Tuesday, 25 June 2019

TMST: Blogging

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

June 25th: How do you keep going when sometimes blogging feels like too much?

Yes honestly how do I do it? It feels stressful and too much a lot of the time.
There are books that need to be read.
I want to have posts up!
I need to write said reviews.
I want to visit and comment on my blogs!
Emails to write and answer.

But the thing is that I love it! (and hate it), I could not stop even though I want to, Though now I have actually relaxed a tiny bit, before I was all I need to check blogs this minute! Now I am , ok I am busy, it can wait 2 days (Sorry Karen! I used to be first on your blog *sobs* lol.)

  • So one answer is I learned to relax and let go a bit, and sometimes when life got too hard, I deleted all new posts so I had no blogs to visit. That felt wonderful!

  • And I wrote short reviews, I could still say all I wanted in them. They did not need to be an essay as long as I got my point across. So yes write short ones! They are still good. Because if you are like me then you want to write something at least, that is how I remember when it takes 3 years for me to get the next book.
  • I am not going to say do not accept too many books cos dang that is hard! I am trying that with audiobooks since I know I will be busy soon, but how to choose, how to choose?! But I will try because then the pressure will not be as big.
  • I like doing tmst because then I have something else than just reviews, and this one spring I wrote them all in advance, so that meant I had posts for 6 months! Point to self, i should do that now!
  • I also have Carole over once a week (might ask her to do twice a week, surprise Carole, I hope you say yes ;) And that helps. Because I am still so dang obsessed with having posts. Yes, I am addicted to blogging.
Ask yourself, do you still love it? If the answer is not then take a step back. I have seen SO MANY come and go, so many. This can be a love for a year, for 5 years, it does not mean you have to love it forever. You can always come back.

And as for all those emails I know we all get, I just delete most of them. I am not going to answer everyone and say no thanks. Just delete, just delete.

This is supposed to be fun! All that matters are books. Remember that, books. However you want to write about them, short, long, pics, mix it up.


  1. It is hard! I used to blog every single day and now I wonder how I did that. Cutting back really helped me stick with it.

    1. I pre schedule, and that is the only way for me

  2. hehehe. I may say yes if you ask nicely ;) ;) But girl I feel you with being busssyyyyy. That is why I bug you once in a while for an extra post here and there. I am trying to be good and at least post 5 days a week. I was so baddddd when I was in school and working. Now I just have work so I have more time. I love blogging SO much and I love this community. It's worth all the stress.

    1. I should message, lol, gods, I am lazy!

      And yes! It is worth the stress

  3. I haven't really accepted many books lately and I think I needed time to let go of the blog for a bit... hence the one post a week (although I don't always make it to everyone's blog on that day *sigh*). We all need to relax more I think. :)

    1. I am days late now aday too, and I am fine with it, phew, it took a while to be this way

  4. I blog ahead a lot. I usually have anywhere from 40 to 60 posts already done and ready to publish. Right now I have 47 posts ready to publish so that takes a lot of stress off me. I post a lot of different things to keep it fun. I do this for fun, if it stops being fun I will change what I do.

    1. WOW! Ok I do not have that many, but that must feel amazing

  5. lol Yes, I do miss your *first* comments. But your still the only person who has commented on every post for the last 5+ years :-))

    I miss everyone when I don't blog. And just commenting isn't enough for me - I like posting. Just not at the pace I was going before.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Wohoo! Well even when I went crazy deleting I did save some blogs to comment on :D

      Yes I could never just comment, I need my own stuff too

  6. Hehe delete button is good! And yes to short reviews, they do say everything. Love your thoughts.

    1. Delete is so good. Especially when you ahve been away for 3 days and there is SO much

  7. I think you've definitely got the right idea. You've changed things to make it work for you and keep it fun. I've stopped taking so many reviews and I've worked to keep my reviews shorter. I've enjoyed changing things up with tags and other fun posts that are still book related.

    1. It's nice to change things, take chances, let is be stressfree :)

  8. Haha, I guess when I feel overwhelmed I read books - which leads to more to review, so I don't know how effective that is ;)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. LOl, but that is good too, then you do have reviews

  9. You're right, this is supposed to be fun. Not worth stress. I'm addicted to also but we have to take care of ourselves mentally as well. :)


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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