Tuesday, 21 April 2009

White Star by Elizabeth Vaughan

White Star by Elizabeth Vaughan

White Star is the sequel to Dagger-star that came out last year. It's fantasy romance set in a world she described in an earlier trilogy.

The Lady High Priestess Evelyn is virtuous and loved. She is one of the leaders of the rebellion against the usurper who has claimed the throne. She is a healer who helps the injured and the sick.

Orrin Blackheart, the scourge of the Palins is despised and hated. He is known as an evil man who stands at his Duchess side against those who rebel. He has killed many, and he stood by his Duchess and Sorceress as she created an army of the dead. An army that plagues the countryside and claims more for their ranks.

Orrin takes Evelyn prisoner during the war and takes her to the castle at Black Hills. Here she knows what she will face, death and torture, but instead they both find something in each other that they didn't expect, passion, but can it withstand?

I liked this book, it was cute and I do love my fantasy so what better than romance and fantasy. And it had zombies, I am not a fan of zombies, they can give me nightmares. What more horrific than something that just keep coming at you. And yes these zombies keep coming. But that is jsut what this book needs.

This is then book 2, I didn't know that, and you can read the book without reading the first one. Of course where did elves come from? I did wonder about red gloves and queen Gloriana, and the obession with a lord called Josiah. Still she explained vital things in the beginning and what I wondered about I got answers to in the end, well except where those 2 elves came from.

Early in Evelyns capture Orrin learns that his Duchess is dead, and he lets Evelyn go, and negotiates a truce for his men. Then he must stand trial for the crimes he has commited. I will not say more, but their love doesn't have an easy road to take.

Evelyn seems to be a good hearted heroine, but she does have past too with darkness. There is nothing that makes me dislike her. Orrin, oh he has been wicked, truly evil, I have to like him. Because even though he has done horrific things in the past and he wants redemption, he wants to change, he wants his men to have their freedom. He is a good man who sure took the wrong way, but love makes fools of all of us. He wants her, but he don't wants to spoil her purity with his evil past and ways.

Can there be a HEA, and even if there is one, he will always be hated. They are such opposites and that shows too in how they look. Evelyn always in white with white hair. A beacon of light to his own darkness. I do want their happy ending, they both deserve to be that. And I have a soft spot for the bad guys.

I did wonder about those elves in the beginning and I do want to know more about this world, or at least see a map. That would help to build it better. But the story is more focused on romance, and wiping out those zombies. The war behind them, and politics is not focused on. If the lands are rebuilt I do not know. But in the end I don't care, I get romance and action and can be happy with that.

A third book is on its way and there we will see two characters from both previous books.


  1. Great new lay-out, Blodeuedd!

    It seems zombies are popular these days.:)

  2. fantagiro, thanks, I so love it :D
    Yes the zombies seem to be everywhere, I wonder why.

  3. Hey Blodeuedd, I started Dagger-Star last night. I like it so far :). I have the first two books in the war trilogy on their way in the mail. I can't believe I passed up on this author for so long!

  4. This sounds like an interesting read Blodeuedd. I'm not much of a fantasy reader, but enjoyed your review and thoughts!!

    The cover art for this book is beautiful!

    Warm Regards

  5. I'm starting to get more into fantasy recently and have been meaning to start this series. I'm not sure if my tbr pile can get any bigger at this point:) Glad to hear you liked it!

  6. Hi Amy,
    I did get really curious about Dagger-Star while reading this one :) Enjoy the book. And you got the war trilogy too, nice.

    it was interesting and, I can't say I have read any fantasy romance before so that was fun.
    And yes I do love the cover, too bad mine is an ARC and has none ;)

    I will always love fantasy, and it's so fun to read. Do give more a try :D

  7. I really love your new header...beautiful!

    I am not a fantasy fan, but I feel I do need to branch out and try it. ;)

  8. Thanks Missy :)
    I will always hold fantasy closest to my heart :D

  9. Hi Blodeuedd!

    I love the cover art on this book!! Dagger Star is the first book, right? I'm going to look around for it, I love a good fantasy and spice it up with a little romance, yum!!

    I love a story where the bad guy really wants to be a good guy and falls in love with someone he thinks he can't have. Gee, I mostly just love sweet bad guys.

    Dottie :)

  10. Evening Dottie :)
    The cover is sure lovely, too bad I don't have it since mine is all yellowish.
    Yup Dagger Star is the first one, Amy C is reading is so you can look for her thoughts on it :) Since I have no idea what happens it it.

    Sweet baddies are the best :)

  11. Great Review Blodeuedd!! I've heard a lot of great things about this author and I've had her War series on My Wish List forever but I don't know, when it comes to check out, I just never seem interested. I think that I'm discovering that I'm not a big fantasy fan. But I enjoyed your review and I will continue to keep this author on My Wish List.

    :) VFG

  12. Romance, action, elves...sounds like a fun read!! Loved your review!

  13. Thanks VFG,
    I did get interested cos have no idea what that all is about.
    You can always wait for more reviews if you just don't know, Cos even if it was good, it wasn't mindblowing or something., and I do am a fantasy fan :)

    Thanks Staci :) Sadly not much about the elves there. But yes on everything else

  14. This sounds great and what an awesome cover. Zombies kind of freak me out too-lol.

  15. Dar,
    Oh yes zombies and robots are what my nightmares are made of, lol.

  16. Not sure this is my cup of tea, but the cover is striking.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  17. Anna,
    It is isn't it :)
    It seems I like fantasy mixed with romance, very good to know


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