I could not have it any other way. He does it so well. So proper. Not a beat missed and a pleasant voice listening too

Monday, 23 October 2017

Would you Rather feat Jeffe Kennedy and Giveaway

Welcome! I was inspired  by this game that the characters played in the book reviewed yesterday (edit: I messed up, oops, so that would be the review I posted today, questions borrowed from the book and those questions were borrowed from elsewhere ;) so I asked Jeffe Kennedy to play along.

Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid/merman?

A reverse centaur, because horses are smarter than fish.

Would you rather have a clown only you can see that follows you everywhere and just stands silently in a corner watching you without doing or saying anything or have a real life stalker who dresses like the Easter bunny that everyone can see?

This is a seriously creepy question! If forced into an either/or, I’d take the clown since it’s harmless. Besides, I don’t have the clown-squick and since no one else would be able to see it, then no one else would be bothered.

Would you rather Fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?

I’d take the 100 duck-sized horses, because horses are actually quite timid in nature. They’re essentially prey animals and all their might is in their size. Duck-sized horses would be easy to frighten and scatter. Ducks, however, are vicious with their beaks. A horse-sized duck would be a difficult creature to beat. 

LOL, thank you Jeffe for playing along :D This was fun to read.

And now to the giveaway. You have the chance to win this awesome bundle of books.

ENDS Oct 30th
Open to everyone in the universe
Enter by leaving a comment :) 

Remember if I can not find your profile I can not find you. So leave a way to contact you in that case.

Audio Review: Irresistible you - Kate Meader

Harper Chase has just become the most powerful woman in the NHL after the death of her father Clifford Chase, maverick owner of the Chicago Rebels. But the team is a hot mess—underfunded, overweight, and close to tapping out of the league. Hell-bent on turning the luckless franchise around, Harper won’t let anything stand in her way. Not her gender, not her sisters, and especially not a veteran player with an attitude problem, a chip on his shoulder, and a smoldering gaze designed to melt her ice-compacted defenses.

Veteran center Remy “Jinx” DuPre is on the downside of a career that’s seen him win big sponsorships, fans’ hearts, and more than a few notches on his stick. Only one goal has eluded him: the Stanley Cup. Sure, he’s been labeled as the unluckiest guy in the league, but with his recent streak of good play, he knows this is his year. So why the hell is he being shunted off to a failing hockey franchise run by a ball-buster in heels? And is she seriously expecting him to lead her band of misfit losers to a coveted spot in the playoffs?

He’d have a better chance of leading Harper on a merry skate to his bed… 

Audio CD, 10 pages
Published October 17th 2017 (first published August 14th 2017) by Tantor Audio
Chicago Rebels #1
Contemporary romance
I received this title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.

My thoughts:
Oh I really enjoyed listening to this one on audio. Like really liked it. At the end I had this goofy grin on my face. Before that shocked, giggly,oh you know it, I am glad I did not meet anyone, I must have looked so silly through out this entire book.

It is just something about sports romance, and hey hockey is always good. So I dove straight into this one.

Harper has a lot to prove, to herself, to her dead father, to the world. A woman CAN run a sports franchise.  A woman is not controlled by her emotions. She was strong, yet vulnerable. Way too stubborn when it comes to love and I just liked her.

In comes Remy. The one who will save this crap team from going under. And the one that can break her reputation since he is OH so fine and those sparks will put the world on fire.

I did like the do not go there thing, it was bad news in so many ways. But they were SO good together. He was so sweet, and I melted. I must say, Pippa sure made his voice sound fine too. I totally forgot it was a woman narrating that voice.

I would love to listen to more in this series. Awesome.

Narrator Pippa Jayne
Well the credit in s many ways must certainly go to her. For me personally she brought it to another level. I needed more from these two. I needed to know how it ended. I liked her voices for both and they fitted so perfectly. I am pretty sure this one worked so much better in audio for me. Sports romance in audio rocks.

Listen to a sample

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Carole's Sunday Review: Of flame and fate - Cecy Robson

Author: Cecy Robson
Title: Of Flame and Fate (Weird Girls #8)
Genre: UF and Romance
Pages: ebook
Published: September 26th 2017
I Got It: My shelf (Amazon)

Taran Wird, who commands the power to wield fire and lightning, is an oddity in the supernatural world. But neither Taran nor her unique sisters compare to the bizarre entity known as Destiny. And Taran is assigned to protect her.

Born of two witches, Destiny is revered among the supernatural elite for her acute ability to predict the future. Her biggest prophecy involves Taran’s sister, Celia, whom Destiny decreed will bear children strong enough to take on the evil that’s rising. Yet Destiny is not alone in her predictions, or individuality.

When Johnny Fate, a rock star among humans and a male version of Destiny is discovered, his powers and Destiny’s clash, triggering the start of Destiny’s demise and altering the fate of Celia’s unborn children.

