Friday, 14 June 2019

Snowspelled - Stephanie Burgis

Paperback, 166 pages
Published September 4th 2017 by Five Fathoms Press
Series: The Harwood Spellbook #1
Alternative history fantasy novella

My Thoughts
This is a novella so the end came really fast and was wrapped up in a tidy bow just like that. But eh, it works, how she came to the answer no clue.

Alternative history were there is magic and elves in England. The elves stays in their land and there is a truce, but Cassandra does come across one and it has ramifications.

Only men have magic, but Cassandra did have magic too, but not anymore, srsly, why not? What happened. Why are we not told?

Houseparty a la Austen with a mystery to solve.

It was light, delightful and fun. I will totes read more

In nineteenth-century Angland, magic is reserved for gentlemen while ladies attend to the more practical business of politics. But Cassandra Harwood has never followed the rules...

Four months ago, Cassandra Harwood was the first woman magician in Angland, and she was betrothed to the brilliant, intense love of her life.

Now Cassandra is trapped in a snowbound house party deep in the elven dales, surrounded by bickering gentleman magicians, manipulative lady politicians, her own interfering family members, and, worst of all, her infuriatingly stubborn ex-fiancé, who refuses to understand that she’s given him up for his own good.

But the greatest danger of all lies outside the manor in the falling snow, where a powerful and malevolent elf-lord lurks...and Cassandra lost all of her own magic four months ago.

To save herself, Cassandra will have to discover exactly what inner powers she still possesses – and risk everything to win a new kind of happiness.


  1. I really enjoyed this read! And the mystery of her loss of magic is revealed--I thought in this book, but maybe in the next? It has to do with pushing herself to prove herself to the world, rather than believing she was enough. Actually a really heartbreaking and brilliant plot point. Hope you enjoy the other books in the series!

    1. I have the next now! I so want to start it at once, but I need to read a few other books first, sigh, life!

  2. I guess novella length couldn't pack in all the details.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  3. It sounds like it was quite good. Glad you enjoyed it.

  4. Sounds fun, cover reminds me of a Disney movie!

  5. Oh I still need to read this. I loved her historical fantasy books from Pyr.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Ohhh I have to take a look! My memory is so bad

  6. Sounds interesting. Glad you enjoyed it even if you wanted a little more! :)

    1. When short and good you always want more

  7. This sounds light and fun. Pretty cover too.


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