Tuesday, 25 August 2020

TMST: Mistakes


Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where Rainy discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog.

September 1st: What's the biggest mistake you made as a newbie blogger? (Courtesy of Roberta@Offbeat YA)

Letting authors bully me, accepting too many books.

I am sure many of my earlier reviews should have been 1s. I still remember this book that sucked so much, ugh, but I let the author bully me cos I was intimidated. Which is why I still do this day sometimes balk at self pubbed work.

Then there was this author who kept pestering me about making the review a 5, I had to block him everywhere. But as a newbie it is hard saying no, and not being afraid.

I also accepted everything, and then I learned to accept what I actually seemed to like

Oh oh! My blog title, sigh, did not think there


  1. I totally agree, I just did a post last week about things I did wrong during the first years of my blog. I just couldn’t say no sometimes, I was always afraid I’d offend someone. Now I can happily say no!

  2. Yeah accepting everything was a mistake for me as well.
    I had once an author whu bullied me because if a comment I made on a review...

  3. It is hard saying no when you're trying to build a following but you're right to say no now and not let authors or anyone bully you!! I LOVE your blog xo

  4. Yeah, I took on too many books, too. And accepted author's requests when I shouldn't have. Oh, my earlier reviews...ack! Not that my current reviews are so wonderful. They're probably worse, lol! I just don't have the energy to give that much to them. :)

  5. Oooh I wanted to do this one! SO many mistakes in hindsight lol

    But live & learn!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  6. Oooo those authors. That is soooo wrong of them and so unethical to bully people. :/

  7. Authors behaving badly sometimes :(

  8. Yuck a bully author. The worst and to be avoided!

  9. Now I want to totally LOL... you did the wrong week and the post you did do is about making mistakes. SO PERFECT!! <3 I still take on too many books. *sigh*

  10. I was shocked the first time an author tried to talk me out of my review rating and argued with what I said, but I've toughed up since then. I've gotten better at saying no, but still need to improve on it.

  11. Ugh that makes me so mad, hearing authors take advantage of newbie bloggers, knowing they would have a hard time saying no :(

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  12. Heather
    Now I just ignore :D No time for that which I do not want

    Ugh some authors!
    Say no the books was a hard lesson to learn

    reading f
    Thank you!!

    Early reviews, ugh. I am not going back to look, lol
    We live and learn to say no :D

    U have time since I made a mistake, wrong week *headdesk*

    Books are babies! *eyeroll*

  13. Greg
    Yeah :/

    It has been a while since my last

    Omg I know right! What went wrong! LOL

    I guess no will always be hard, but at least now I know how to

    And there will always be newbies :(


About Me

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I am young Finnish woman lost in a world of books.

Publishers/authors: I am open for reviewing books so please contact me if you want your book reviewed.

Look at my review policy for more info
I review from most genres on this blog, and those genres are: fantasy,chick-lit, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, YA, historical/+romance, contemporary romance and literary fiction. + some other genres read by my guest reviewers.

Disclaimer: Books reviewed on this site are my own, if not stated otherwise. Then they were sent for free by the author, publicist or a publisher. I do not get any compensation for my reviews. I do this all for fun. google-site-verification: googlec45f9c3acb51f8cd.html
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