Taran, her werewolf lover Gemini, and their allies must determine if it’s Fate who will decide what will become of Celia’s children, or if their lives and the world will perish with Destiny

I was so excited when I realized I had pre-ordered this book. I totally forgot! When I opened my kindle and this started loading I squealed with joy and the moment it was done I dove in. 

Oooooooooooooooooooooooh this was good! 

And look at that cover? BEAUTIFULLLLL!

The beginning started right where the short story left off and I had to try and remember what happened previously. Once I got my footing, I couldn’t put it down. 

There really is no break for Taran and her sisters. Evil never sleeps I guess. So yes. Like normal the baddies are after the sisters, but now the baddies have their sights on some big players for the good guys. This includes Destiny who I simply adore! 

Gemini is still my favorite wolf I think, but he was annoying. Yes, yes, I get he wants to protect Taran, but I feel like he was being a little over-protective in this one. But I guess I get it after their break-up and getting back together. He is scared to lose her again. I get it…but a girl’s gotta do her part in protecting the world and her family. Taran is a tough cookie. 

Yes. This was so good. I loved Fate and his whole story. I want to learn more about the whole Destiny/Fate thing for sure. 

There were a few SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW moments that had me bored. Which happens. 

The ending was something else. I cried in happiness and laughed like a loon. Dang it for feels!

In the end, this was really good. The beginning was a little jarring because it started RIGHT after the short story and it had been a while since I read the last story. Gem needs to calm down. He did get better near the end. I highly encourage reading the past novels before diving into this one. There is a lot of backstory going on and has a HUGE part to play in the story. 

I shall stamp this with.....4 stars. 

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Saturday Movie Review: The Flowers of War

In 1937 China, during the second Sino-Japanese war, a mortician, John (Christian Bale) arrives at a Catholic church in Nanjing to prepare a priest for burial. Upon arrival he finds himself the lone adult among a group of convent girl students and prostitutes from a nearby brothel. When he finds himself in the unwanted position of protector of both groups from the horrors of the invading Japanese army, he discovers the meaning of sacrifice and honor.

Writers: Heng Liu (screenplay), Geling Yan (novel)
Stars: Christian Bale, Ni Ni, Xinyi Zhang 

Jin ling shi san chai (original title)
R | 2h 26min | Drama, History, Romance 

My thoughts:
I watched this movie and then never wrote a review, and then I wanted to write a review, so here I am, way too long afterwards.

I seem to watch Bale play drunken people a lot, oh well, he does it well. He is just there in the background because the real stars are the girls and the prostitutes. The enmity between them at first, the friendship and the respect. 

This is a hard one to review. The brutality of the Japanese soldiers and the destruction of the town is staggering. All while Bale as the priest tries to protect those within his walls and claim sanctuary since he is a Westerner. But we all know that can not last....

There is also another story woven into this, a group of Chinese soldiers trying their best to fight the Japanese. But they are not many, they do not have a lot, but they fight.

A good movie that made me cry. But then I watched it when I was pregnant and all movies made me cry then. But then I also chose sad ones.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Audio Review: The Scotsman who saved me - Hannah Howell

A brutal attack on Emily Stanton's family has left her for dead . . . until she is found in the woods by a handsome stranger with a thick brogue who vows to protect her. There's only one problem: As a woman with a noble English background, she has no business keeping company with such a man. For Scotsman Iain MacEnroy, Emily's high-tone accent is a bitter reminder of the oppressive regime he left behind. The last thing he needs is to be burdened by the needs of a beautiful, blue-eyed Englishwoman. But taking care of elegant, educated Emily begins to transform Iain in ways he never imagined. Could it be that the deep divisions from the old world no longer apply in the new-and that Iain and Emily can share a passion as lush and wild as the Scottish highlands themselves?

Audio CD, 8 h - Published September 26th 2017 by Tantor Audio - Seven Brides for Seven Scotsmen #1 - Historical romance - For review

My thoughts:
Quite the beginning with Iain and his brothers finding a burned cabin and dead bodies inside. And everyone is so calm with the violence cos sadly it could happen. But yes it starts with a bang.

Emily's sister and brother in law are dead. And what is she now to do? Well luckily she was saved by a sexy Scot who is all kind and nice and brings her to his home. Emily was a survivor and determined to succeed. She may have been gentry but those days are over. I liked her, she had a good head on those shoulders.

Iain hates the gentry since he is Scottish and they sadly kicked out a lot of Scots. But American is the land of dreams. At times I did wonder about things, in listening it comes across as weird at times, I wonder if it is like that in print. He never did ask, just always went for it, and then there are her thoughts. I guess I wanted her to be more yay kisses and more. Cos now it seemed...weird. Which it is so not meant to be. They are swept away by lust, aren't they always.

There is something more but I do not want to spoil it all. The danger that is after her. What happened to her sis and brother in law and more...danger.

And then there is getting a glimpse of all his brothers, and they all seem lovely and I hope they all find love.

Scots in America. Scots are needed everywhere. A nice romance

Narrator Justine Eyre.
I did like her voices, but a woman can never make a Scot sound as sexy as a man can...nope ;) But I still enjoyed her male and female voices. Her voice for Mrs ONeill was perfect, a totally no nonsense matron.

