Tuesday 21 September 2021



Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. Weigh in and join the conversation by adding your thoughts in the comments. If you want to do your own post, grab the question and answer it on your blog. Feel free to leave your links in the comments if you are participating.

Have you ever bought a book just because you fell in love with the cover? And did such book live up to it?

No, I mean yes I have seen awesome covers, but if the blurb sucks and the reviews sucks, I will not buy it.

9/28/2021 Do you read 1 book at a time? or multiple? 


  1. I can't say that I've ever bought a book purely based upon the cover, but an eye catching cover always gets me to at least read the blurb!

    1. Yes eye catching one does make me take a closer look

  2. Same. I need to know I'm going to like the plot before I buy it.

  3. no not really i buy a book based on previous experience or nods from friends

  4. Haha! I'm cover-blind. Well, to an extent. And I'm so utterly picky with my books (and on a so tight book budget) that a pretty cover would do nothing for me anyway.

    1. Yes, picky and tight budget. Nothing willy nilly

  5. eeeee I have been sucked into buying a book because of the cover one too many times hehehe

  6. I have on occasion bought a book because of its cover but I probably read the blurb first to check!

  7. I totally have! I'm a sucker for a pretty cover! Sometimes it worked out and sometimes it didn't.

  8. Oh my gosh I've bought so many books this way!

  9. I agree. A good cover will get me to read the blurb but no more than that.

    1. It would have to be the best cover in the world...and not even then

  10. I've picked the book up and read the blurb because of the cover. But if it doesn't sound good, I won't buy it.

  11. I've been enticed to buy based on cover, but I always took a look at the blurb first so not sure if that still counts.

  12. I've definitely bought books because of the cover. I did it for Marie Brennan's Lady Trent series but in that case it turned to be a good thing :D

  13. I'll admit I get sucked into cover love. Seems I'm drawn to pretty fantasy covers most, and since that's my catnip I usually like the blurb. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

  14. Maybe in my very early days of blogging when I got caught in the hype but not really anymore.

    I may like a cover but it's not enough to make me buy it.

    Karen @For What It's Worth



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