Listen to a sample

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Audio Review: Spells and Sorcery - S Usher Evans

You have magic.

One sentence, three words, four syllables. Enough to change my life forever. And I'm not talking about the whole spells and sorcery thing.

Lexie Carrigan thought the weirdest thing about her was she preferred watching documentaries and reading the newspaper to reality TV and Twitter. But on the eve of her fifteenth birthday, her aunt and sisters drop a bomb--she's magical.

Now the girl who never made waves is blowing up her nightstand and trying to keep from wreaking havoc on her school. When a kind stranger shows up with all the answers, Lexie hopes he'll be able to help her control her newfound powers. But Gavon may not be as kind as he seems, and soon Lexie finds out that being magical is the least weird thing about her.

My thoughts.
At first (well a long time) things did annoy me. Like why was her sister such a bitch! Trust me, such a bitch, that girl needs a slap in the face. And why couldn't they just teach her magic? And tell her things? For the love of magic tell her stuff! Also everyone So over reacted. Chill people, chill.

BUT, in the end there was a reason why they did not teach her and tell her everything. Though I still felt they could have chilled a bit and told her some. Though why her sis was a raging bitch beats me. Lexie was also really immature, I mean who starts spending time with some old man they just met? Girl, haven't you watched movies?!

Still it was light and I kept wondering why they did not spill the beans. What was up with that? What was up with the secret...I can't say? I needed answers and fast. And at the end I did want more. I am still curious how things will work out when things are out in the open. Some major twists and turns there.

I also felt it refreshing that at least in this one she did not even once think about romance! Phew.

Hmm, is it the author herself? Nothing on GR.
But she does a good job and her voice fits that of a teen who is way over her head ;) Its light and nice
I enjoyed listening to this book

Audible Audio, 7 hours
Expected publication: December 22nd 2017 by Sun's Golden Ray Publishing (first published October 4th 2016)
Lexie Carrigan Chronicles #1
YA, paranormal

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Audio: Grave Ransom - Kalayna Price

Grave witch Alex Craft is no stranger to the dead talking. She raises shades, works with ghosts, and is dating Death himself. But the dead walking? That's not supposed to happen. And yet reanimated corpses are committing crimes across Nekros City. Alex's investigation leads her deep into a web of sinister magic. When Briar Darque of the Magical Crimes Investigation Bureau gets involved, Alex finds herself with an unexpected ally of sorts. But as the dead continue to rise and wreak havoc on the living, can she get to the soul of the matter in time? 

Audio CD, 9 h
Published October 3rd 2017 by Tantor Audio (first published July 4th 2017)
Alex Craft #5
Urban fantasy
I received this title for free in exchange for an unbiased review.

My thoughts:
My memory was a bit shaky. It was 1,5 years since I read book 4. My memory was shaky in that review too as the space between book 3 and 4 was 3 years. And that is why you have reviews! I also never felt lost for a second, the author is good at that.

I used to be so Team Death, quite sad, it seemed the time between book 3 and 4 changed that, and now again it changed. He is just so distant, and he is obviously dead. Not the best boyfriend material. Sorry girlfriend but you can do better *coughs Faelan coughs*.

Alex is a grave witch, she can speak with the dead, she can raise their shades. She know things about the dead that others do not. She is also Fae and learning about her new abilities. But she is not equipped to deal with zombies or what on earth are crawling around Necro at the moment.

Luckily she has friends, a distant boyfriend *hmpf* and a pesky agent that wants her help. She may not be physically kick-ass but she can do other things. And I like that, her powers leaves her so depleted that she goes blind. Not that that is a good thing! But it makes her human *wink wink*. 

I enjoyed this adventure and I am hungry for more.

Narrator Emily Durante
I think it was a good thing there was some time between my last visit to this world. Because after 4 books in print and then suddenly one in audio, well I might have had my own idea of her voice. But like it was now, Emily's voice is Alex and she does her well, and everyone else too. Though Death did sound very grim, oh the puns keep rolling off me today.

It was also my first audio UF and I like it. It works really well.

Listen to a sample

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

TMST: Paranormal gift

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

October 17th: If you could have a paranormal gift what would it be and why?

What, only one gift!? How to choose then?

  • Ok take Wolverine, sure it would be good to heal, but to live that long. Hmm, yes books are good but still.
  • To hear thoughts would just be creepy. To stop time would be good in a way. Like take a long nap or read a book, but then when you have read that book you do need a nap and yes complicated.
  • Fly, why?
  • Telekinesis, if I am too lazy to do something, sure, but still nah
  • To see the future...noooo. What if it is scary!?

  • You know what, I am just gonna go with Hiro's gift from Heroes. He could travel through time, maybe he could also stop time? I do not remember, but I wanna time travel! Go back in time to every cool period. Do something fun and then be back to the exact time I left. Omg I could be gone for days. read book and chillax and then nothing has passed. yes

About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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